Marcus Fuller blog: Jeff Horton on watching Iowa win: “It was awesome.”

"Gophers senior cornerback Kyle Henderson has in a way dedicated this season to proving Kill right for giving him a scholarship.

Henderson, who transferred from Minnesota State-Mankato, was a walk-on player for former coach Tim Brewster. But Kill told him in the spring that he could be on scholarship if he worked hard and earned it.

“I definitely made sure I did that,” Henderson said. “I went to work in school and on the field in the offseason. A day before school started (in the fall), he called me and told me he wanted to give me a scholarship. I was at a loss for words.”

Henderson tries to keep the same edge he had as a walk-on, but he also said when he goes out there “I try to smack a couple guys up a little extra just for (Kill).”

That definitely was the case when Henderson had a big tackle on Iowa quarterback James Vandenberg to force a fumble in the second half.

“He did a great thing for me,” he said. “And I really do appreciate it.”

Best part of the whole article.

Great article.

I hope some kids out there who are choosing between an FCS or D2 scholarship and the opportunity to walk on at the U take a long look at this article and the fact that:
Henderson, Rallis, Bak, Wettstein, Botticelli, Delaney and Mottla all came to the U as walk ons, and they have all or all are expected to be a big part of this football team.

I can't knock a kid for taking a scholarship elsewhere that isn't available here, but walking on to your hometown team and making the play that helps your hometown underdog team knock off it's bitter rivals....that's gotta be a good feeling.

Both Mason and Brewster did fairly well in getting quality walk-ons who contributed, but I think it's Kill's intentions to take it to a whole new level. A solid walk-on program is going to be a key to our prospects going forward. Awarding a scholarship to Henderson should be a sign to others considering the walk-on route that good things can happen on that road.

Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin seem to produce plenty of late bloomers than have become key contributors for D1 programs up here in the upper midwest.
No reason that shouldn't continue, I liked our walk ons for last year, and am looking forward to a good crop this year as well.

As for Horton, he's probably forever going to be a cherished figure in gopher football history. The coaching job he did last year with all the turmoil was great, and the way he handled his exit from here with so much class and grace makes him to me one of the truly positive footnotes in the program's recent history. Can't help but smile thinking of patting him on the back after the game last year. He was just taking it all in at midfield. Took Floyd to Burrito Loco after the game too I'm told.

As for Horton, he's probably forever going to be a cherished figure in gopher football history. The coaching job he did last year with all the turmoil was great, and the way he handled his exit from here with so much class and grace makes him to me one of the truly positive footnotes in the program's recent history.

Hammer hits nail on head... exactly.

Took Floyd to Burrito Loco after the game too I'm told.
I was wondering who did that! Floyd def ended up there...there were tweeted photos which confirmed it.

I was wondering who did that! Floyd def ended up there...there were tweeted photos which confirmed it.

I was at Burt Loc that night last year, I tweeted the photos, I'll go find them in a bit. The S&C guy carried Floyd up into the bar and Horton walked in with a suit on, probably around 10. It was pretty nuts. Horton only stayed for a drink or 2 but he talked to everyone and you could tell was really enjoying himself. Our pig stayed the whole night. It all becomes a blurr but i think I might have bought floyd a drink or 2.


Anyone who had a chance to meet Horton will know he was truly one of the good guys out there in the coaching ranks. There are so many coaches that have huge egos and treat people like dirt but Coach Horton is one of the great ones. I was pulling for him to end up on the new staff and was disappointed that Hammock was the one to survive the purge but I know Horton is enjoying the warm weather out there in San Diego.

Horton was a great coach and really a man the fans could cheer for. Any chance on him returning to the Gophers in the future in some sort of capacity?

Horton becoming the interim HC was good for us, because we ended up getting two conference wins out of the deal. If he had aspirations of staying here, however, any chance of that sailed with him becoming the interim. No coach is going to keep his predecessor around, even if the guy was short-term. There's a huge risk of the support staff not going all-in on the new guy because their old boss is still around. Had they named someone other than Horton as the interim, perhaps Cosgrove or Cross, Kill might've wanted to keep Horton around in some capacity, a situation many of us would've supported. Alas, he's moved on and so should the rest of us, though it's important to recall these fond memories and his place in creating them.

Horton was a great coach and really a man the fans could cheer for. Any chance on him returning to the Gophers in the future in some sort of capacity?

Never say never, but unlikely. Dpodoll hit it on the head - hard for Kill to have the old head coach (even if interim). Maybe if Limegrover left in 5 years he'd be an option. Unless Kill's replacement hires Horton, but hopefully Horton will be too old by that time!

Coach Horton, thank you for what you did for us last year. I adore Coach Kill, and understand why he needed to have his own team established, but now that it is, please, Coach K, consider bringing Coach Horton back in some capacity. You are both such quality men and class acts, there wouldn't be any power games between the two of you. Maybe next year....?

I agree it would have been tough to keep Horton on after he was the interm guy however if there was a coach capable of checking his ego at the door it would have been Horton. The biggest problem was that Kill was not in a position to keep him on as the OC given that he already had Limegrover for that role. On top of that he had Zebrowski pegged as his QB coach as well so therefore no good spot for Horton to fit on the staff. Oh well he was great for the program during the difficult situation that was forced on him with the Brewster firing and I have no doubt he will continue to be successful. Hopefully he will get another shot to be a head guy at some point down the line.

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