"Lopher" T-shirt can't let this one go


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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College is not junior high these are nearly grown a$$ men, and that T-shirt thing is Sophomoric at best. That "Lopher" T-shirt is lame some guy's may even wear it as a badge or have pride in it and proudly wear it to mock your authority. There will be a lot of cheerleaders and rah rah types that say "Yeah" go get em coach way to show them who's boss but I gotta say in this day and age "calling a guy out like that wins you no favors with players." Who is going to want to sell out for the coach on game day when he is already attaching labels and calling people out like a "grade school teacher." There are better way's to motivate a guy, especially other than the silly dunce cap like T-shirt. Seems really juvenile by the coaches to make a guy wear that in front of there teammates when what you are trying to build is a "team attitude" and winning attitude. This reverse attitude crap can backfire. This is the Big 10 conference you should not need a weenie at best T-shirt to make a point. This is not busting them down to build them up it is immature psychology.

There are better way's to motivate then making an ass out of someone, especially people you are trying to sell on working harder for you. This is the first thing I have heard of, from coach Kill and his staff that I really dis-like. College is above High School prank's and hazing. "Lopher" T-shirt is a crap idea and I would tell the coach that to his face if I had the chance.
Maybe as a one time thing, but continuing to use it, pretty WEENIE. That is something Maturi the old HS ball coach would use, no wonder they get along so well.
Brewster got a lot of crap for streamers and the rah rah stuff, but that is not all bad when you want them to work harder.

Should we just coddle them and tell them how great they are like the last few years? We saw some inspired and disciplined play with that approach.

I see nothing wrong with it, if the slackers have issues with it maybe mommy can catch a direct flight and come reassure them how great they are.

What? Seriously?

This is a horrible topic.

Don't loaf then. Pretty simple. If you work hard, you will not be called out. Should we not fire people that don't work hard? That is a metaphorical loapher t-shirt isn't it? People need to be called out to work harder.

I must have missed this somewhere. What is he talking about?

I must have missed this somewhere. What is he talking about?

Kill apparently (from hearsay) hands out jerseys to whomever isn't working as hard as he should. From what I remember, the first few days of workouts, he handed out a handful, and now I think he's only handed out one.

I think this gopherdude guy had too many friends with "I'm with Stupid" t's.

Hopefully Kill doesn't take the advice of some message boarder who doesn't understand plurals.

Say what you want about the current staff -- full disclosure: I am unsold -- but if the players get bent out of shape over being ridiculed for lack of effort on the practice field, they can get the eff out.

Holy Jesus Martha... what a benign complaint the OP made.

College is not junior high these are nearly grown a$$ men, and that T-shirt thing is Sophomoric at best. That "Lopher" T-shirt is lame some guy's may even wear it as a badge or have pride in it and proudly wear it to mock your authority. There will be a lot of cheerleaders and rah rah types that say "Yeah" go get em coach way to show them who's boss but I gotta say in this day and age "calling a guy out like that wins you no favors with players." Who is going to want to sell out for the coach on game day when he is already attaching labels and calling people out like a "grade school teacher." There are better way's to motivate a guy, especially other than the silly dunce cap like T-shirt. Seems really juvenile by the coaches to make a guy wear that in front of there teammates when what you are trying to build is a "team attitude" and winning attitude. This reverse attitude crap can backfire. This is the Big 10 conference you should not need a weenie at best T-shirt to make a point. This is not busting them down to build them up it is immature psychology.

There are better way's to motivate then making an ass out of someone, especially people you are trying to sell on working harder for you. This is the first thing I have heard of, from coach Kill and his staff that I really dis-like. College is above High School prank's and hazing. "Lopher" T-shirt is a crap idea and I would tell the coach that to his face if I had the chance.
Maybe as a one time thing, but continuing to use it, pretty WEENIE. That is something Maturi the old HS ball coach would use, no wonder they get along so well.
Brewster got a lot of crap for streamers and the rah rah stuff, but that is not all bad when you want them to work harder.

Is this really Craig James?

