Mandate for Change: Minnesota toughens up for a fresh Kill

A decent article that anyone could have written. This guy has obviously never spoken to anyone in the story, and has done no research. I suppose to understand Mason, you had to live it...his success was a means to no end.

And bjm has totally mismanaged the football program...the hoops programs...

and the hockey programs. (Even the Title IX versions of hockey and hoops.) Certainly badger joel macturi has been leading the way with his 25 program plan on the road to insolvency and financial ruin. The athletic department has squandered EVERY penny of new revenue and has NO reserve funds established for the entire athletic department. He is one month away from POTENTIAL disaster within the enitre athletic department. IF one or two major things go wrong from bjm and the Gopher athletic department the WHOLE THING will be shut down. The University of Minnesota General Fund can no longer be raided the way prexy b raided it to buy out Mason and Monson. Law enforcement officials SHOULD be coming to take prexy b away if he tries something STUPID like that little stunt again during the next two weeks. And after then, the entire University will rest in Prexy K's hands.

I am a big Coach Kill well-wisher. I hope he FAR surpasses anything that Coach Mason ever accomplished. But you people who wanted Mason to be replaced certainly got brewball crammed down your throats and it was YOU people who deserved brewball. Most of matter how old you are will not likely see any improvement on what Coach Mason was able to accomplish at Minnesota.

As I stated: I wish Coach Kill ALL the good fortune in the world. My Gopher Football Experience is now resting in his care. I think he actually is a good hire. I fear that the job is immense, difficult and with badger joel macturi leading the way, not going to be adequately supported.

And...the olympic sports...the non-revenue sports...the Title IX sports are all headed the way of the revenue sports under bjm's "hope we get some revenue next month that we can split up 25 ways..." fiscal management style. bjm has got the entire athletic department living from month to month right now...and with the revenue stream problems the entire U of M system will be suffering, things are going to get a lot rouger.

I predict that the 25 sport athletic department will need to shrink to 20 sports or less within the next few years. It is time for bjm to totally disappear.

; 0 (

Had Brewster been successful, the Rose Bowl turf would have been the stuff of legend. Many successful coaches started out with a poor first season. And it was clear to anyone who read it that it wasn't talking about his record as a head coach. Brewster's record is the reason he was fired, and the only thing that matters.

In the long run, though, if his bosses are looking for more than a steady diet of 6-6 or 7-5 marks with the occasional 9-3 run to the Outback Bowl in the best years, the going's likely to get ugly again eventually.

Why? The author gives no reason to think that Minnesota should expect to be at 6 or 7 wins most years, with a 9 win season a rare moment of glory. Why assume that he can do no better than Mason? It was the creampuff schedules that made Mason's record look good. Previous Gophers coaches had truly brutal non-conference schedules. Give them the creampuff schedules, and their records would look good too. If Mason was so great, why has no other school hired him?

And of course the "first 10-win season in a century" angle is misleading, while in the early part of the 20th century, teams played a lot of games, it was many decades before teams regularly had 10 games in their entire schedule. The Gophers played an 11 game season in 1905, but the regular season didn't even have 10 games until 1965, didn't have 11 games until 1971

Law enforcement officials SHOULD be coming to take prexy b away if he tries something STUPID like that little stunt again during the next two weeks.

Under what criminal statute would you have them tried? If you're going to accuse people of crimes, it might be a good idea to have an idea of just what crime you are accusing them of.

I hope he FAR surpasses anything that Coach Mason ever accomplished. But you people who wanted Mason to be replaced certainly got brewball crammed down your throats and it was YOU people who deserved brewball. Most of matter how old you are will not likely see any improvement on what Coach Mason was able to accomplish at Minnesota.

Since hiring Brewster was not inevitable upon firing Mason, you are incorrect. We didn't get Brewster because Mason was fired, there were any number of candidates who could have been hired. And there is no reason to think that we won't see anything better than we did with Mason. A .400 Big Ten record isn't that hard to top. Two 5-win Big Ten seasons in 10 years isn't that hard to top. No Big Ten championships isn't that hard to top. No NYD bowl games isn't that hard to top. No bowl games higher than the Sun Bowl isn't that hard to top.

The Big Ten record isn't hard to top??????

Yes, we now have our own stadium. The dome was a horrible place to play and recruit to.

BUT, I think you underestimate the degree of difficulty in winning Big Ten Football Games and for a coach to manage to stick around long enough to endure some of the cyclical nature of the "boom and bust" cycle for at least 60% to 70% of the Big Ten Programs.

Suppose that a new coach comes to the University of Minnesota. Typically, a new coach to the University of Minnesota has won between zero and three Big Ten games his first year. I would say from 1 to 2 Big Ten wins could catch it pretty well. Right off the bat, the new coach is UNDER THE GUN. A 2-6 is a .250 Big Ten winning percentge. IF the coach can up the record his 2nd season to 3-5 in the Big Ten, his winning percentage is headed in the right direction... IF he could go 4-4 in Big Ten play his 2nd season, he would be sitting pretty. If he goes 2-6 again, he is stuck at that ........250 winning percentage. IF he goes 1-7, he is in bad trouble as far as making that horrible and easy to achieve .400 BT winning percentage.

