If you think alcohol should be served in the luxury suites at TCF please write or call your representative. There is still time to save this and it would be a great help to the sports programs. Here is a letter I just sent to my representative.
I was very disappointed to see that the house voted against alcohol in the luxury suites at TCF stadium.
This was nothing more than the cheapest form of political grandstanding. This is why people like me have nothing but contempt for politicians.
What is next? A ban on first class seats on airlines? A demand that everyone drive the same car? For that matter why have tiered seating at all at TCF? Tear out the luxury seats and all the seats that have backs on them and make everyone sit on bleachers.
The fact of the matter is that money can buy a better lifestyle in the USA. That might be a better house, a better car, first class seats on airplanes, or even, GOD FORBID, better seats and privileges at TCF.
By denying alcohol sales in the suites at TCF you are depriving the sports programs of 1 to 2 million dollars per year. Whom does that help? No one. Only serving alcohol in the suites hurts whom? No one. It is a STUPID decision but you are willing to deny alcohol sales just so you can say you are for the “little guy”.
Just for the record, I don't drink and I sit in the cheap seats like everyone else. I am a Gopher fan and hate to see the University hurt so elitist politicians can puff out their chest and strut around and pretend to be something they are not.
I have voted Republican all my life but will not vote for Mr. Dean. In fact, I will actively work against Mr. Dean.
I was very disappointed to see that the house voted against alcohol in the luxury suites at TCF stadium.
This was nothing more than the cheapest form of political grandstanding. This is why people like me have nothing but contempt for politicians.
What is next? A ban on first class seats on airlines? A demand that everyone drive the same car? For that matter why have tiered seating at all at TCF? Tear out the luxury seats and all the seats that have backs on them and make everyone sit on bleachers.
The fact of the matter is that money can buy a better lifestyle in the USA. That might be a better house, a better car, first class seats on airplanes, or even, GOD FORBID, better seats and privileges at TCF.
By denying alcohol sales in the suites at TCF you are depriving the sports programs of 1 to 2 million dollars per year. Whom does that help? No one. Only serving alcohol in the suites hurts whom? No one. It is a STUPID decision but you are willing to deny alcohol sales just so you can say you are for the “little guy”.
Just for the record, I don't drink and I sit in the cheap seats like everyone else. I am a Gopher fan and hate to see the University hurt so elitist politicians can puff out their chest and strut around and pretend to be something they are not.
I have voted Republican all my life but will not vote for Mr. Dean. In fact, I will actively work against Mr. Dean.