You have absolutely no clue here. This is not hazing, this is not pranking, this is not crap. This is how you get the attention of children in men's bodies. Children have to be taught a work ethic--it doesn't come naturally. The coaches are just doing something that mom and dad should have done.

To the player: If you act like an ass, you get treated like one. Your team mates will figure it out. They will help you succeed or let you swing--it's all about YOUR ability to be a team mate.
Either you give a 100% or you don't. If you don't want to get the Lopher shirt, do your job, which is being a full-ride scholarship football player. If it comes down to wearing the shirt or leaving the team, leave. Give up your full-ride scholarship to a BCS school and move on. Over a shirt.

I get so tired of this coddling of paid athletes by certain individuals. Yes, they are compensated, whether they or anyone else want to admit it or not. When you sign on that dotted line, it's time to put on your big boy pants and accept all that is entailed in that commitment. If any of these players were my son and complained to me about this method, I'd tell him to stop being a sissy and work harder. These guys can tend to forget that there are tens of thousands of HS athletes every year who would gladly take their place, and work their ass off for the privilege. Any player who would complain about being called out for his laziness is someone I don't want representing my University - I don't care how good he is.

So which lazy player's parent are you?

Probably is. Their kid got away with being lazy and having no repercussions under Brew and now they are getting worked by Kill and calling home to mommy and daddy crying about being picked on. Sounds about right???

It's a little corny with the rhyming of "gopher" but I think the premise is absolutely all right. Many individuals (especially younger people) will work just hard enough not to be singled out. I'm not even saying it's intentional or they're lazy or anything, it's just human nature. The threat of being singled out sometimes is a great motivator

It's a little corny with the rhyming of "gopher" but I think the premise is absolutely all right. Many individuals (especially younger people) will work just hard enough not to be singled out. I'm not even saying it's intentional or they're lazy or anything, it's just human nature. The threat of being singled out sometimes is a great motivator

I think the original carry-over shirt brought from NIU that they were using was "I let my team mates down" or something of the sort. Lopher is fine.

There are different coaching styles, and this happens to be Kill's. They can all work- Pete Carroll did pretty well at USC, for example.

I think the most important thing is that a coach stays true to who he is. Kill has made no bones about the fact that he demands hard work but that he gives in return. More importantly, he has said that this is just an extension of his own childhood and life. If he slacked off, it would just not be him. If Pete Carroll tried to be a hardass, it would not work for him, either.

Kids can smell a phony. Kill's past players all talk about how much he appreciated them, not about how he belittled them. He demands a lot, but he makes it clear to the players that he appreciates their hard work and expects the same of himself. Kids respect that, which is why, at every stop of his career, they have played hard for him.

Kids can smell a phony. Kill's past players all talk about how much he appreciated them, not about how he belittled them. He demands a lot, but he makes it clear to the players that he appreciates their hard work and expects the same of himself. Kids respect that, which is why, at every stop of his career, they have played hard for him.

True, and it's not just his players he demands a lot from either. All of his assistant coaches talk about how demanding Coach Kill is, but they also talk about what a truly good man he is and how he'd do anything at all for them or one of his players, and that's why all those coaches love him and stick with him in spite of his being so demanding upon them. And like you say, Coach Kill expects and demands more of himself than anyone else. It's not a one way street there. He drives himself, expects more from himself, demands more from himself and busts his own balls more than he does anyone else. That is just the nature of the man.

I think the most important thing is that a coach stays true to who he is. Kill has made no bones about the fact that he demands hard work but that he gives in return. More importantly, he has said that this is just an extension of his own childhood and life. If he slacked off, it would just not be him...Kill's past players all talk about how much he appreciated them, not about how he belittled them. He demands a lot, but he makes it clear to the players that he appreciates their hard work and expects the same of himself. Kids respect that, which is why, at every stop of his career, they have played hard for him.

True, and it's not just his players he demands a lot from either. All of his assistant coaches talk about how demanding Coach Kill is, but they also talk about what a truly good man he is and how he'd do anything at all for them or one of his players, and that's why all those coaches love him and stick with him in spite of his being so demanding upon them. And like you say, Coach Kill expects and demands more of himself than anyone else. It's not a one way street there. He drives himself, expects more from himself, demands more from himself and busts his own balls more than he does anyone else. That is just the nature of the man.

