Limegrover and Message Board Posters

Do you know more about game planning and play calling than Limegrover?

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GH Hall of Fame '10
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
Do you know more about game planning and play calling than Limegrover?

Hey - West Coast, thought you put me on "ignore"? Guess, I'm too interesting to ignore.

Go home dude. You're drunk.

Sorry, but not true. I'm just pointing out that someone is a hypocrite.

I find it interesting that the "you're drunk" response comes out when people are frustrated and/or lack creativity. The only thing I've drank today are kale based smoothies (I know, gay). Where does your anger come from?

Let's not go over board. This is the same guy who played Nelson for the whole game and developed the game plan against Iowa.

Can we post the list of the 6 people who answered yes? Nevermind. I think I already know.

Funny poll question, but sorta embarrassing for our fan base, don't you think?

Can we post the list of the 6 people who answered yes? Nevermind. I think I already know.

Funny poll question, but sorta embarrassing for our fan base, don't you think?

If you click on the number of votes in either the yes or no answer, a list of names is displayed of who voted.

This poll is ridiculous and embarrassing for the guy who posted it. Its implication is that no fan should be able to criticize the play calling of their Offensive Coordinator unless they have equivalent experience game planning and calling plays. Limegrover's play calling in the Iowa game was uninspired, predictable, and ineffective and he is the first one to admit. Among other things, he needed to put more trust in his players to execute anything but the most basic game game plan and plays. Now he is doing it and it isn't because the players are suddenly starting to "get it" in practice. Limegrover and the coaching staff finally started to understand that unless they started taking more risks and being more creative with their offensive play calling there was a significant possibility the Gophers were not going to win another game for the rest of the season. The Gopher fan base can only hope that they keep up the good work.

If you haven't noticed Nelson is the better option at QB. Far more diverse have you been watching!?!?

This is not even close to being right. But you are entitled to your opinion like every other Gopher fan even though you don't know as much as Limegrover or the other coaches.

As a decades long member of the Gopher Fan base, an "uneducated, fickle, uninformed, and unrealistic," bunch, obviously Coach Limegrover knows more about game planning than me.

Hey, but at least we have a sense of humor.. :cool:

I voted Yes. But there's nothing I would have done differently. So I'd say Limegrover is at best equal to my play calling ability.

If you click on the number of votes in either the yes or no answer, a list of names is displayed of who voted.

LOL - It appears that with the NSA, GopherHole, and all the other people collecting information 1984 is here and is alive and well. On the other hand it is nice to know who the GopherHole experts are.:rolleyes:

I have always suspected that kellyleeks was a foreign agent.

If you click on the number of votes in either the yes or no answer, a list of names is displayed of who voted.

Thanks! The number is up to 12, but some names I thought would be there haven't voted... I think they're busy game-planning...

I voted no. If I voted yes, the stink would be worse than the original reference, which I will not repeat, sort of not repeat. Yeah, well. Got to go now.

Just want to use this opportunity to say, "I told you so".

In the aspect of, Limey WAS using the first half of the season to set up the 2nd half of the season in his playcalling. Granted, I would have liked to see him use the offense vs. Nebraska a few games earlier in the season.. That game proved that we, yes in fact, had a decent playcaller and that he was calling vanilla offense to set up teams later.

I dunno. Maybe I do know what I'm talking about..

Could also be that once we started executing the plays he called, he was able to expand the playbook.

This poll is ridiculous and embarrassing for the guy who posted it. Its implication is that no fan should be able to criticize the play calling of their Offensive Coordinator unless they have equivalent experience game planning and calling plays. Limegrover's play calling in the Iowa game was uninspired, predictable, and ineffective and he is the first one to admit. Among other things, he needed to put more trust in his players to execute anything but the most basic game game plan and plays. Now he is doing it and it isn't because the players are suddenly starting to "get it" in practice. Limegrover and the coaching staff finally started to understand that unless they started taking more risks and being more creative with their offensive play calling there was a significant possibility the Gophers were not going to win another game for the rest of the season. The Gopher fan base can only hope that they keep up the good work.

He admitted in hindsight he might have done things a little differently. He's smart. At the time, however, I think he and the coaching staff were game-planning collectively how they thought gave us the best chance to win. I still contend that a play here or there could have changed everything.

Just want to use this opportunity to say, "I told you so".

In the aspect of, Limey WAS using the first half of the season to set up the 2nd half of the season in his playcalling. Granted, I would have liked to see him use the offense vs. Nebraska a few games earlier in the season.. That game proved that we, yes in fact, had a decent playcaller and that he was calling vanilla offense to set up teams later.

I dunno. Maybe I do know what I'm talking about..

Then again, maybe you don't. :)

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