Marcus Fuller blog: Will Hollins and Coleman be Tubby’s best freshmen so far?

If you include Elliott and Oto with Hollins and Coleman then I think this will be our best Freshman class yet. If you include Elliott and Oto with 2010 then I think it gets a little closer. I think both Elliott and Oto are going to be big contributors this year.

As long as he lets these guys play out their mistakes (and really, he has no choice as this team isn't loaded with upperclassmen), I think they're capable of making very solid impact this year. Andre Hollins is not a type of guard Tubby had picked up yet in his tenure, he's a very explosive athlete, with the ability to get into the lane and also pop up that jumper. And he seems to have a really good head on his shoulders.

Either way, this team will only go as far as their guards take them. Our frontcourt is very good, but if our guard play suffers like it did post Nolen, we're still not gonna see much in the way of success. That's just kinda how college b-ball has turned.

Agreed. The Gophers season will hinge on what we get from our guards. In particular, I think we need at least 2 of An. Hollins/Au. Hollins/Welch to be effective AND significant contributors. Certainly all the home games in November and December should allow all the new guys to get comfortable & build some confidence before the road opener @ Illinois.

Agreed. The Gophers season will hinge on what we get from our guards. In particular, I think we need at least 2 of An. Hollins/Au. Hollins/Welch to be effective AND significant contributors. Certainly all the home games in November and December should allow all the new guys to get comfortable & build some confidence before the road opener @ Illinois.

If they aren't the best freshman so far (Hollins in particular), this season could be a real mess. Look what last year was like without a true PG most of the year. Ouch.

Agreed. The Gophers season will hinge on what we get from our guards. In particular, I think we need at least 2 of An. Hollins/Au. Hollins/Welch to be effective AND significant contributors. Certainly all the home games in November and December should allow all the new guys to get comfortable & build some confidence before the road opener @ Illinois.


Has Tubby given up on Mav? Maybe, he will be used as a SG?

Go Gophers

No. He has admitted more than once that he screwed up not making Mav the starting PG once Al went down. While I don't expect Mav to start (at least not past December 1st) I think he'll play a lot.

Mav will be the third string PG and essentially be an insurance policy if Andre and Welch get hurt.

Ppress & Marcus deliver Gopher BB details again--Are the lights still on at the Trib?

Lots of interesting clips by Marcus... link at bottom

"Buzz around Williams Arena was that Joe Coleman dunked on Mbakwe in a workout recently. Mbakwe said it did happen but never will again."!/GophersNow

The Tribune

did a story on the women's team today, so they were maxed out for Gopher coverage.

As long as he lets these guys play out their mistakes (and really, he has no choice as this team isn't loaded with upperclassmen), I think they're capable of making very solid impact this year. Andre Hollins is not a type of guard Tubby had picked up yet in his tenure, he's a very explosive athlete, with the ability to get into the lane and also pop up that jumper. And he seems to have a really good head on his shoulders.

Does Andre Hollins have a weakness? I just keep hearing how dynamic he is. How come UNC, Duke, Florida, Louisville, Memphis, Kentucky didn't look at him. I'm excited to see him play in person, but I want to know what to expect. Is he really THAT good?

Does Andre Hollins have a weakness? I just keep hearing how dynamic he is. How come UNC, Duke, Florida, Louisville, Memphis, Kentucky didn't look at him. I'm excited to see him play in person, but I want to know what to expect. Is he really THAT good?

He was a late bloomer. He committed to us before his senior year and he absolutely blew up as a senior.

He was a late bloomer. He committed to us before his senior year and he absolutely blew up as a senior.

Nice! That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I saw some video of him playing for Howard Pulley, and he's very small. Not well built (yet) and very short. I'm excited to see him play though. Anyone who turned down Harvard and drops 46 against the best high school basketball program in the nation is OK with me ;)

Does Andre Hollins have a weakness? I just keep hearing how dynamic he is. How come UNC, Duke, Florida, Louisville, Memphis, Kentucky didn't look at him. I'm excited to see him play in person, but I want to know what to expect. Is he really THAT good?

