Maturi Interview on today's Sports Huddle


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Nov 20, 2008
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1) Was at last night's B1G Championship game. At the airport and will be enroute shortly to New York for the induction of Sandy Stephens into the College Football Hall of Fame. (He sounded very giddy about last night's game (my take) and not surprisingly given Wisconsin's victory. Said it was an exciting game several times.)

2) Question by Mona about Kill hiring: People, players, high school coaches and recruits know he has plan and are excited about Gopher football, especially after the season-ending victory over Illinois. Said there's an extra step in the players as they work out in the weight room.

3) Kill started winning people over immediatedly with his impressive press conference at his introduction as the new head coach

4) Maturi agreed with Mona that it was good that Kill was signed last year given the openings at Kansas and Illinois. He went onto say that Kill and his wife, Rebecca, really like Minnesota.

5) Didn't know what Minnesota's share will be as a result of last night's championship game, but it should be substantial. Sid, FWIW, said 1 1/2 million dollars, but Maturi reiterated he didn't kinow.

6) He said there's a good chance, in addition to Wisconsin, MIchigan may get a BCS bowl bid, and he went onto say he thinks all of the Big Ten's bowl eligible teams will receive bowl bids.

7) Next year's schedule and putting fans in the seats: Cited Syracuse and the B1G 10 Conference schedule of Michigan and MSU at home as positives. "We have to sell Gopher football." "Need to sell students first."


1) Was at last night's B1G Championship game. At the airport and will be enroute shortly to New York for the induction of Sandy Stephens into the College Football Hall of Fame. (He sounded very giddy about last night's game (my take) and not surprisingly given Wisconsin's victory. Said it was an exciting game several times.)

2) Question by Mona about Kill hiring: People, players, high school coaches and recruits know he has plan and are excited about Gopher football, especially after the season-ending victory over Illinois. Said there's an extra step in the players as they work out in the weight room.

3) Kill started winning people over immediatedly with his impressive press conference at his introduction as the new head coach

4) Maturi agreed with Mona that it was good that Kill was signed last year given the openings at Kansas and Illinois. He went onto say that Kill and his wife, Rebecca, really like Minnesota.

5) Didn't know what Minnesota's share will be as a result of last night's championship game, but it should be substantial. Sid, FWIW, said 1 1/2 million dollars, but Maturi reiterated he didn't kinow.

6) He said there's a good chance, in addition to Wisconsin, MIchigan may get a BCS bowl bid, and he went onto say he thinks all of the Big Ten's bowl eligible teams will receive bowl bids.

7) Next year's schedule and putting fans in the seats: Cited Syracuse and the B1G 10 Conference schedule of Michigan and MSU at home as positives. "We have to sell Gopher football." "Need to sell students first."


First off, thanks for your re-cap posts, DL65. As to the last "bullet" . . .

The day Maturi retires, I'll be buying 2 more season FB tickets. Book it, Dan-O.

Every time that I see Wisco football or basketball do well, I get more upset with Joel Maturi. He has really run Gopher nation into the ground.

Every time that I see Wisco football or basketball do well, I get more upset with Joel Maturi. He has really run Gopher nation into the ground.

Because we were just darn competitive with Wisconsin before Maturi.

Because we were just darn competitive with Wisconsin before Maturi.

Correct me if I'm wrong (this was quick Google research), but I think we were 4-7 and Wisconsin was 5-7 the last season before Maturi took over. That gap has gotten a little wider.

Maturi retiring probably won't effect ticket sales too much, unless that many diehard fans didn't buy tickets because of him. Most casual fans of the team probably don't even know who Maturi is.

And I think both teams were 18-12 in basketball the season before Maturi took over.

To incorporate the last revenue sport, we were national hockey champions the season Maturi took over and Wisconsin wasn't in the tournament.
Since Maturi has been in office, we have lost ground to Wisco in football, basketball, and hockey.

To incorporate the last revenue sport, we were national hockey champions the season Maturi took over and Wisconsin wasn't in the tournament.
Since Maturi has been in office, we have lost ground to Wisco in football, basketball, and hockey.

True. However, Joel is doing a good job of keeping pace with WI in producing good non-revenue sports teams. Nice legacy (sarcasm emphasized).

First off, thanks for your re-cap posts, DL65. As to the last "bullet" . . .

The day Maturi retires, I'll be buying 2 more season FB tickets. Book it, Dan-O.
Kill would appreciate you buying them now. I think our Pres knows about Maturi and his lack of success. Buy them.

To incorporate the last revenue sport, we were national hockey champions the season Maturi took over and Wisconsin wasn't in the tournament.
Since Maturi has been in office, we have lost ground to Wisco in football, basketball, and hockey.

But to say Maturi ran the programs into the ground would imply that they were doing well before he came. With the exception of hockey and the fluke women's basketball years, that simply wasn't true.

But to say Maturi ran the programs into the ground would imply that they were doing well before he came. With the exception of hockey and the fluke women's basketball years, that simply wasn't true.

Thanks for keeping me honest. On his watch, hockey is the only one of the revenue sports that has gotten substantially worse since his arrival, and the most recent basketball and football seasons were only slightly worse than what he inherited. However, the basketball team in 2001-02 was good enough to make the NIT and the second round of the conference tournament. The frustrating thing hasn't just been our programs ending up slightly worse than where he started with them, it has been watching a geographic rival in the same region and conference grow by leaps and bounds while we have not. We need an AD who can bring us the same kind of turnaround.

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