Lace Dunn


Sep 9, 2010
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Baylor superstar Lace Dunn suspended indefinitely after aggravated assault stemming from a Sept. 27 incident. Should be interesting to see how the private University handles the situation.

Well, this situation sure sounds fishy. She goes to the hospital, has a broken jaw, police come and she says he hit her after an argument, tries not to press charges, then her father says it was an accident when she snuck up on him while it was dark? I know athletes like Dunn get favorable treatment, but to ignore something like this would be a terrible thing. He hit his GF and broke her jaw during an argument - he deserves to be punished.

It will be interesting to see how Scott Drew handles this. Some coaches like him and he portrays himself as "Mr Nice Guy" - I know I saw reports of how he doesn't swear at all and has a team rule against profanity (with pushups as punishment for violations), and Dunn was quoted as saying he doesn't swear anyway so he doesn't have a problem with it (yet two players - Nolan Smith and someone from the Big 12 - both said Dunn was the biggest trash talker they've played against) ... and then there are the reports that Drew goes to unprofessional lengths in recruiting.

Well, this situation sure sounds fishy. She goes to the hospital, has a broken jaw, police come and she says he hit her after an argument, tries not to press charges, then her father says it was an accident when she snuck up on him while it was dark? I know athletes like Dunn get favorable treatment, but to ignore something like this would be a terrible thing. He hit his GF and broke her jaw during an argument - he deserves to be punished.

It will be interesting to see how Scott Drew handles this. Some coaches like him and he portrays himself as "Mr Nice Guy" - I know I saw reports of how he doesn't swear at all and has a team rule against profanity (with pushups as punishment for violations), and Dunn was quoted as saying he doesn't swear anyway so he doesn't have a problem with it (yet two players - Nolan Smith and someone from the Big 12 - both said Dunn was the biggest trash talker they've played against) ... and then there are the reports that Drew goes to unprofessional lengths in recruiting.

I'm guessing (and just that) a slap on the wrist for Dunn and he'll be playing when it counts.

Baylor superstar Lace Dunn suspended indefinitely after aggravated assault stemming from a Sept. 27 incident. Should be interesting to see how the private University handles the situation.

I think their policy is that such a charge results in an automatic suspension... same as Minnesota. The difference here as compared to a case some of us might know of... is that apparently the victim wants nothing to do with any charges against the 'accused'.

I'm guessing (and just that) a slap on the wrist for Dunn and he'll be playing when it counts.

I don't see Dunn getting off with "a slap on the wrist." Between Baylor's relatively recent basketball program history and Baylor's more traditional and Christian culture, I think the AD will step in and make sure that a reasonable punishment is given. I'm sure that some people may not think that first reason I gave should even be brought up, but I'm sure Baylor's higher-ups will never forget it. They will want to make sure that the program is kept clean, much the same way that the Gophers have tried to keep their program clean since their troubles.

I don't see Dunn getting off with "a slap on the wrist." Between Baylor's relatively recent basketball program history and Baylor's more traditional and Christian culture, I think the AD will step in and make sure that a reasonable punishment is given. I'm sure that some people may not think that first reason I gave should even be brought up, but I'm sure Baylor's higher-ups will never forget it. They will want to make sure that the program is kept clean, much the same way that the Gophers have tried to keep their program clean since their troubles.

I have a close relative that went to Baylor. To say that the institution has a "Christian culture" would be to say that it has that in name and in a small minority of the student body only. That place is a place that likes to party.

I have a close relative that went to Baylor. To say that the institution has a "Christian culture" would be to say that it has that in name and in a small minority of the student body only. That place is a place that likes to party.

lol you are an idiot.. i go there and this place does not party at all. lmao

I don't see Dunn getting off with "a slap on the wrist." Between Baylor's relatively recent basketball program history and Baylor's more traditional and Christian culture, I think the AD will step in and make sure that a reasonable punishment is given. I'm sure that some people may not think that first reason I gave should even be brought up, but I'm sure Baylor's higher-ups will never forget it. They will want to make sure that the program is kept clean, much the same way that the Gophers have tried to keep their program clean since their troubles.

Your guess is different than mine then. I have no idea what WILL happen. But I GUESS not much.

Is that (annoying) a synonym for accurate?

Clipped from Webster's Dictionary:

Definition of ANNOYING
: causing vexation : irritating <an annoying habit> <annoying questions>
— an·noy·ing·ly\-iŋ-lē\ adverb

Examples of ANNOYING
<my partner has the annoying habit of eating all the pickles and leaving a jar full of pickle juice in the refrigerator>

First Known Use of ANNOYING
14th century

Related to ANNOYING
Synonyms: abrasive, aggravating, bothersome, carking, chafing, disturbing, exasperating, frustrating, galling, irksome, irritating, maddening, nettlesome, nettling, peeving, pesky, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, pesty, plaguey (also plaguy), rankling, rebarbative, riling, vexatious, vexing

Related Words: burdensome, discomforting, displeasing, disquieting, distressing, importunate, importune, inconveniencing; angering, enraging, infuriating; brattish, bratty, mischievous, offensive, troublesome, upsetting; distractive, painful, stressful, tiresome, troubling, trying, worrisome; biting, grating, jangling, jarring, spiny, thorny

Do you have any idea how annoying you are?

I wonder how many people would vote to have FOT banned from Gopher Hole if someone started a poll? I'm pretty sure no one actually enjoys his posts. I would start one myself, but for some reason I feel like the mods would just delete it.

