Maturi on CCO now 720pm


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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Maturi hopes to talk with Royce soon about his comments to leave school.

Sounds like he will attempt to change his mind.

He cannot comment on the trespassing charges.

Interesting. This could play out just like a couple months ago when the media reported Royce would be kicked off the team with a Saturday news conference. Nothing happened then...what about now?


Interesting. This could play out just like a couple months ago when the media reported Royce would be kicked off the team with a Saturday news conference. Nothing happened then...what about now?

Nothing Happened !!??!!?? Royce threads mushroomed from every musty corner of the net. It got so stinking "toxic" Rick Mons held off on publishing the Gopher-Buckeye prediction results.

I want to know if I got any points Sunday and I wanted to know today.


Tubby Smith Show will be on at 8pm. Mike Max said they likely will ask Tubby about the latest Royce episode.

I can sure understand why Tubby has a rule that prevents his players from talking with the press 1st semester of FR year.

I just don't think Royce can resist a microphone and a camera. I think he would be better served to let his lawyer do the talking and he could keep quiet. He does have a right to speak up though - his decision. I don't think his threat to quit school will have much affect on whether Tubby plays him Saturday though - and I doubt that would address his concern for his own personal safety.

The only imaginable effect it would have on a veteran coach is to eliminate all possibility that he plays Saturday.

Nothing Happened !!??!!??

Nothing did happen. Royce has on the team (suspended, but on team). He was never kicked out of school as even the media had reported. IF we are lucky, nothing will become of this other than a setback and Royce wises up and comes back to team. Doubtful buts its my hope.

they're talking about it right now... "status hasn't changed... still suspended... has been for the whole year.... we still hope he'll stay and help us out"

"understandable (about his fear)... 3 months to come up with trespassing is very interesting" (chuckles) "he goes into a dorm room... he wasn't banned or anything... i just don't get it"

that's it

Tubby is not a happy guy and something tells me this story is not over and Royce is not yet gone. Perhaps..but not yet.

Tubby is not a happy guy and something tells me this story is not over and Royce is not yet gone. Perhaps..but not yet.

I agree with you completely... we'll see if he's in class tomorrow... I'll let ya know!

Okay. Surprising. It's a good interview. Tubby admits to being too passive and that the team also showed it. Says he's going to be more aggressive in the days ahead. Good.

"We'll try to win practice tomorrow. And win practice the next day"

"I'll have to practice my game face"
Keep in mind that Tubby's father passed this fall. He said his father taught him about pressure;
"Pressure is about how you're going to feed your family and keep a roof over your head"

Okay. Surprising. It's a good interview. Tubby admits to being too passive and that the team also showed it. Says he's going to be more aggressive in the days ahead. Good.

Awesome interview so far... I wanna know what people are gonna ask him (callers)...

Okay. Surprising. It's a good interview. Tubby admits to being too passive and that the team also showed it. Says he's going to be more aggressive in the days ahead. Good.

omg!!! so those of us who were posting this have been redeemed!! the old GHers owe us newbies a dinner.

you get one on me, dboy. Charge it to the dust and let the rain settle it.

omg!!! so those of us who were posting this have been redeemed!! the old GHers owe us newbies a dinner.

How about some royce-aroni?

you crusty old vets do have a sense of humor!

you crusty old vets do have a sense of humor! dare you call me crusty? :)

I am at the age, the first thing I do in the morning is check the obituaries in the local paper, and if my name isn't there, I'm gonna have a good day.

I missed it too. I recorded the game as I was working. It hardly seems worth it to review it just to check out Allen's 'do! I guess we'll have to wait til Saturday to find out.

maybe maturi needs to stop investigating royce and investigate UMPD. seriously, even tubby is pissed about that.

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