There is a lot of salacious info going around the web (a lot of it conjecture and blatantly false) on this situation. I won't share what I know personally from a good source because it's a. unfair to all parties (I have no love for the adults in this situation though. They should and do know better. I feel for the children in both families and a spouse) and b. it's really bad but it has no bearing on the basketball side of things other than it being a potential PR nightmare. Despite what you hear or read the information that is the crux of the FBI investigation has NOTHING to do with point shaving, gambling, illegal recruiting, etc.
What I will say is the following:
Rick's wandering eye is well known and documented. Joanne has left him on more than one occasion over these types of situations but always reconciled for the good of the family. People will say what they want about Joanne but she's been through a lot and doesn't deserve it. I admire her for putting her children first. If any of this goes public it will be embarrassing to Rick and his family personally and will be a black eye on the UofL program because it involves two university employees. The only reason Rick Pitino is still employed at this point is because of money and his and the UofL AD's influence.