Little Brown Jug space


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Dec 4, 2009
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Now that order has been restored to the college football universe and we will play Michigan every year, there is a large issue on the horizon with the Jug. There are currently only 2 spots left for scores. MVictors does a great job of laying out the options below. I get that it is still 2 years away, but I'm pretty excited about UM v UM (as if you couldn't tell).

Awesome read. Man I love college football!

My preference would be to add the additional ceramic base.

I'd be fine with either 3,4 or 5. Anything that preserves the previous scores (or reproduces them) and allows for additional is cool for me, whether it's expanding the base, repainting, or cramming them in spaces.

Expand the base. This worked out JUST fine for the Stanley Cup, which is without a doubt the greatest trophy in sports.

This will be a non-issue, as there are sufficient spaces left to get us to 2012. The Gophers will hold the jug for two consecutive seasons, ushering in the predicted apocalypse.

Adding a ring or two, Stanley cup style, isn't my favorite choice, but it might be cool. The original hundred or so scores remain on the original jug. But the after that 'extension' is filled up, that can be removed and given to the holder of the jug, but isn't attached to the jug when it is paraded around the stadium after the game.

Adding a ring or two, Stanley cup style, isn't my favorite choice, but it might be cool. The original hundred or so scores remain on the original jug. But the after that 'extension' is filled up, that can be removed and given to the holder of the jug, but isn't attached to the jug when it is paraded around the stadium after the game.

I would definitely favor it as being a pedestal. You wouldn't carry it around when you're parading with the jug, it wouldn't be attached the jug, but it would be what the jug sits in when it's displayed.

Next time we win it, we should just white out some of their wins.

I'd say it's time to repaint the whole thing and design it so there's plenty of room for future scores.

If we ever decide to retire the original jug, I think we have a better claim on it than Michigan does. Yes, it was originally theirs and they have won it many more times, but we're the ones who took a worthless jug and made it into the first college football trophy! (And yes, I'm aware that there is one older trophy, but it was not a traveling trophy in the same way until many years after the Little Brown Jug was.) Having said that, I actually think a better idea would be to put the original on display at the College Football Hall of Fame.

Having said that, I actually think a better idea would be to put the original on display at the College Football Hall of Fame.

Sorry, but I disagree. We won that thing in 2005. Only a few short days later, I went to buy my basketball tickets at Mariucci. The jug was in that ticket office and just seeing it there and it amazed me how much history was involved with this thing. All those touched it, and wanted it so bad for so many years. Objects like that are really special, and what makes them more special is when teams and their fans have to earn the right to see it in person, and keep it on their campus. Having it at a neutral site, just to be looked at by college football fans in general sort of ruins it for both schools.

johnnybb said:
This will be a non-issue, as there are sufficient spaces left to get us to 2012. The Gophers will hold the jug for two consecutive seasons, ushering in the predicted apocalypse.


Sorry, but I disagree. We won that thing in 2005. Only a few short days later, I went to buy my basketball tickets at Mariucci. The jug was in that ticket office and just seeing it there and it amazed me how much history was involved with this thing. All those touched it, and wanted it so bad for so many years. Objects like that are really special, and what makes them more special is when teams and their fans have to earn the right to see it in person, and keep it on their campus. Having it at a neutral site, just to be looked at by college football fans in general sort of ruins it for both schools.

Well, I don't know if we disagree all that much - I absolutely don't want to see the Jug retired. I think repainting it is the way to go. I'm just saying that if they someday decide to retire the original, the Hall of Fame would be a fitting place for it considering its importance to college football history.

I say leave it in tact. Leave it as is, for the most part. Just paint over the columns with scores listed. Currently they are HUGE. you could add one, two, even three more columns if you just paint the scores smaller. Not to mention what you could do to add more lines per column. It would remain the SAME jug, in its original form. Like the article said, it has already been painted over several times. To solve this issue, you wouldn't even have to paint over the entire jug, just the white parts that currently show the scores in a very LARGE font.

Either that, or just switch the block "M's" at the top of the score columns. Perhaps nobody will notice.

Why on earth would you consider painting over it? Blasphemy!

Add a support or whatever, but painting over the history is not the way to go.

I think I'd support just adding new columns around the remaining available space to buy time before having to actually alter the physical properties of the thing by adding a base.

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