Land of 10: Minnesota residents call for Tracy Claeys’ firing in petition


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Land of 10:

Claeys’ firing is exactly what a group of Minnesota residents wants to see. In a petition on, a group asked Minnesota president Eric Kaler for Claeys to be terminated.

“Claeys’ tweet expressing his pride in the team failed to mention or acknowledge the importance of respecting women,” the group wrote. “Further, it did not condemn violence, sexual assault or disrespect of women. We feel this is not at all acceptable.”

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had 350 signatures and a goal of 400.

Go Gophers!!

Well, they wanted a lot in 140 characters.

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To be fair, he'd probably need more than 140 characters to appease these people.

Didn't he say he was going to donate $50k of his own cash to their cause? Yet the folks they are calling on to fire him are to be found somewhere deep in the lair of Sasquatch guarded by a family of unicorns under the guidance of the Loch Ness Monster?

Lets start one on the diaster that is careless kaler

What happens if they get to their lofty goal of 400?

One of the few males listed in the originating group has an interesting bio at Paganicon 2016:

Travis Apollo has been a bright spark in the Twin Cities pagan community since his early youth. A wealth of valuable spiritual life experiences and examples of commitment to community have forged him into a principled Financial Professional driven by a desire to make a lasting impact in the community that helped shape his strong values. By supporting economic prosperity and maximizing the financial independence of members of the Twin Cities pagan community he hopes to strengthen the legacy and outlook of our values for the generations to come. Through engaging the community in conversations and developing focused, customized strategies, Travis is facilitating an energetic shift in the way we view and interact with the abundance the Sun gifts us each moment.

Always certain to make significant contributions to society as a whole, Travis pursued his Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from Hamline University in Saint Paul, where he also studied French language and culture. After starting a career as a laboratory chemist he decided to apply his talents to pursuits that would be more directly impactful to peoples’ lives. In 2014, he was awarded the Certificate of Financial Planning from the University of Saint Thomas, Opus College of Business. Travis has held coordinating positions in Harmony Tribe facilitating the annual Sacred Harvest Festival. He is a member of the FPA and NAIFA.

Travis Apollo and Tasha-Rose live in the Hamline-Midway neighborhood of Saint Paul with their six children being raised as third generation pagans. As a family they embrace the values the ancients taught through daily mindful living. They engage in cultural enrichment and community engagement through Ballet and Belly Dance, Middle-Eastern and African drumming, French language learning, volunteering, social advocacy, and more.

Securities offered through AXA Advisors, LLC (NY, NY 212-314-4600), member FINRA, SIPC. Annuity and insurance products offered through AXA Network, LLC and its insurance agency subsidiaries. AXA Network, LLC does business in California as AXA Network Insurance Agency of California, LLC and, in Utah, as AXA Network Insurance Agency of Utah, LLC. AXA Advisors and AXA Network do not provide tax or legal advice.

per Land of 10:

Claeys’ firing is exactly what a group of Minnesota residents wants to see. In a petition on, a group asked Minnesota president Eric Kaler for Claeys to be terminated.

“Claeys’ tweet expressing his pride in the team failed to mention or acknowledge the importance of respecting women,” the group wrote. “Further, it did not condemn violence, sexual assault or disrespect of women. We feel this is not at all acceptable.”

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had 350 signatures and a goal of 400.

Go Gophers!!

I've actually heard Tracy Claeys is a real good guy. I'm not sure he is the one to lead the program, but he is a class act and has been willing to stand up and take the tough questions.

Ironically - got an e-mail at work today from the Gopher Radio Network. The network is airing a "Holiday Bowl Preview" Edition of the Tracy Claeys Show on Monday at 5:30pm. Scheduled guests include......
(can't make this up)........Mark Coyle and Eric Kaler. I told my boss we (my station) would be carrying the show. Can't wait to hear the verbal gymnastics as Coyle, Claeys and Kaler try to avoid insulting or blaming each other.

