Limegrover on KFAN with Hawky NOW

My suggestion is to let Hawkeye be and just let it go. Should he do things that aren't appropriate, then yes, we need to hammer KFAN.

What? I didn't say Hawkeye. I said Hawky (as in Chris Hawkey from the Power Trip morning show). And who said anything about bugging him or hammering KFAN?

That said.. Interview just finished up. I was mega late on the thread, my bad.

Good stuff until they started talking about video game football. Then it was about as interesting as listening to some dork talk about his fantasy team.

Limegrover said that he was called out by Kill in a staff meeting. Kill told him "this doesn't look like a group you coached." --This is from a Marcus tweet.

Limegrover also commented that he thinks that MN is a "sleeping giant" more now, than he did the day he got here. "We need to find the right spot to kick it."

Limegrover said that he was called out by Kill in a staff meeting. Kill told him "this doesn't look like a group you coached."

This is from a Marcus tweet.

It is day 10 and camp is getting hot in the coaches corner. Something wrong with the offense at this point in camp is not so shocking. Having a coach called out in a meeting and the coach airing it out in public -- ouch. The vaunted coaching stability thing better be stronger than the myth that it is built on in Gopherland. Makes me want to do wind sprints until I spew. Maybe Limegrover should come over to my place and offer me the dixie cup, "here, spew into this."

It is day 10 and camp is getting hot in the coaches corner. Something wrong with the offense at this point in camp is not so shocking. Having a coach called out in a meeting and the coach airing it out in public -- ouch. The vaunted coaching stability thing better be stronger than the myth that it is built on in Gopherland. Makes me want to do wind sprints until I spew. Maybe Limegrover should come over to my place and offer me the dixie cup, "here, spew into this."

If you listened to the interview (I'm sure there's a podcast at you'd know that Limegrover said that was the reason why there's such stability.

The coaches have talked about how they are not afraid to get after each other and make each other better. I think Kill even mentioned this in one of the webisodes. I see nothing wrong with this situation. I have no doubt that this is a strong, stable coaching staff who work well together.

Coaches bond as strong as carbon thread, Formo

I don't want to spew over their love bond for each other. I want to spew because it was mentioned to a reporter and then tweeted to the universe. It is about as interesting as a 16 year old tweeting to meet at Taco Bravo because they have a craving. That, and the fact that the coaching staff has been repeatedly given credit for being stable to the point of being like the Borg. Formo, come on down to Northfield with a case of vomit bags. I will be doing sprints between now and New Years. Wind sprints will keep me too busy to post more nonesense that seems to stir you up. It will also keep me from reading about a tweet that is oh so much fluff and actually posting my own vomitous mass.

Can't wait for the football season to start. So sick of the offseason....

Weird! Oneoldgopher is overreacting (cough, trolling, cough) on something that isn't a big deal at all? What has happened to this bright happy world of ours???

Weird! Oneoldgopher is overreacting (cough, trolling, cough) on something that isn't a big deal at all? What has happened to this bright happy world of ours???

Maybe I'm misunderstanding him.. Then I read his post again and realized I'm as confused as he seems!

I haven't seen the coaching staff described in Borg-like terms. But Kill's staff does have a great deal of stability, that's objective, not mythical. It does have the advantage that the coaches know they are good fits with each other, they don't have to have a process of figuring out how they can work together. And especially after the instability we have had, it seems pretty good. But it doesn't imply that there will never be any conflict.

Does anyone else think that oneoldgopher has some sort of vomit fetish?

But it doesn't imply that there will never be any conflict.
Exactly. Relationships without conflict are typically the unhealthy ones. If you interact that closely with people for that long you are going to have disagreements. Just how it is.

I haven't seen the coaching staff described in Borg-like terms. But Kill's staff does have a great deal of stability, that's objective, not mythical. It does have the advantage that the coaches know they are good fits with each other, they don't have to have a process of figuring out how they can work together. And especially after the instability we have had, it seems pretty good. But it doesn't imply that there will never be any conflict.

The Kill staff seems to have formed naturally through the process of "trust and purpose". Trust can result in "comfort". Comfort is not a bad thing. I'd say these coaches are comfortable with Kill and each other because they have a common purpose and goal, and can trust each other.

Everyone is unique in how they view and react to things. Kill has used his ability as a "manager" to take a diverse group of personalities and focus them on a single goal and purpose by creating an environment of trust. You can disagree with someone you trust and know they won't stab you in the back.

In turn, the coaches pass this down to the players. Trust breeds trust. Success breeds success.

Oh, and I never trust oneoldgopher. Ever.

(What? I didn't say Hawkeye. I said Hawky (as in Chris Hawkey from the Power Trip morning show). And who said anything about bugging him or hammering KFAN?

That said.. Interview just finished up. I was mega late on the thread, my bad.)

My bad big time. A Case of not reading the name properly and jumped to the conclusion that the Hawkeye fan was on KFAN.

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