Meanwhile in Cedar Falls

From the Barn

Active member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Iowa gets shelled by 20

Fran gets the boot and is escorted off the court by a rent a cop.

Good times.


From the Barn said:
Iowa gets shelled by 20

Fran gets the boot and is escorted off the court by a rent a cop.

Good times.

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Iowa board melting down about the referees and playing "little brother". When is the last time Iowa beat Iowa State, UNI, or Minnesota in basketball or football?

Ben Jacobson is doing a very nice job at Northern Iowa and I imagine he'll be a hot commodity for a high major job soon if he chooses to go that path.

Former Gopher Ben Johnson is also on his staff.

Go Gophers!!

BleedGopher said:
Ben Jacobson is doing a very nice job at Northern Iowa and I imagine he'll be a hot commodity for a high major job soon if he chooses to go that path.

Former Gopher Ben Johnson is also on his staff.

Go Gophers!!

I could see him ending up in Minnesota at some point in his career.

I could see him ending up in Minnesota at some point in his career.

I read once (I think it was on Gopherhole but could be wrong) that Minnesota is one of the schools he can go to and get out of his contract without any problems or any buyout.

The crazy thing is, Iowa shot over 50% from the field. But making 1 of 12 from 3-point land and 3-9 at the FT line doesn't help.

I doubt the game was well officiated, but you can not reasonably blame the refs for costing your team the game if you lose by 20. One or two? Go ahead. Absolutely horrible officiating, I could see costing a team 10 points. Twenty is your own fault.

Fran has already mastered both the Ricky Byrdsong aloofness and the Herman Cain denial of reality. Shocking

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After, he refused to address his issues with the refereeing except to muse pointedly when it was pointed out that the Panthers made 20 more free throws (29) than the Hawkeyes attempted:
"Really? I didn’t notice that," he said, then pretended to stare at the box score in front of him. "What was that? What was the question again? How about that? Interesting statistic."|head

Iowa board melting down about the referees and playing "little brother". When is the last time Iowa beat Iowa State, UNI, or Minnesota in basketball or football?

nice........i see what you have done here. ;-)

Wow, Fran does not appear to be a great speaker. He just kept indirectly taking shots at the refs. He also complimented his team's heart and work ethic about 5 times when they loss to UNI by 20...

It looked to me that Fran was trying to be careful to not directly rip the officials in order to avoid this becoming a bad night and a really, really expensive night after getting fined.

Looked like a lot of coaches after they get shelled.

It looked to me that Fran was trying to be careful to not directly rip the officials in order to avoid this becoming a bad night and a really, really expensive night after getting fined.

Looked like a lot of coaches after they get shelled.


Fran was being clever asking the reporter to repeat the question about the foul shots.
Looked like he was trying hard not to blow up again.

This guy is holding it all in. He needs to go spend some time on a heavy bag or something to let it all out.

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