McNeal to Clemson, Carter to West Virginia

No surprise from McNeal and we knew it was possible with Carter!

We Don't Know if It's True, Yet

I prefer to wait until the kids themselves commit. This prediction from ESPN may be true, and if it is then I'll wish the two kids the best of luck and start looking for the guys Brew & Co. bring in instead.

This recruiting class is already very good. McNeal and Carter would have made it even better, but not getting them doesn't mean the class is a failure by any means (I really wanted McNeal, but I'll get over it if he goes somewhere else).

I'm going to stay optimistic, regardless of what happens this weekend at the all-star games.

It sure would be disrespectful to the players announcing during the game to have their announcements broadcast on ESPN beforehand. That said, these are likely just predictions. We'll find out shortly.

It sure would be disrespectful to the players announcing during the game to have their announcements broadcast on ESPN beforehand.

Agreed. Whether they know or not, they should just let the kids make their own announcements. :mad:

I'm just wainting and wanting one of these kids to actually commit elsewhere and screw this article

I don't think we'll get either of them when it's all said and done. I just heard on the game that McNeal is the last kid scheduled to announce during the game.

McNeal last commit of the day.

According to announcers if anyone tuning in late missed it.

Well, so much for that :mad::(

Nevertheless, we still have a pretty good class imo.

Looks to be accurate

They just nailed the last two commitments, which they posted way before the actual commitment on TV.

This is a sad day.....good thing the BB team took care of business!

Still holding small hope

If McNeal is the last commit and it will likely come toward the end or after the game, maybe him and Carter announce together. I believe they are on separate sidelines during the game.

ya they are right on the money so far. wtf did they call every one of these kids last night and each one of them said ok I'll tell ya? ESPN prob paid for it! I'm kidding!

I dont know why I'm so miffed by this, I have been telling myself for 2 weeks Bryce isnt coming here...maybe its cuz I have thought for sure that Carter was coming here and this screws this all up. Carter looks to me to be the best physical corner that the gophers would have had in decades not just years

According to Zach, Carter sent him a text message with his college choice, but Zach would not tell anyone. Doggie said to Zach then he must have committed to the U otherwise he would have sent a text to WV. and Zach to did not dispute it. Take it for what it is worth!

According to Zach, Carter sent him a text message with his college choice, but Zach would not tell anyone. Doggie said to Zach then he must have committed to the U otherwise he would have sent a text to WV. and Zach to did not dispute it. Take it for what it is worth!

thanks for the ray of hope!!! Maybe he sent a text to us and called with a silent verbal to WV?? hope not

According to Zach, Carter sent him a text message with his college choice, but Zach would not tell anyone. Doggie said to Zach then he must have committed to the U otherwise he would have sent a text to WV. and Zach to did not dispute it. Take it for what it is worth!

I could read that either way since McNeal gave Gopher lady an interview as well and it is on hold until the announcement!

I guess now I can say I wasn't too impressed with that video I saw of him yesterday, he was holding on every one of them. Good luck to him nonetheless. Next.

The typical trashing of a player once he commits elsewhere.

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