McDonald Senior Year Highlights - Get Excited

Holy Jesus Martha - Hopefully we can teach the kid some other routes besides the fade and the jailbreak screen. That Hopkins offense must have been a defensive coordinator's nightmare to prepare for with its two completely different plays and all.

Hopkins had a pretty decent offense. They put up 27 points a game in a really tough conference (and pretty tough non-conference). It looks a little simple, but they ran more than two routes.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it comes to play there. It seemed pretty successful.

Epic theme music too.

I'm more concerned with what he does after the catch rather than the play. Great ability to make people miss and shake off tacklers.

Holy Jesus Martha - Hopefully we can teach the kid some other routes besides the fade and the jailbreak screen. That Hopkins offense must have been a defensive coordinator's nightmare to prepare for with its two completely different plays and all.

Let's see. Can go high or low for ball. Check. Can catch in a crowd. Check. Can catch in triple coverage. Check. Can move quickly laterally. Check. Aware of defenders. Check. Breakaway speed. Check. Has a nose for the endzone. Check. Can return kicks. Check. Can play wildcat. Check.

Must be an offense designed around him...

Let's see. Can go high or low for ball. Check. Can catch in a crowd. Check. Can catch in triple coverage. Check. Can move quickly laterally. Check. Aware of defenders. Check. Breakaway speed. Check. Has a nose for the endzone. Check. Can return kicks. Check. Can play wildcat. Check.

Must be an offense designed around him...

When did I ever say he sucks?

It actually is probably a credit to him that he was so successful despite his team running the same plays over and over.

Eden Prairie also runs about 3 offensive plays too, and it seems to work out for them OK. It's just a big step between those type of offenses and the amount of what you have to learn in the college game.

Not Over-Celebrating?

Let's see. Can go high or low for ball. Check. Can catch in a crowd. Check. Can catch in triple coverage. Check. Can move quickly laterally. Check. Aware of defenders. Check. Breakaway speed. Check. Has a nose for the endzone. Check. Can return kicks. Check. Can play wildcat. Check.

Must be an offense designed around him...

Always RESPECTFULLY pitches the ball back to the official after scoring and does not take a stupid "celebration" penalty. Check!

It actually is probably a credit to him that he was so successful despite his team running the same plays over and over.

I'm glad you mentioned this. That's exactly how I view the situation as well.

Always RESPECTFULLY pitches the ball back to the official after scoring and does not take a stupid "celebration" penalty. Check!
When I was watching the video I wasn't sure if that is some new HS rule or if he was just very respectful. That is the stuff Coach Kill likes and it's those little things that turn these boys to men. I am so excited for this year and the years ahead under Coach Kill. He is exactly what this program needed.

Holy Jesus Martha - Hopefully we can teach the kid some other routes besides the fade and the jailbreak screen. That Hopkins offense must have been a defensive coordinator's nightmare to prepare for with its two completely different plays and all.

It is called running an offensive system!! They have an identity and they stick with what works, they can run it with out making mistakes!!!! So, why change it!!

When I was watching the video I wasn't sure if that is some new HS rule or if he was just very respectful. That is the stuff Coach Kill likes and it's those little things that turn these boys to men. I am so excited for this year and the years ahead under Coach Kill. He is exactly what this program needed.
It is a rule in HS.

When did I ever say he sucks?

It actually is probably a credit to him that he was so successful despite his team running the same plays over and over.

Eden Prairie also runs about 3 offensive plays too, and it seems to work out for them OK. It's just a big step between those type of offenses and the amount of what you have to learn in the college game.

It's better than White Bear's system.

1st Down - fullback up the middle out of the wishbone.
2nd Down - option left out of the wishbone.
3rd Down - option right out of the wishbone.
Repeat for four quarters and forget about ever seeing a pass thrown.

It's better than White Bear's system.

1st Down - fullback up the middle out of the wishbone.
2nd Down - option left out of the wishbone.
3rd Down - option right out of the wishbone.
Repeat for four quarters and forget about ever seeing a pass thrown.

Not much different than EP or SSP this past season.

High school offenses are generally predictable. I could predict every play of the game for my high school team. Well except when our QB went down in the championship game. Then it was a bit more unpredictable. We even had a RB pass!

It's also a situation where if you look at Hopkins and you look at who they are playing, you realize that they are forced to run real quick plays. Hopkins didn't have the talent (outside of McDonald) to expect their QB to sit in the pocket and make a lot of difficult throws. The fade and the WR screen are plays that teams with less talent (and one dynamic WR) are going to run over and over again. I actually didn't notice anything overly repetitive about their offense.

You have to keep in mind that these are Andre McDonald highlights, so you're not going to see a lot of runs, and you're going to see a lot of plays that get him the ball in the most dynamic position.

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