He has to average over 3 Big Ten wins a season to have a shot at winning 40% of his Big Ten games. Sounds pretty reality it has NOT been very easy at all. In all Big Ten seasons now, the coach is going to have to go against Michigan, MSU, Nebraska, iowa, Northwestern and wisky. He will have 2 more Big Ten games a season to play against the likes of PSU, OSU, Purdue, Illinois, Indiana. Some seasons, the coach will be lucky to be favored in 2 to 3 or maybe 4 of the 8 Big Ten games. Somehow, the coach is going to have to find a way to win 5 Big Ten games in one season about every third season. IF he gets only one 5 win BT season in the first 5 years, he will be gone...and he probably will have NOT surpassed Mason's terrible 400 BT winning percentage.

I don't think you have a clue as to how difficult it is to win Big Ten games. EVERY program in the Big Ten is under tremendous pressure to win MORE Big Ten games each season. It is NOT an easy thing to do. The odds of a coach at the U of M in the year 2011 winning MORE than 40% of his Big Ten games are NOT good. Can it be done? CAN be done. But, it will be incredibly and truely remarkable IF it will be done. One really good season does NOT insure it will happen. A .500 BT winning percentage over a 10 year period would truely be U of M Hall of Fame status for a football coach.

So, don't act so smug about casually saying that ANYTHING is easy for a football coach at the University of Minnesota when competing in the Big Ten Conference in Footall. I HOPE you are right...but...I KNOW you are wrong rodentrampage...Over fifty years of watching and cheering for Golden Gopher Football gives me much confidence and well as much regret in having to tell you that virtually ALL of your assumptions are foolish, reeking of false confidence and will, over the course of time be proved to be totally b.s. You totally underestimate the level of competition and you don't know how difficult it is to build a truely competetive Big Ten Football Program. I'm not happy to tell you that rodentrampage...but...I have been watching Golden Gopher Football for a LONG time...I really do hope that I am wrong. I hope that it suddenly has become very easy to surpass that .40 BT winning percentage over the course of at least 4 or 5 seasons. I hope Coach Kill is at the U for 20 seasons! Anything...and everything is is not probable though I fear...

; 0 (

Wren: "I am a big Coach Kill well-wisher. I hope he FAR surpasses anything that Coach Mason ever accomplished. But you people who wanted Mason to be replaced certainly got brewball crammed down your throats and it was YOU people who deserved brewball. Most of matter how old you are will not likely see any improvement on what Coach Mason was able to accomplish at Minnesota."

Most of us here are screaming for a successful Gopher program. Some tied their hopes with certain coaches like Mason who feel far short of what the masses would like. Many jumped on Brewsters wagon and were jolted back to reality. Now we have Coach Kill who is faced with the same what seems as close to impossible task of putting the Gophers into the position to win a Big Ten title.

I know you will reply with all the great things that Mason accomplished but, IMO he was an underachiever and his record showed that. Both here and at his previous two stops. With the material he had, I felt that we should have been to at least one major bowl game and been in contention for a BT title going into the last Saturday. Not the case.
And as RodentRampage stated, other HC's could have realized a similar record playing comparable creampuff schedules.

For every Mason success, its easy to find a failure. Thus Masonball was labeled as mediocre which is very fitting. Some of us here are always willing to contrast your efforts to put Mason on a pedestal. So go ahead and get you Mason bust all ready and see if anyone will let you put it up. Good luck!

The masses want more than what Masonball accomplished. Coach Mason's record is not the pinnacle nor the utlimate goal.

New Official Position

I hereby appoint Bayfield to the position of responding to all comments from wren about Mason. There is really not much more that can be said than what Bayfield articulated in his post. Of course the position comes with compensation, i.e. our internal gratitude.

We will see what the future will bring...

I wish Coach Kill MUCH good fortune and success in Big Ten play here at the U of M. I am sure he will find the job challenging, stimulating and very financially rewarding and personally rewarding. I look forward to much success in Big Ten Play these next five to ten seasons. I don't know: some people say it is easy to win a lot of Big Ten games. Personally, I think it is not nearly as easy as those people think it is. Some people think we can learn from our history. Others would say: forget the is in the past. But, in the end, we will compare our past with the present and the present with the past. That's just the way these things always go...

We will wait, watch and follow the Conference standings. Good luck Coach Kill! I hope EVERYBODY gets EXACTLY what they want...and what they deserve...And the U of M is due some good fortune in Big Ten play.

I do hope that Coach Kill has an exact idea of what the expectations will be for him. And, I hope he has that in writing. I do hope that the AD that Prexy K will appoint to be the ad will honor those expectations. There have been many times when it would appear that the expectations have been less than crystal clear as the author of this blog piece has rather strongly indicated. Coach Kill deserves a written set of crystal clear expectations! Go Gophers!

; 0 )

Damn, and I thought people were exaggerating. You really are intolerable, wren. Decade long posts of complete ramble and little flexibility too see things from a different perspective other than your own.

Anyways. A coach that experiences moderate success, blows the biggest lead in bowl history, and then chuckles about it afterwords, has no excuses.

I do hope that Coach Kill has an exact idea of what the expectations will be for him. And, I hope he has that in writing. I do hope that the AD that Prexy K will appoint to be the ad will honor those expectations. There have been many times when it would appear that the expectations have been less than crystal clear as the author of this blog piece has rather strongly indicated. Coach Kill deserves a written set of crystal clear expectations!

Honest to god, read this paragraph and tell me that you don't think there is a room full of monkeys with keyboards pounding this out.

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