Leach and Pirates...


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Jan 7, 2010
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Everyone seems to think that Mike Leach has this borderline unhealthy obsession with pirates that is out of left field. People seem to think that it is a random obsession with no rhyme or reason to it.

But look into the background of it. He did not have an unhealthy obsession with it before arriving at Texas Tech. M. Leach has always been well studied and is a well-known history buff. He enjoys looking at historical things and using them in his coaching.

Why did he start obsessing over pirates? What is the nickname of Texas Tech? The Raiders. Perhaps his obsession with Pirates had to do with him embracing the name and culture of the school. If he is the coach somewhere again, I do not think he will have an obsession with pirates. Had he ended up at Tennessee I am sure he would have been doing all sorts of things having to do with TN volunteer soldiers. He was embracing the culture and the nickname of his former school. I doubt he brings all that pirate stuff to his next stop (unless his next stop is East Carolina or Middle TN State).

The dude is much smarter than he looks. He has a damn JD for God's sake.

He is a genius. If he wasn't coaching college football he would have probably ended up being one of those nutty profs that they interview on the history or discovery channels.

So what sort of history will he embrace if he comes here?

I am guessing he will find something in MN history to embrace. Maybe he will embrace the fishing and hunting culture. Or maybe he will talk a lot about the war between the US and the Dakota Indians.
Maybe he will talk about the 1st Minnesota at Gettysburg.
Maybe he will talk about Delta airlines.
Maybe he will talk about the mall of america.
Maybe he will talk about Hockey.

You never really know what Leach will do (which is probably why Maturi would be hesitant to hire him).

How bad will josh087 (or whatever his number is) freak out if he starts talking about Vikings?


He uses pirates in coaching talk because he says pirates represent the perfect team in that they all work together

I hope he keeps the pirate theme, I was imagining what the cheerleaders would look like dressed in pirate and wench attire.

Plus with talk of booze at the stadium again I was hoping for a Margaritaville with some Buffet tunes rocking TCF.

Anyone remember the editorial at the U regarding changing the Golden Gophers to Captain Kickass and the Death Pirates? It must have been about 5-6 years ago, but with Leach, the opportunity would be there.

He uses pirates in coaching talk because he says pirates represent the perfect team in that they all work together

He's also said that it doesn't matter their background, rich or poor, whatever race, once they're pirates they are a team.

He only started using pirates after he became head coach of a team called the Raiders. So although he believes all of the stuff he is saying about Pirates, it is possible and even likely that he will chose some other motivational tactic at whatever his next stop is.

So rodents because they give people fits just like Leach's offense gives defensive coordinators fits.

Based on the article I read he picks a new topic each year that he wants to research. It has been everything from pirates to Geronimo, chimpanzees, whales, and Jackson Pollack.

I know which topic of interest he will bring for his first year here.

I'd tell you all, except the first rule is that you do not talk about it.
The second rule: you DO NOT talk about it.

I am guessing he will find something in MN history to embrace. Maybe he will embrace the fishing and hunting culture. Or maybe he will talk a lot about the war between the US and the Dakota Indians.
Maybe he will talk about the 1st Minnesota at Gettysburg.
Maybe he will talk about Delta airlines.
Maybe he will talk about the mall of america.
Maybe he will talk about Hockey.

You never really know what Leach will do (which is probably why Maturi would be hesitant to hire him).

Maybe he will talk about Tom Petters
Maybe he will talk about Denny Hecker
Maybe we will talk about Jan Gangelhoff
Maybe he will talk about the Kensington Runestone.........oh wait, that would be Vikings talk.

Based on the article I read he picks a new topic each year that he wants to research. It has been everything from pirates to Geronimo, chimpanzees, whales, and Jackson Pollack.

This is the correct answer. The only reason the pirates thing has gained so much steam is that onced he researched it, he found some parrallels to football. Been blown way out of proportion.

Maybe he'll talk about pirate rodents!


This makes no sense. What does the Red Raider (think: Yosemite Sam) have to do with pirates? I'm pretty sure I've never seen a pirate riding horseback.

To suggest that studying pirates is sensible because the mascot is the Raider is like saying that Turner Gill should be well-versed in the study of cardinals.

He just keeps the spirit of Talk Like a Pirate Day alive all year. Yes, being into pirates is weird. Everybody does something weird, and if they don't, that's kind of weird.

I just though of what we could call Leach if he is hired......The Pied Piper, leader of our lovable rodents!!

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