Matt Millen sucks

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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It's hard to even watch this very good Stanford/Okie St. game with him doing the color commentary.

The guy had a nice long NFL career but has done nothing worth mentioning since. Worst announcer in any sport.

He should be a Kardashian.

I was thinking about starting a thread on this. What a f*ckin joke. The whiskey seems to have helped me forget certain things he said, but I remember it being awful. Did ESPN contract him for just this game or has he been with them all year? Hell, give me Blackledge over this DB

He is absolutely terrible. Here's a prime example of his intelligence level. At the end of the game, when Stanford was getting set to trot their FG kicker out for the potential game-winning FG, he goes, "It'll be a 34-yard field goal. No, wait, they're at the 17, so...24, 34...yup, it'll be a 34-yard field goal." In other words, his bulb is so dim that he has to first add 7 to the field position, and then add 10 on to that to figure out the distance. Trying to do a complicated math problem like "17+17" all in one step is too much for his brain to process. And, aside from that, he's been involved with football in one way or another for over 40 years. How is it not automatic to simply add 17 to the field position in your head and know instantly how long the FG will be? I assumed this was rote for any football fan, let alone someone who has been being paid for his "football acumen" for over 3 decades. The guy was a joke as a football executive, and he is a joke as a football announcer.

I'm glad I watched the Stanford game with the sound down.

Before the Lions hired him to be a GM I thought he was a good announcer. I don't know if I've changed, times have changed, he has or hasn't changed, or what, but I can't stand him now. And I'm sure part of that is because he has so little credibility from his time in Detroit. He was talking about drafting various players and anyone should know they are the best. Let's see, that's coming from a guy who drafted wide receivers first round 4 years in a row plus the supplemental draft? And 3 of them were pretty much busts? Yeah, probably not the best expert on drafting anybody.

He is absolutely terrible. Here's a prime example of his intelligence level. At the end of the game, when Stanford was getting set to trot their FG kicker out for the potential game-winning FG, he goes, "It'll be a 34-yard field goal. No, wait, they're at the 17, so...24, 34...yup, it'll be a 34-yard field goal." In other words, his bulb is so dim that he has to first add 7 to the field position, and then add 10 on to that to figure out the distance. Trying to do a complicated math problem like "17+17" all in one step is too much for his brain to process. And, aside from that, he's been involved with football in one way or another for over 40 years. How is it not automatic to simply add 17 to the field position in your head and know instantly how long the FG will be? I assumed this was rote for any football fan, let alone someone who has been being paid for his "football acumen" for over 3 decades. The guy was a joke as a football executive, and he is a joke as a football announcer.
He is annoying and says many dumb things, but to say the way he does the math is a sign of his stupidity is a broad brush. Why do I say this? Because when it comes to math my brain works this way too. I've always chunked it into 10 and 7. Sometimes I just add 17 but for whatever reason as a default my brain wants to add 10 and then 7 to the distance. I graduated with honors from college, I got a 4 on my AP Calculus test (which obviously is a lot harder to figure out then 17+17). It's just how my brain wants to work. Pretending that this shows he is not intelligent is a BIG reach.

Is he a terrible announcer for doing the math out loud on air? Unquestionably yes. Does this make him an idiot (especially since he got the math right)? No. There are way better examples to prove your point.

He is annoying and says many dumb things, but to say the way he does the math is a sign of his stupidity is a broad brush. Why do I say this? Because when it comes to math my brain works this way too. I've always chunked it into 10 and 7. Sometimes I just add 17 but for whatever reason as a default my brain wants to add 10 and then 7 to the distance. I graduated with honors from college, I got a 4 on my AP Calculus test (which obviously is a lot harder to figure out then 17+17). It's just how my brain wants to work. Pretending that this shows he is not intelligent is a BIG reach.

Is he a terrible announcer for doing the math out loud on air? Unquestionably yes. Does this make him an idiot (especially since he got the math right)? No. There are way better examples to prove your point.

I didn't elucidate my point very clearly. My point wasn't really that he is an idiot for needing to break down math this way, but more so that he actually said the math out loud on the air (as you pointed out), and that he even needed to do the math at all. It should be automatic, without even thinking about it, almost like breathing.

It should be automatic, without even thinking about it, almost like breathing.
Going to quibble again. That's not how it works for everyone. Expecting everyone to have a brain that works that way is silly/pointless. Expecting him to know himself and find a way to keep the math to himself is not. That's one difference between a bad/good announcer.

Going to quibble again. That's not how it works for everyone. Expecting everyone to have a brain that works that way is silly/pointless. Expecting him to know himself and find a way to keep the math to himself is not. That's one difference between a bad/good announcer.

I read Dpo's comments like it's watching someone's lips move when they read. It was like watching my youngest son sound out a word with which he was unfamiliar.

FYI, I do it the same way you do...x+10+7, but I do it much quicker than having to say it aloud and thinking about it for as long as Matt Kardashian did.

"Great players make great plays." Matt Millen 1/2/12

Love how he said that wasn't helmet-to-helmet contact when the defender put his crown into WR's ear hole. How do you think his helmet came off his head there, Matt?

Towards the very end of the game: "Luck and Weeden are going to make great pros. Weeden is 28." Then nothing else, of course.

I was amazed when the Stanford guy ran off the field (past the OSU players) because they had 12 men on the field. The announcers were dumfounded and never fugured out it was a substitution penalty. DIdn't either of you morons see that gun running across the line of scrimmage and towards the sidelines as the ball is snapped????

It's hard to even watch this very good Stanford/Okie St. game with him doing the color commentary.

The guy had a nice long NFL career but has done nothing worth mentioning since. Worst announcer in any sport.

He should be a Kardashian.[/QUOTE

His ass isn't big enough.

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