At least if Coyle appears on the show, it will be proof that he actually exists, and is not in the Witness Protection program.

These idiots need to shut-up. They are embarrassing themselves. With that said.....I started a competing petition. Please sign it.

HamburgerSandwich said:
Subject: Keep Tracy Claeys as the Head Coach of the Minnesota Gophers Football Team


Justice in the face of stupidity.

That's why I created a petition to All the people + those other guys, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Mark Dayton, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:

"Tracy Claeys is an upstanding man with the determination and moxie to lead the Gophers to ANOTHER National Championship. His undeniable energy and ethical integrity regarding his players unfair treatment throughout the bungled EOAA suspension process is a testament to his character."

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Anyone involved with is as rational as a room full of preschoolers. Giving their demand any credibility is pure lunacy.

What the Hell is 'Land of 10'? I read a lot and especially about Minnesota interest/sports and have never heard of it.

What the Hell is 'Land of 10'? I read a lot and especially about Minnesota interest/sports and have never heard of it.

More angry women. If she was alive, they all need a session with Dr. Ruth Westheimer.

Wow, .006% of Minnesota's population (assuming all 350 are Minnesota residents) want a public employee fired? Okay, we should do it.

Is that how the world works now? Can I stand outside of the DMV and get 350 signatures to fire the employees there because they're too slow and they will actually do it?

The coach works for the athletic department to help the team. No one outside of the athletic department and team should have any say in whether or not he gets fired. His job is to coach football, not to promote "the importance of respecting women” or "condemn violence, sexual assault or disrespect of women."

WCCO: Online Petition Calls For ‘U’ To Fire Tracy Claeys

The petition, created by Nancy Bitenc, says Claeys’ tweet is “not at all acceptable.”

“Claeys’ tweet expressing his pride in the team failed to mention or acknowledge the importance of respecting women. Further, it did not condemn violence, sexual assault or disrespect of women.”

Monday night, the petition had nearly 500 signatures, including many University of Minnesota alumni and former state legislator Betty Folliard.

“Tracy Claeys should have been the adult in the room when the Gophers went off on a tangent. He should have understood the optics of the situation,” Folliard wrote. “Instead he stuck with entrenched, ‘boys will be boys’ thinking, and did irreparable damage to the reputation of the U of M. He needs to be removed from his employment.”

Go Gophers!!

ESPN's Rittenberg: Petition wants coach Tracy Claeys fired for his response to Minnesota players' boycott

Organizers have sent the petition to university president Eric Kaler and athletic director Mark Coyle. They also plan to send it to the university's board of trustees. Minnesota players ended their boycott Dec. 17, and Claeys will coach them Tuesday against Washington State in the National Funding Holiday Bowl.

Joe Nathan, a petition organizer who earned two graduate degrees from Minnesota and worked in the past with Gophers student-athletes, teaching them leadership skills, told ESPN that in addition to the tweet, Claeys failed by allowing a recruit to accompany players when the alleged incident occurred.

"The involvement of a recruit in this horrendous situation, in and of itself, is grounds for termination," Nathan said. "The explicit language in his contract says he is in charge of recruiting and he is in charge of promoting moral integrity. He clearly failed to exercise the kind of leadership that is necessary."

Nathan said the petition is signed by parents, teachers and University of Minnesota alumni, who are "just furious and say this is not what we want for leadership."

Go Gophers!!

ESPN's Rittenberg: Petition wants coach Tracy Claeys fired for his response to Minnesota players' boycott

Organizers have sent the petition to university president Eric Kaler and athletic director Mark Coyle. They also plan to send it to the university's board of trustees. Minnesota players ended their boycott Dec. 17, and Claeys will coach them Tuesday against Washington State in the National Funding Holiday Bowl.

Joe Nathan, a petition organizer who earned two graduate degrees from Minnesota and worked in the past with Gophers student-athletes, teaching them leadership skills, told ESPN that in addition to the tweet, Claeys failed by allowing a recruit to accompany players when the alleged incident occurred.

