Marching Band Uniform for tomorrow


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2015
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As you all know, the marching band has new uniforms this year. These new uniforms allow the band to have 9 different looks we can use, and we will be trying to show off all of those looks throughout the season. Tomorrow we will be wearing the jacket with no overlay, but with a white superman (the cape type thing in the back). This also allows the band members to help prevent over heating with less layers (though, it should be gorgeous tomorrow so I don't think that would have been a problem). Hope you all like the new uniforms and will enjoy seeing all the different looks they let us achieve (and hopefully allow us to not have to where our maroon polos and khaki shorts during a game ever again)

As you all know, the marching band has new uniforms this year. These new uniforms allow the band to have 9 different looks we can use, and we will be trying to show off all of those looks throughout the season. Tomorrow we will be wearing the jacket with no overlay, but with a white superman (the cape type thing in the back). This also allows the band members to help prevent over heating with less layers (though, it should be gorgeous tomorrow so I don't think that would have been a problem). Hope you all like the new uniforms and will enjoy seeing all the different looks they let us achieve (and hopefully allow us to not have to where our maroon polos and khaki shorts during a game ever again)

Thanks for the update, and thank you for your hard work and dedication with the UMMB. I can only imagine the huge commitment it must be. Looking forward to seeing and hearing you guys this evening!

Just for tonight...

For tonight at TCF, the University of Minnesota has announced that they've arranged for a football game to be played both before and after the marching band performance. To avoid traffic jams, you're encouraged to get to the stadium early. While you're waiting for the marching band to take the field you can be entertained by the football game; and after the show stick around for some bonus football action.

Like the new design with the exception of those giant chevrons on the front. Major design blunder imo.

As you all know, the marching band has new uniforms this year. These new uniforms allow the band to have 9 different looks we can use, and we will be trying to show off all of those looks throughout the season. Tomorrow we will be wearing the jacket with no overlay, but with a white superman (the cape type thing in the back). This also allows the band members to help prevent over heating with less layers (though, it should be gorgeous tomorrow so I don't think that would have been a problem). Hope you all like the new uniforms and will enjoy seeing all the different looks they let us achieve (and hopefully allow us to not have to where our maroon polos and khaki shorts during a game ever again)

Is there an anthracite option?

I was just thinking about the marching band today over lunch. I watched the Trooping of the Colors this summer and was thinking we should swap out some trumpets for cornets and hand out a few alto horns as well.

New uniforms looked exactly like the old uniforms.

New uniforms looked exactly like the old uniforms.
Yeah, that's not true, similar but not the same.
Some differences:
Block M on the front instead of MINNESOTA, the wings have an outline of the state instead of the block M, never had a solid gold front overlay before (The pattern from the MINNESOTA broke it up).

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