Marquies Gray Vs. Denard Robinson


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Sep 11, 2010
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I would like to get other peoples thoughts on this. Does anybody think that we can do what Michigan has been doing with Gray in as our starting QB. Gray has the same ability as Robinson, accept Gray is bigger and probably slightly slower. After watching the Michigan game today, we need a QB that can do what Robinson has been doing for Michigan. Adam Webster just isnt getting it done.

I am just wondering what your thoughts are on the two QB's with a bunch of talent.

Yes, I would like to see MG at QB but unfortunately our head coach doesn't think so and he is the only one that matters.

slightly slower? Robinson ran a 4.3 forty.

Yeah, slightly slower. Marquies Gray profile said he ran the 40 yard in 4.48 seconds. That would be considered slightly slower, plus Gray is way bigger than robinson

Yes, but unfortunately our head coach doesn't think so and he is the only one that matters.

Brewster actually called MarQueis a "6-foot-5 version of Denard Robinson"

...but who needs a player like that when you have Adam Weber as your QB! :rolleyes:

Robinson plays in the spread.

Gray would be asked to be a John Stocco, Jim Sorgi, boring white quarterback in our system.

That's why Weber is our starter.

They are athletic QBs, so they are the same? Gray is nowhere near as quick. Robinson has elite quickness and change of direction.

Gray is not a QB, he is a WR. He has looked terrible at QB.

I hate to say this but, Maybe weber gets slightly injured and is out for a few games and Gray has to start for them. Then we can get the Gray V. robinson debate going.

Robinson plays in the spread.

Gray would be asked to be a John Stocco, Jim Sorgi, boring white quarterback in our system.

That's why Weber is our starter.

Yep. I think Brewster switching from the spread to a pro-style offense was his biggest mistake. It's not because I think the spread is better than our current offense, it's because half of Brewster's recruits came here to run the spread offense and fit that system. If Brewster had stayed with the spread and continued to recruit players for that system, I think our offense would look a lot like Michigan's right now.

However, I do think the pro-style offense is the right way to go. We just have to stick with this offense and continue to recruit players to fit this system, whether it be with Brewster or not.

Think otherwise if you want, but Gray can't do anything as well as Robinson at the qb position. Robinson is a freak of nature.

Lol Robinson does not run a 4.3

Directly from Michigans athletic site. ".....Prep ... attended Deerfield Beach High School (2009) coached by Art Taylor ... ran 40-yard dash in 4.32 seconds ... registered a 315-pound max on bench press and a 400-pound squat max ..."...... nice try. and 4.3 is a huge difference vs. 4.5. Did I mention he got 3rd in the 100 meter dash in Florida?

Robinson is what we hoped Gray was going to be. That is why he is a Heisman candidate at the moment as a sophomore. When Gray has been put in at the QB position he has been extremely underwhelming. Not to mention there are countless rumors going around he cannot learn the playbook.

Directly from Michigans athletic site. ".....Prep ... attended Deerfield Beach High School (2009) coached by Art Taylor ... ran 40-yard dash in 4.32 seconds ... registered a 315-pound max on bench press and a 400-pound squat max ..."...... nice try. and 4.3 is a huge difference vs. 4.5. Did I mention he got 3rd in the 100 meter dash in Florida?

Robinson is what we hoped Gray was going to be. That is why he is a Heisman candidate at the moment as a sophomore. When Gray has been put in at the QB position he has been extremely underwhelming. Not to mention there are countless rumors going around he cannot learn the playbook.

So if Gray cannot learn the playbook, is it a case of poor coaching that the staff do a poor job of teaching or he just isn't intellectually capable of learning.

So if Gray cannot learn the playbook, is it a case of poor coaching that the staff do a poor job of teaching or he just isn't intellectually capable of learning.

I really do not want to degrade a player at all and I certainly will not do so but I have heard he may not be the brightest. I'll leave it at that

Terrible? Really? When has he gotten a legitimate shot at QB? Refresh my memory please.

Exactly. I do not know how anyone can make a conclusion about Gray's ability at QB. I would love to have Gray in there. He would bring a level of excitement that Weber can not. At this point, we have nothing to lose, IMO. I am tired of watching Weber run from his own shadow.

I really do not want to degrade a player at all and I certainly will not do so but I have heard he may not be the brightest. I'll leave it at that

That, along with your previous post is not degrading at all...thanks a pants load.

Robinson also has a lot more talent around him than Gray would at QB...

Are u people out of your mind. Brewster is clearly an idiot, but if gray could play qb at close to that level he would be playing. Holding on to those last straws hope.

Exactly. I do not know how anyone can make a conclusion about Gray's ability at QB. I would love to have Gray in there. He would bring a level of excitement that Weber can not. At this point, we have nothing to lose, IMO. I am tired of watching Weber run from his own shadow.

Despite Gray sucking at every chance he got at taking the qb job, he should get the chance now. Too bad he still is a poor man's version of Robinson. You all must know that right?

Robinson plays in the spread.

Gray would be asked to be a John Stocco, Jim Sorgi, boring white quarterback in our system.

That's why Weber is our starter.

Exactly this.

For those calling for Gray, while it would be nice to see him take snaps.. there are those of us who have seen him at practices and scrimmages. He didn't look any where near as good as a passing QB as you all would like to think he is. Remember last year? I remember him having more turnovers than anything else, honestly.

I think ultimately, he's the better talent and could potentially be the better QB when it's all said and done.. But right now, having both him and Weber on the field at the same time is far better for the team as a whole. Him 'getting extra reps at QB' isn't going to help him any more than if he didn't.

Exactly this.

For those calling for Gray, while it would be nice to see him take snaps.. there are those of us who have seen him at practices and scrimmages. He didn't look any where near as good as a passing QB as you all would like to think he is. Remember last year? I remember him having more turnovers than anything else, honestly.

I think ultimately, he's the better talent and could potentially be the better QB when it's all said and done.. But right now, having both him and Weber on the field at the same time is far better for the team as a whole. Him 'getting extra reps at QB' isn't going to help him any more than if he didn't.

Exactly. Gray may even be a better QB, but he is by far our best receiver. We're better with him at WR and Weber at QB than we are with Gray at QB.

I don't think we can do the same thing but we can use him much more creatively than what we are now. I also think he will be a much better qb after playing reciever. I think he could line up anywhere and either catch and run or throw the ball and really catch teams off gaurd

I doubt Brewster will be around next year but I would be curious to see how he would use Gray at quarterback next year. Gray is obviously a special talent. I wonder if he would try and fit the round peg into the square hole. I also wonder if Weber and Gray won't start splitting time at quarterback. It would be no fault of Webers because he has played well, but it is time to start planning for the future.

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