"The involvement of a recruit in this horrendous situation, in and of itself, is grounds for termination," Nathan said. "The explicit language in his contract says he is in charge of recruiting and he is in charge of promoting moral integrity. He clearly failed to exercise the kind of leadership that is necessary."

Nathan said the petition is signed by parents, teachers and University of Minnesota alumni, who are "just furious and say this is not what we want for leadership."

Go Gophers!!

Interesting coming from a 60s era civil rights activist. The hierarchy of progressive causes is coming into relief now. Males, even black males, are to go to the back of the bus.

The willful ignorance of the true meaning of Claeys tweet and the team's boycott is astounding. A case of hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see. Madness.

PiPress: Holiday Bowl overshadowed by Gophers’ lingering off-field issues per Greder:

Tuesday’s forecast for the Holiday Bowl calls for abundant sunshine and a high of 68 degrees — blissful winter weather for the Gophers to play Washington State at Qualcomm Stadium.

But figurative dark clouds continue to hang over Minnesota’s football program. Persistent fallout over the suspension of 10 Gophers players tied to an alleged sexual assault figures to obscure the first downs, fumbles and touchdowns that might transpire during the Big Ten-Pac 12 matchup on national TV.

The latest development came Monday when a petition signed by slightly more than 400 teachers, parents and University of Minnesota alumni called for Gophers head coach Tracy Claeys to be fired. By 7 p.m., the petition’s signatures had exceeded 690.

The petition objects to Claeys’ response to his players’ boycott of team activities on Dec. 15 and maintains Claeys did not provide “appropriate supervision” for an underage recruit involved in the incident. A University of Minnesota report filed in order to comply with Title IX states many men had sex with a female student, and other men didn’t intervene when she, at times, expressed the sex was not consensual.

“A group of parents and educators got together because we are deeply troubled by the message it sends to young people,” Joe Nathan, a U of M graduate and former U teacher, told the Pioneer Press. “Our No. 1 concern is the behavior of the football coach.”

I would bet my nest egg, my first born, and my inheritance these organizers are not football fans, followers of the team, or know anything about Tracy Claeys, Wolitarsky, or the others. Reactionary activism.

Didn't he say he was going to donate $50k of his own cash to their cause? Yet the folks they are calling on to fire him are to be found somewhere deep in the lair of Sasquatch guarded by a family of unicorns under the guidance of the Loch Ness Monster?
Please leave Nessy out of this. [emoji41]

I hope they extend Claeys solely because of this petition.
Think any of these 300-400 signees that there's a Gopher football fan amongst them? Not worried about losing their fanmanship...
However, this group seems to be right up Kaler's wheel house...

If only twitter allowed multiple tweets...he could've mentioned the well-being of the woman.

I don't think it's necessary to preface every statement I make with: "while I am against violence towards women, and support women, minorities, LGBT..." Claeys and the players were calling for, repeat after me:...Support for player's and teammate's right to call for a fair hearing for their teammates.

Not surprising you've joined the tar and feather wackos. It is ok to have debate and discussion without feigned indignation over supposed slights.

maybe we can concede 4 characters of our twitter posts to #NAA (short for for #NotAnA$$&*^@) to generically mean that we don't condone violence against, men, women, animals or plants and that we also don't support Nazi's, racism, sexism, religious intolerance, fat shaming, vegan shaming or people who randomly post about Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monstrer.

Which they were always going to get anyway.

Agreed. If you're not bright enough to understand that being a part of Carlton's train might lead to rape charges, then college may be a bit over your head. Add to that, there are consequences for lying. If you can't understand that being interviewed in a sexual assault investigation by the school which is paying your tuition isn't a serious situation, then college may not be for you.

For anyone out there with a daughter, would you be comfortable with her hanging out with Carlton and the boys in a dorm room on a Friday night?

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