He's not going to be an All-American or anything, but I'm really excited about him. I guess you could say a weakness is a lack of experience.

Nice! That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I saw some video of him playing for Howard Pulley, and he's very small. Not well built (yet) and very short. I'm excited to see him play though. Anyone who turned down Harvard and drops 46 against the best high school basketball program in the nation is OK with me ;)

If he plays PG, and he likely will, he has very good height at 6'1 or 6'2.

I saw some video of him playing for Howard Pulley, and he's very small. Not well built (yet) and very short.
re: Andre Hollins

Kind of like Bobby Jackson maybe??? :p

I think Mav will suffer the same fate that Kevin Payton did, the older he gets, the less he will play. Wouldn't be suprised to see him transfer at some time.

Nice! That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I saw some video of him playing for Howard Pulley, and he's very small. Not well built (yet) and very short. I'm excited to see him play though. Anyone who turned down Harvard and drops 46 against the best high school basketball program in the nation is OK with me ;)

I think you were paying attention to the wrong player.

Does Andre Hollins have a weakness? I just keep hearing how dynamic he is. How come UNC, Duke, Florida, Louisville, Memphis, Kentucky didn't look at him. I'm excited to see him play in person, but I want to know what to expect. Is he really THAT good?

lol he's a great prospect, as noted, a late bloomer, didn't get as many opportunities to shine early in his career and then just took advantage his senior year.

As far as his weaknesses, if he's going to play point, his handles aren't Grade A, that's for sure. I think he had a game with like 7 or 8 TOs when his team got pressed, so that'll be something to watch for. In addition to projecting his point guard future, not being a "pure" point, he'll have struggles sometimes reading the court and making plays for other guys than himself, since he's a scorer by nature. Also, he's not a marksman from deep to my knowledge, but you do have to respect his ability to knock down the open shot, so it's not like teams will be giving him the Rondo treatment or something and totally sag off him, but I wouldn't anticipate him just tearing teams up from three either.

These are reasons why I don't necessarily expect him to walk on the court and just rip it up and shine for us immediately, but he'll be productive I think. His potential is great because A) he's got skills lol, and B) he's a really smart kid who seems to receive coaching well. I think he'll embrace the learning process he'll have to go through.

lol he's a great prospect, as noted, a late bloomer, didn't get as many opportunities to shine early in his career and then just took advantage his senior year.

As far as his weaknesses, if he's going to play point, his handles aren't Grade A, that's for sure. I think he had a game with like 7 or 8 TOs when his team got pressed, so that'll be something to watch for. In addition to projecting his point guard future, not being a "pure" point, he'll have struggles sometimes reading the court and making plays for other guys than himself, since he's a scorer by nature. Also, he's not a marksman from deep to my knowledge, but you do have to respect his ability to knock down the open shot, so it's not like teams will be giving him the Rondo treatment or something and totally sag off him, but I wouldn't anticipate him just tearing teams up from three either.

These are reasons why I don't necessarily expect him to walk on the court and just rip it up and shine for us immediately, but he'll be productive I think. His potential is great because A) he's got skills lol, and B) he's a really smart kid who seems to receive coaching well. I think he'll embrace the learning process he'll have to go through.

Still not quite sure where a lot of people have gotten the idea that shooting is a weakness for Andre. Shooting is one of, if not his biggest strength. Andre will be one of our top two three point shooters.

Still not quite sure where a lot of people have gotten the idea that shooting is a weakness for Andre. Shooting is one of, if not his biggest strength. Andre will be one of our top two three point shooters.

Weakness may be overplaying it, I know he has the range, but I thought I recall seeing that he was a little streaky. But hey, all the better if he produces from downtown as well, it'll just open up the rest of his game even more.

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