MarQueis Gray: Coach Jerry Kill 'is more intense' than Tim Brewster

Yesterday I took some time off work to see the Gopher's practice. Figured I regret it if I didn't. I really appreciated the fact that the coaches were teaching how to play. If they screwed up, yes the the tone got tougher. But to watch the players being taught to play the right away over and over, and the players buying into it, Kill's methods is going to pay off. Yes Kill may be intense to a point, but he isn't going to give up on the fundementals. If you can't do the fudementals, you're not going to win games. I was impress yesterday.

We are definitely going to get some great quotes out of this team compared to the past.

We are definitely going to get some great quotes out of this team compared to the past.

Great quotes??? I heard this one from a Coach in my past: "We played so poorly tonight that if we would have been in a 4-team Tournament we would have come in 5th."

Great quotes??? I heard this one from a Coach in my past: "We played so poorly tonight that if we would have been in a 4-team Tournament we would have come in 5th."

That's a good one. How about this one from an old basketball coach I had:

"You guys are playing like marshmallows over a fire. Don't touch the fire, oh, it's too hot, oh, I might get all burnt and shriveled, oh, oh... p*ssies. All of you. Get out there and be the f*&^ing metal stick that gets into the fire, gets hot and brands everyone's a*s."

Offensive lineman: I thought...

Coach: I thought? You know what happened to the guy who thought too much? He S@#^ his pants.

That's a good one. How about this one from an old basketball coach I had:

"You guys are playing like marshmallows over a fire. Don't touch the fire, oh, it's too hot, oh, I might get all burnt and shriveled, oh, oh... p*ssies. All of you. Get out there and be the f*&^ing metal stick that gets into the fire, gets hot and brands everyone's a*s."

This brings up the old debate of whether you should slowly brown your marshmallows, or thrust them in the fire and blacken them.

Great quotes??? I heard this one from a Coach in my past: "We played so poorly tonight that if we would have been in a 4-team Tournament we would have come in 5th."

Where did you play, Dr. Don?

We are definitely going to get some great quotes out of this team compared to the past.

I thought Brew had some fantastic quotes, mostly to ridicule him with and that were completely stupid, but good quotes none the less.

Right before our senior basketball season in a regional report about the upcoming season, my coach said "We are small, but we are slow."

Poor Brew.

Dude loved football, worked hard, took it like a man, and had an IQ of 97.

A very respectable set of qualities in any number of lines of work. Not this one. Too many moving parts for him.

I'm looking at you too Coach Zook.

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