Kids need discipline, with love. Hell, adults need discipline, with respect. If you don't have discipline, love, and mutual respect, you have chaos. You've seen what that gets you.

College is not junior high these are nearly grown a$$ men, and that T-shirt thing is Sophomoric at best. That "Lopher" T-shirt is lame some guy's may even wear it as a badge or have pride in it and proudly wear it to mock your authority. There will be a lot of cheerleaders and rah rah types that say "Yeah" go get em coach way to show them who's boss but I gotta say in this day and age "calling a guy out like that wins you no favors with players." Who is going to want to sell out for the coach on game day when he is already attaching labels and calling people out like a "grade school teacher." There are better way's to motivate a guy, especially other than the silly dunce cap like T-shirt. Seems really juvenile by the coaches to make a guy wear that in front of there teammates when what you are trying to build is a "team attitude" and winning attitude. This reverse attitude crap can backfire. This is the Big 10 conference you should not need a weenie at best T-shirt to make a point. This is not busting them down to build them up it is immature psychology.

There are better way's to motivate then making an ass out of someone, especially people you are trying to sell on working harder for you. This is the first thing I have heard of, from coach Kill and his staff that I really dis-like. College is above High School prank's and hazing. "Lopher" T-shirt is a crap idea and I would tell the coach that to his face if I had the chance.
Maybe as a one time thing, but continuing to use it, pretty WEENIE. That is something Maturi the old HS ball coach would use, no wonder they get along so well.
Brewster got a lot of crap for streamers and the rah rah stuff, but that is not all bad when you want them to work harder.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

College is not junior high these are nearly grown a$$ men, and that T-shirt thing is Sophomoric at best. That "Lopher" T-shirt is lame some guy's may even wear it as a badge or have pride in it and proudly wear it to mock your authority. There will be a lot of cheerleaders and rah rah types that say "Yeah" go get em coach way to show them who's boss but I gotta say in this day and age "calling a guy out like that wins you no favors with players." Who is going to want to sell out for the coach on game day when he is already attaching labels and calling people out like a "grade school teacher." There are better way's to motivate a guy, especially other than the silly dunce cap like T-shirt. Seems really juvenile by the coaches to make a guy wear that in front of there teammates when what you are trying to build is a "team attitude" and winning attitude. This reverse attitude crap can backfire. This is the Big 10 conference you should not need a weenie at best T-shirt to make a point. This is not busting them down to build them up it is immature psychology.

There are better way's to motivate then making an ass out of someone, especially people you are trying to sell on working harder for you. This is the first thing I have heard of, from coach Kill and his staff that I really dis-like. College is above High School prank's and hazing. "Lopher" T-shirt is a crap idea and I would tell the coach that to his face if I had the chance.
Maybe as a one time thing, but continuing to use it, pretty WEENIE. That is something Maturi the old HS ball coach would use, no wonder they get along so well.
Brewster got a lot of crap for streamers and the rah rah stuff, but that is not all bad when you want them to work harder.

Seriously!? I think it's a great idea. I guarantee no one wants to wear that shirt. We had things similar to that when I was in college and they made people work harder. The types of people that challenge that idea are not mentally tough.

I award gopherdudepart2 a "lohper poster" tag for the abundance of spelling and grammatical errors.

I just want you to put forth your best effort.


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


I have no problem with this.

A football team is the ultimate hive mind. You need to get every single last one of them to understand what is expected out of them in terms of effort. If you let a single guy coast, you're in trouble because the belief that it can be done will be spread to all of them. A little harmless shaming is an easy way to fix this instead of the other common method: running the the Lophers until they puke twice.

A football team is the ultimate hive mind. You need to get every single last one of them to understand what is expected out of them in terms of effort. If you let a single guy coast, you're in trouble because the belief that it can be done will be spread to all of them. A little harmless shaming is an easy way to fix this instead of the other common method: running the the Lophers until they puke twice.

