Loved the uniform combo today


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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I thought they looked great !!!!!!!!

Loved em. I am really, really liking these new uniforms overall.

Utah State has similar helmets to us. They are pretty BA too.

I'm going to have to disagree . I hated them. I hope they stick with the maroon tops/gold pants at home from now on and only break these out once a year for the gold out gimmick.

That being said, we got the win and that's what's important. Could care less what they wear if they win.

I'm going to have to disagree . I hated them. I hope they stick with the maroon tops/gold pants at home from now on and only break these out once a year for the gold out gimmick.

That being said, we got the win and that's what's important. Could care less what they wear if they win.

Better get used to all nine combos.

Upon further review, two little things. First I love the Ski-U-Mah on the helmet clip on the back of the helmet. Second, no names on the Uniforms. Everyone was Minnesota.

Love the Gold uni's, we are the "Golden" Gophers. It is something no one else is wearing.

anyone notice goldy had the gold pants and gold jersey on? I thought it looked really sharp. Add on those BA maroon helmets and I think that that would be my favorite uni combo.

Interesting to see the different opinions of uniforms. Here's how I'd rank the eight options I found in a promo photo:
1. White over White
2. Maroon over Maroon
3. Maroon over White
4. Maroon over Gold
5. White over Maroon
6. White over Gold
7. Gold over White
8. Gold over Maroon


1. Maroon over Gold..


1. White over Gold.

Yes, those are my two faves, I was gonna limit it to the two you indicated, but I still think the white on white is a sign of my purity. :)

Now, can we finally agree on something after I edited my faves??? :)

Why can't we keep our home uniforms the the traditional maroon on gold? I don't get it.

I think the "Minnesota" on the back is not great. The best look is no names.

Yes, those are my two faves, I was gonna limit it to the two you indicated, but I still think the white on white is a sign of my purity. :)

Now, can we finally agree on something after I edited my faves??? :)


Why can't we keep our home uniforms the the traditional maroon on gold? I don't get it.

I think the "Minnesota" on the back is not great. The best look is no names.


It looks as though they have their jerseys on backwards.

I'm going to have to disagree . I hated them. I hope they stick with the maroon tops/gold pants at home from now on and only break these out once a year for the gold out gimmick.

That being said, we got the win and that's what's important. Could care less what they wear if they win.

Agree - the classic uniform is best - provides nationwide identity. Saturday's were pumpkin/Halloween uniforms. Too many schools have ditched really good-looking traditional uniforms (Arizona, e.g.) for flashy, noisy ones. But Nebraska, Alabama, USC, Penn State, Michigan don't change much.

Liked the Uniforms a lot, but I don't get why they didn't make the maroon match the helmets? The maroon looks a little bright for the matte finish on the helmet imo.

I actually like the Gold tops better than last weeks.

I HATE the all white road uni's with a passion.

I think they looked better last week. But I still really liked the gold shirts on maroon pants. Not really a fan of the Minnesota on the back, blank would be better.

These unis are so much better than anything we've had recently. Even the disgusting white on white road unis are tolerable.

Prediction for next week: maroon on white.

I don't like the collars on the gold jerseys.

I can't complain too much though because they came out pretty much as to what I asked stripes, piping, leaves, trees and globs of crap.

Finally, a post I make of which you approve.

Well those photos are a lot better than the one you sent me in that PM.

BTW you never said which one was you and which one was your neighbor.


Well those photos are a lot better than the one you sent me in that PM.

BTW you never said which one was you and which one was your neighbor.


Hey, you look good in blue shorts, 19.

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