Lane Kiffin ends press conf. after 28 seconds


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Nov 11, 2008
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USC Coach Lane Kiffin talks to the media following Wednesday's practice. When asked about a specific player's participation in practice, Kiffin responds "I don't know" before abruptly ending the press conference.

Go Gophers!!

When you gotta go, ya gotta go.

he has a policy of reporters not reporting on practice field injuries. He banned a reporter who reported on a kicker that had surgery (not on the practice field) then he had to eat crow and reinstate the reporter to practice observation. Did You notice the homer USC reporter even muted the question for fear of Troy's policy? He is a whiney little sore loser BEEEEEEEEOTCH.

I never liked SC before little kiffy got the job. But now that he is the head coach, I relish when they lose; almost as much as when Wis. loses.

I never liked SC before little kiffy got the job. But now that he is the head coach, I relish when they lose; almost as much as when Wis. loses.

I never used to like USC, then we went to the game in LA. We were treated quite well by their fans the entire time.

Because of this, they don't even come close to the disdain I have for wisconsin or Iowa - far, far, far too many bad experiences with their fans.

But yeah, kiffy is a jerkface.

Well, like my mother (and perhaps Lane's mother) told me, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

I've actually had a great respect for USC over the years going all the way back to John McKay. There's more than a whiff of arrogance to the program, but I have always viewed them in the same vein as I have the New York Yankees in that they are pretty much something to be emulated (except when they are cheating). Lane (like Steinbrenner did with the Yankees) is trying his best to decimate a fifty to sixty year run of life on the top shelf. In fairness to Kiffin, Pete Carroll gave him a running start.

You need to live and work among the hoards of pompous egomaniac delusional SC alum for 30 years. Throwing his star QB under the bus last week was classless Kiffin.Barkley could have bolted last year for bank and chose to stay for Troy. They won't win their division. Lack of schollies made them way too thin. The center replacement lost the Stanford game.

he has a policy of reporters not reporting on practice field injuries. He banned a reporter who reported on a kicker that had surgery (not on the practice field) then he had to eat crow and reinstate the reporter to practice observation. Did You notice the homer USC reporter even muted the question for fear of Troy's policy? He is a whiney little sore loser BEEEEEEEEOTCH.

Few dislike Kiffin, and USC, more than I do. But in this case, I'm 100% with him on not reporting about injuries.

What right, as fans, do we have to the detailed medical condition of the players? Makes no sense at all why this stuff should be reported on. It's a stupid practice, and I hope the NFL soon does away with their mandatory injury report. Injury reports are only for the gamblers, why give them a leg up?

I wish more coaches would move towards not disclosing this information. Nobody in the fanbase or the media has a "right" to that kind of information.

The NCAA will standardize injury reporting very soon as a few coaches are now playing games. Kiffin, BB to name a few.

Few dislike Kiffin, and USC, more than I do. But in this case, I'm 100% with him on not reporting about injuries.

What right, as fans, do we have to the detailed medical condition of the players? Makes no sense at all why this stuff should be reported on. It's a stupid practice, and I hope the NFL soon does away with their mandatory injury report. Injury reports are only for the gamblers, why give them a leg up?

I wish more coaches would move towards not disclosing this information. Nobody in the fanbase or the media has a "right" to that kind of information.

I agree, and I thought he did the classy thing under the circumstances. He has a policy and a thoughtless reporter violated it right there in front of everybody. He could have popped off or said something he'd regret, but instead he ended the presser and found a dark quiet room in which to beat his head against the wall.

i have noticed that the "old timer" fanbases really dislike kiffin. i think the guy is funny and he knows how to recuit. plus you dont get these jobs unless you know how to coach so regardless of what the weekend sofa coordinators say, kiffin knows what he's doing. with that said, obviously gopherhole and the gopher fanbase hates kiffin, i think the average age of the "die hard" football fans in minnesota are around 65

I agree, and I thought he did the classy thing under the circumstances. He has a policy and a thoughtless reporter violated it right there in front of everybody. He could have popped off or said something he'd regret, but instead he ended the presser and found a dark quiet room in which to beat his head against the wall.

So some good did come out of it..

I agree, and I thought he did the classy thing under the circumstances. He has a policy and a thoughtless reporter violated it right there in front of everybody. He could have popped off or said something he'd regret, but instead he ended the presser and found a dark quiet room in which to beat his head against the wall.

Not sure if you're serious or sarcastic, but the classy thing would have been to say "you know I don't answer questions about injuries - next question". Why disrupt the other reporters' chance to ask questions?

I think when someone is obviously hurt during a game or practice, it's naive to think that people won't want to know how the player is doing. For instance MG last week. I don't know that they should be obligated by the NCAA to report it (I'm sure Vegas would prefer that), but to be unwilling to at least address that type of situation seems a little childish. I definitely don't think there needs to be a situation like the NFL where a player stubs his toe and they have to report it.

i have noticed that the "old timer" fanbases really dislike kiffin. i think the guy is funny and he knows how to recuit. plus you dont get these jobs unless you know how to coach so regardless of what the weekend sofa coordinators say, kiffin knows what he's doing. with that said, obviously gopherhole and the gopher fanbase hates kiffin, i think the average age of the "die hard" football fans in minnesota are around 65

I'm 21 and I hate the guy about as much as you can possibly hate someone you don't actually know. There's no doubt that Kiffin can coach and recruit, I don't think too many people would argue that, but the fact of the matter is that the dude is an arrogant prick who has no problem throwing his players under the bus. I also think that the way he left Tennessee after 1 year was completely classless and showed his true colors quite well.

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