If any player thinks its stupid or embarassing to wear it, they know how not to. The other player then know who has their back.

I don't love the idea but I do love being accountable to your teammates.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

+1 and a penguin with a pina colada.

College is not junior high these are nearly grown a$$ men, and that T-shirt thing is Sophomoric at best. That "Lopher" T-shirt is lame some guy's may even wear it as a badge or have pride in it and proudly wear it to mock your authority. There will be a lot of cheerleaders and rah rah types that say "Yeah" go get em coach way to show them who's boss but I gotta say in this day and age "calling a guy out like that wins you no favors with players." Who is going to want to sell out for the coach on game day when he is already attaching labels and calling people out like a "grade school teacher." There are better way's to motivate a guy, especially other than the silly dunce cap like T-shirt. Seems really juvenile by the coaches to make a guy wear that in front of there teammates when what you are trying to build is a "team attitude" and winning attitude. This reverse attitude crap can backfire. This is the Big 10 conference you should not need a weenie at best T-shirt to make a point. This is not busting them down to build them up it is immature psychology.

There are better way's to motivate then making an ass out of someone, especially people you are trying to sell on working harder for you. This is the first thing I have heard of, from coach Kill and his staff that I really dis-like. College is above High School prank's and hazing. "Lopher" T-shirt is a crap idea and I would tell the coach that to his face if I had the chance.
Maybe as a one time thing, but continuing to use it, pretty WEENIE. That is something Maturi the old HS ball coach would use, no wonder they get along so well.
Brewster got a lot of crap for streamers and the rah rah stuff, but that is not all bad when you want them to work harder.

gopherdudepart2: You have heretofore replaced dboy, millions2spare,missedlayup, et.al. in the following award: Congratulations on your epic as-heretofore-unreached levels of dumbassery.

dpodoll68 12/10/10
(compliments of the continuation signature from blizzard)

College is not junior high these are nearly grown a$$ men, and that T-shirt thing is Sophomoric at best. That "Lopher" T-shirt is lame some guy's may even wear it as a badge or have pride in it and proudly wear it to mock your authority. There will be a lot of cheerleaders and rah rah types that say "Yeah" go get em coach way to show them who's boss but I gotta say in this day and age "calling a guy out like that wins you no favors with players." Who is going to want to sell out for the coach on game day when he is already attaching labels and calling people out like a "grade school teacher." There are better way's to motivate a guy, especially other than the silly dunce cap like T-shirt. Seems really juvenile by the coaches to make a guy wear that in front of there teammates when what you are trying to build is a "team attitude" and winning attitude. This reverse attitude crap can backfire. This is the Big 10 conference you should not need a weenie at best T-shirt to make a point. This is not busting them down to build them up it is immature psychology.

There are better way's to motivate then making an ass out of someone, especially people you are trying to sell on working harder for you. This is the first thing I have heard of, from coach Kill and his staff that I really dis-like. College is above High School prank's and hazing. "Lopher" T-shirt is a crap idea and I would tell the coach that to his face if I had the chance.
Maybe as a one time thing, but continuing to use it, pretty WEENIE. That is something Maturi the old HS ball coach would use, no wonder they get along so well.
Brewster got a lot of crap for streamers and the rah rah stuff, but that is not all bad when you want them to work harder.

"Lopher" T-shirt is a crap idea and I would tell the coach that to his face if I had the chance.[/U][/U]

You could have your chance, do you know where the complex is?

New Sheriff in town

I have no problem with the T Shirt. I have a better idea though - I had a coach in High School hockey that would not make the guy loafing skate sprints - he made every other player skate sprints!! The loafing stopped in a hurry. Ski u mah!!

I think the original carry-over shirt brought from NIU that they were using was "I let my team mates down" or something of the sort. Lopher is fine

Damn, and I thought I was a hard a$$.

Does this cross the line? I think it does not, but it may come close. It requires the deft touch of a very good coach.

I do not believe in ever cursing a player. I do, however, believe in making him feel like dog meat.

Here's the key thing: the person who's shamed must clearly understand what's happened and how to improve. This must be absolutely clear from the very start.

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