Michael Hsu's proposal gets voted down 9-3 by Board of Regents


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Nov 4, 2017
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University of Minnesota Regents squash resolution calling for quickest possible Big Ten sports restart

University of Minnesota regents on Friday voted 9-3 against a resolution to formally support proceeding with Big Ten fall sports at the “earliest logistically possible date.”

The resolution, proposed by Regent Michael Hsu, met heavy resistance largely along procedural lines with several regents saying they didn’t have time to review it.

“I did not know this resolution was coming,” U Board chairman Ken Powell told his fellow regents. “I can’t really follow it. To me, it’s just not good governance to move forward in that way.”

I will sign/vote whatever is needed, in order to get Michael Hsu kicked off the BOR.

He has absolutely no business being there. He is nothing but an instigator, and clearly does not have the University of Minnesota's best interests in mind.

I call for his resignation, or his recall/impeachment (or whatever mechanism exists in the law).

I will sign/vote whatever is needed, in order to get Michael Hsu kicked off the BOR.

He has absolutely no business being there. He is nothing but an instigator, and clearly does not have the University of Minnesota's best interests in mind.

I call for his resignation, or his recall/impeachment (or whatever mechanism exists in the law).
Term expires in 2021. Perhaps he won't get reappointed. Started his 6 year term in 2015.

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