McBrayer vs. Rutgers


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Nov 22, 2008
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I saw something at the end of the Rutgers win that gave me a bad feeling about McBrayer. I knew nothing about him really and certainly was not expecting the debacle which shortly unfolded but in the final minute, the Gophers had two walk-ons on the floor. Imagine how excited they were to be in a Big 10 game, albeit a blow-out vs. a winless opponent. One even scored on a lay-up. With 30 seconds left, McBrayer dribbled aimlessly for 25 seconds before taking a trey. He made it, which was nice, I guess, but I kept thinking about his selfishness with regard to the walk-ons. Yes, you could say he was a 19 year-old caught up in the moment but I have seen this same scenario played out more gracefully many times on the high school level. I didn't like what I saw and it kind of nagged at me as I walked out of Williams.

I saw something at the end of the Rutgers win that gave me a bad feeling about McBrayer. I knew nothing about him really and certainly was not expecting the debacle which shortly unfolded but in the final minute, the Gophers had two walk-ons on the floor. Imagine how excited they were to be in a Big 10 game, albeit a blow-out vs. a winless opponent. One even scored on a lay-up. With 30 seconds left, McBrayer dribbled aimlessly for 25 seconds before taking a trey. He made it, which was nice, I guess, but I kept thinking about his selfishness with regard to the walk-ons. Yes, you could say he was a 19 year-old caught up in the moment but I have seen this same scenario played out more gracefully many times on the high school level. I didn't like what I saw and it kind of nagged at me as I walked out of Williams.

He was supposed to hold the ball for a shot. There was like 5 seconds separation from the game and shot clock. If he did anything differently, he should've just dribbled the ball and took the shot clock violation.

All the negative stuff with the program and you come up with this? A freshman shoots the ball so what. As to selfish he is one of our best passers on the team. That nagged you? Unbelievable are you kidding me?

I get what Nomellini is saying. A lot of HS teams have a kid who sits on the end of the bench and never gets to play. But, on rare occasions when the team is way ahead or way behind, that kid gets in the game - and his teammates try to get him the ball so he can have a chance to get his name in the scorebook. And, when that kid actually makes a basket, the fans go nuts. It's a way to reward the kid for his effort in showing up every day for practice and being a good teammate.

Nomellini is saying that it would have been nice to see the Gophers try and do the same thing for the walk-on players - in a game that was out of reach.

Thank you, Ornery Norwegian. I am sorry, Gold Vision and Blackhammer, that my point was lost on you. I was a miserable high school player who lived for practice and rare garbage time opportunities. That is the lens through which I saw what McBrayer did. McBrayer missed a chance to be a good teammate and exhibit some class. He may not get any other opportunities to do either as a Gopher.

Thank you, Ornery Norwegian. I am sorry, Gold Vision and Blackhammer, that my point was lost on you. I was a miserable high school player who lived for practice and rare garbage time opportunities. That is the lens through which I saw what McBrayer did. McBrayer missed a chance to be a good teammate and exhibit some class. He may not get any other opportunities to do either as a Gopher.

Would you have posted this if those videos weren't posted to Dorsey's account? Or are you exhibiting confirmation bias?

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Thank you, Ornery Norwegian. I am sorry, Gold Vision and Blackhammer, that my point was lost on you. I was a miserable high school player who lived for practice and rare garbage time opportunities. That is the lens through which I saw what McBrayer did. McBrayer missed a chance to be a good teammate and exhibit some class. He may not get any other opportunities to do either as a Gopher.
Your point wasn't lost on anyone. I thought briefly about it at the time - McB. had to either take the long shot or take the shot clock violation. Once it went in, it seemed like the later would have been better. If he had missed, which was expected at that range, you would have felt better and wouldn't have been reminded of your unhappy days.

Your lens is obvious, and its the whole story. So how do you feel now, that 'the miserable guys' got their time yesterday? Better? And that the 'big shot' is getting his comeuppance? Soothed?

Your point wasn't lost on anyone. I thought briefly about it at the time - McB. had to either take the long shot or take the shot clock violation. Once it went in, it seemed like the later would have been better. If he had missed, which was expected at that range, you would have felt better and wouldn't have been reminded of your unhappy days.

Your lens is obvious, and its the whole story. So how do you feel now, that 'the miserable guys' got their time yesterday? Better? And that the 'big shot' is getting his comeuppance? Soothed?

Not at all. This isn't about revenge! It's really quite simple. The stylish thing to do would have been to dribble toward a walk-on, get the ball to him and see what he could do. McBrayer chose not to do that and opted to indulge himself instead. End of story. In addition, those were not unhappy days! I just wasn't good enough to play much and I accepted and understood that. I loved the experience of practice and the game itself. The word "miserable" refers to my playing level, not to the way I felt about anything or anyone. I always hated to see the season end!

Would you have posted this if those videos weren't posted to Dorsey's account? Or are you exhibiting confirmation bias?

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My post was not an exercise in "I told you so". We have enough posters who seem bent on making sure everyone else knows how smart they are. I was merely commenting on what I thought was an immature decision at the close of the Rutgers game. I didn't think it made him a bad kid, I didn't expect bad things to follow and I was not happy when the "scandal" broke. I did not post in an effort to confirm anything or pile on the kid. I'm sorry if it seemed that way. I saw his decision at the end of the Rutgers game and the video thing independently. Both resulted in lost opportunities, which always saddens me.

What annoyed me about the Rutgers game is that from TV they had no excitement and looked like a drain on the team. Research has been done that the most successful teams give the most high fives and other encouraging contact. Mason was the only one that seemed to be into it a bit. There were a couple time outs where the players just came to the bench and not one bit of encouraging contact was given. These three just stood up and sat back down.

Did the players warm-up with the team before the game or were they in street clothes? They didn't take out earrings if they did warm up.

In the end they were just there to hang their heads and drag the rest of the team down.

Not at all. This isn't about revenge! It's really quite simple. The stylish thing to do would have been to dribble toward a walk-on, get the ball to him and see what he could do. McBrayer chose not to do that and opted to indulge himself instead. End of story. In addition, those were not unhappy days! I just wasn't good enough to play much and I accepted and understood that. I loved the experience of practice and the game itself. The word "miserable" refers to my playing level, not to the way I felt about anything or anyone. I always hated to see the season end!

It's ideal, but it doesn't always happen Hollins and co. didn't always give Shell time the ball in garbage time either. Lutefisk got a bucket that game that was pretty sweet. I get it I was walk on hockey player in college for a hot second. Most of the time I didn't even get to dress, but I could butter the popcorn with the best of them in the press box. At that point I was just happy to still be "playing" hockey

It's also really funny we are sad a walk on who never plays didn't get a shot. Meanwhile we criticize a starter for taking a shot when the team was on the verge of winning only its second game of the year. You don't think Dupree wanted to and deserved to enjoy every second of that win? He's been the one busting his butt, playing 30 minutes per game, all season to be sitting at 1-14 or whatever it was. But yes, let's criticize him for celebrating only the teams second win all year with a shot that happened to go in with 5 seconds left because he didn't pass it to a walk on.

The team had to be down all year and then the second chance they had to be happy and be on the court for a win we are mad he was a little too excited. Surprised Joey didn't get criticized for stealing the post game interview after Maryland from a walk on too. What a spotlight hogging jerk, right?

No shot for the walk on guys preserves their membership in Club Trillion. :)

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