Let's start the say something positive threads o golly g

Tc will go on to have a great career as head coach at Saginaw

I'm good enough.
I'm smart enough,
and gosh darn it,
people like me!

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Seriously. If anyone actually makes a "Positivity Thread", they might as well just curl up into the fetal position now and accept their fate, because there was nothing positive about this game. Yeeeesssh.

Nice kickoff return by Rodney Smith.

Pick in the end zone likely saved at 3 points

Pick in the end zone likely saved at 3 points

Better throw by the QB and that play is 7....oh wait positive....ummm....hang on give me a second.....son of a.....

We won?

Rodney smith.

Two long completions into single coverage plus the PI call. Need teams to respect the deep ball.

Loved the balance and unpredictability on O in the first qtr.

End of positivity.

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No players were served with restraining orders during the game (that I know of.)

Bane did not hijack the stadium during the game and blow up the field.

I watched the entire game and did not have another heart attack.

And another positive: this will give Gopher Hole a lot to talk about. Easy wins are boring. (I think - I can't remember the last one......)

Seriously. If anyone actually makes a "Positivity Thread", they might as well just curl up into the fetal position now and accept their fate, because there was nothing positive about this game. Yeeeesssh.
Minnesota has the greatest football fans in the country. Supports their team no matter the outcome.....o sorry that wouldn't be the case.

Minnesota has the greatest football fans in the country. Supports their team no matter the outcome.....o sorry that wouldn't be the case.

Beautiful day for football and we got the W. Bar luchador played the Replacements after the game and the beer was good.
Plus a good gut check game for the team before the last 5 games.

Seriously. If anyone actually makes a "Positivity Thread", they might as well just curl up into the fetal position now and accept their fate, because there was nothing positive about this game. Yeeeesssh.

Can understand your point but you must be either real young or have a very bad memory. Today's too close win wasn't even close to the many times the Gophers have pissed away a lead or lost a game to a opponent they should have hammered.

-Gophers lose to Texas Tech after 35-7 Halftime lead - 12/06

- Gophers lost to tOSU after leading 31-8 at the Half - 10/89

- They lost to San Jose State in 1992.

- They lost to Hawaii AND Houston in 1997.

- They lost to Toledo by thirty-one in 2001!

- They lost to Bagers 38-34 after leading 34-24 with 3 minutes plus left in the game!

- They lost to North Dakota State in 2007

- They lost to SOUTH DAKOTA in September of 2010.

- They lost to NEW MEXICO STATE in September of 2011.

- They lost to NORTH DAKOTA STATE in September of 2011.

- They lost to Michigan in 2003 after having a 21 point lead in the 4th Quarter!

- After beating #21 Illinois, Penn State and #6 Ohio State in 2000, they were ranked #22 in the country they lost 51-43 to Indiana!

Nearly all of those were at home and there were probably many, many more.

So yeah, getting a win today felt a whole lot better than losing that damn game would have felt.

As little as I think of the gophers, Rutgers is worse

Our team doesn't have a restraining order banning them from the stadium next week

Can understand your point but you must be either real young or have a very bad memory. Today's too close win wasn't even close to the many times the Gophers have pissed away a lead or lost a game to a opponent they should have hammered.

-Gophers lose to Texas Tech after 35-7 Halftime lead - 12/06

- Gophers lost to tOSU after leading 31-8 at the Half - 10/89

- Gophers lost to Bagers 38-34 after leading 34-24 with 3 minutes plus left in the game!

- They lost to SOUTH DAKOTA STATE in September of 2010.

- They lost to NEW MEXICO STATE in September of 2011.

- They lost to NORTH DAKOTA STATE in September of 2011.

- They lost to Michigan in 2003 after having a 21 point lead in the 4th Quarter!

- After beating #21 Illinois, Penn State and #6 Ohio State in 2000 and were ranked #22 in the country they lost 51-43 to Indiana!

Nearly all of those were at home and there were probably many, many more.

So yeah, getting a win today felt a whole lot better than losing that damn game would have felt.

Someone on the facebook page said this was one of the most embarrassing games of the last 50 years, which is ridiculous because we won this game and there are a hell of a lot of losses in that time period. In a year or two, today's performance will be remembered as just another game. Just like Purdue in 2014. We played below what we were capable of against a bad team, but we won, and people will remember that game by the 50 yard game winning field goal, not that it was disgraceful performance and we deserved to lose.

The loss to regular South Dakota was the worst imo

Yes, I'm still a pretty young fan. I know there have certainly been worse games by the Gophers. I was at the South Dakota loss haha.

That said, I still wasn't able to take anything positive away from this game. I sincerely believe there is no future for this program with the current coaching staff. I just want something better. I'll be patiently waiting for a change. But I'll still be watching on Saturdays from home.

Seriously. If anyone actually makes a "Positivity Thread", they might as well just curl up into the fetal position now and accept their fate, because <b>there was nothing positive about this game. </b>Yeeeesssh.


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That's true, I suppose. But that's about all we say every weekend. RS1 or Brooks. Just doesn't cut it when that's the only good thing we can claim about our team.

Seriously. If anyone actually makes a "Positivity Thread", they might as well just curl up into the fetal position now and accept their fate, because there was nothing positive about this game. Yeeeesssh.

Oh, wins aren't positive now? Interesting.

Oh, wins aren't positive now? Interesting.

In this fashion, against this level of talent? Not for me, sorry. =/

I got over the other "poor" wins this season. But this one really bothered me.

In this fashion, against this level of talent? Not for me, sorry. =/

I got over the other "poor" wins this season. But this one really bothered me.

You'd rather we lost?

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