I wonder how many people would vote to have FOT banned from Gopher Hole if someone started a poll? I'm pretty sure no one actually enjoys his posts. I would start one myself, but for some reason I feel like the mods would just delete it.

And this is why most people outside of this message board think 90% of the posters on this board are tools.

I suppose you're part of the elite 10% of your own statistic

Yeah, another incredibly intelligent post brought to you by underground 629. This is a basketball forum, where we are allowed to express our opinion about basketball. let me say that one more time: Basketball. All of a sudden people don't agree with FOT, who is presenting his opinion on Basketball, and he is annoying and a d bag because his contribution apparently is meaningless on the topic because others who are apparently so educated on gopher basketball say so.

He never insinuates personal attacks on other posters, and those who do against him need to get a life, because they are taking things way too seriously.

I have been on this board from many years although I don't write much. I find FOT very knowledgeable and very entertaining. It is not clear to me at all why some of you have such trouble with him.

Some incredibly intelligent posts brought to you by JackiO. Since I just said something you would/did say, does it qualify as an intelligent post?

You make it sound like you don't do the same thing that you're saying people do to FOT. You might not be as explicit, but you still just make sarcastic comments about the quality of their contributions.

I don't have a problem with FOT, but it's not hard to see why people get frustrated with him when he's often extremely repetitive and gives stats that are irrelevant to the debate. For example, as you continue to bash Tubby's recruiting ability in MN, I would guess that FOT probably threw out all kinds of Tubby statistics and compared his job so far to the jobs that previous MN coaches have done. Don't tell me it's not frustrating that whenever someone has anything to say that isn't positive about Tubby, we have to see his resume.

Great contribution. Congratulations.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

And this is why most people outside of this message board think 90% of the posters on this board are tools.

Yeah, another incredibly intelligent post brought to you by underground 629. This is a basketball forum, where we are allowed to express our opinion about basketball. let me say that one more time: Basketball. All of a sudden people don't agree with FOT, who is presenting his opinion on Basketball, and he is annoying and a d bag because his contribution apparently is meaningless on the topic because others who are apparently so educated on gopher basketball say so.

He never insinuates personal attacks on other posters, and those who do against him need to get a life, because they are taking things way too seriously.

I have been on this board from many years although I don't write much. I find FOT very knowledgeable and very entertaining. It is not clear to me at all why some of you have such trouble with him.

Same here. I do enjoy reading FOT's posts. As he says, he is all about facts. He is also a Purdue man who does like other school's programs. I don't see anything wrong with that since I am the same way. He also keeps some of those UK fans honest by his facts. You all know how much I like that.

Go Gophers

Clipped from Webster's Dictionary:

Definition of ANNOYING
: causing vexation : irritating <an annoying habit> <annoying questions>
— an·noy·ing·ly\-iŋ-lē\ adverb

Examples of ANNOYING
<my partner has the annoying habit of eating all the pickles and leaving a jar full of pickle juice in the refrigerator>

First Known Use of ANNOYING
14th century

Related to ANNOYING
Synonyms: abrasive, aggravating, bothersome, carking, chafing, disturbing, exasperating, frustrating, galling, irksome, irritating, maddening, nettlesome, nettling, peeving, pesky, pestiferous, pestilent, pestilential, pesty, plaguey (also plaguy), rankling, rebarbative, riling, vexatious, vexing

Related Words: burdensome, discomforting, displeasing, disquieting, distressing, importunate, importune, inconveniencing; angering, enraging, infuriating; brattish, bratty, mischievous, offensive, troublesome, upsetting; distractive, painful, stressful, tiresome, troubling, trying, worrisome; biting, grating, jangling, jarring, spiny, thorny

It was "dws" since you didn't seem to notice. My reply was not serious.

Anyway back to Lace Dunn...Baylor just suspended him from class. Not sure that was a wise move. If I were a basketball coach that would be the one place I want a player that is facing legal trouble. There are a lot of people around and pretty hard to get into too much trouble. It's a lot better than having sit in his apartment all day. I am assuming he is trying to improve his future and get his degree so why is the Baylor admin preventing that from happening.

Anyway back to Lace Dunn...Baylor just suspended him from class. Not sure that was a wise move. If I were a basketball coach that would be the one place I want a player that is facing legal trouble. There are a lot of people around and pretty hard to get into too much trouble. It's a lot better than having sit in his apartment all day. I am assuming he is trying to improve his future and get his degree so why is the Baylor admin preventing that from happening.

Are you aware that Baylor is a religiously affiliated (Baptist) university? Maybe they have some standards that not all schools have. I'm not a Baptist, but I don't believe domestic violence is something that Baptists approve of - maybe it's against their school code or something. There are schools that only care that players do the bare minimum to get eligible to play - it's nice to see the university isn't letting him off the hook as easily as the girlfriend and her father want. Dunn did the crime, now he needs to pay the price so he's deterred from doing it again.

Are you aware that Baylor is a religiously affiliated (Baptist) university? Maybe they have some standards that not all schools have. I'm not a Baptist, but I don't believe domestic violence is something that Baptists approve of - maybe it's against their school code or something. There are schools that only care that players do the bare minimum to get eligible to play - it's nice to see the university isn't letting him off the hook as easily as the girlfriend and her father want. Dunn did the crime, now he needs to pay the price so he's deterred from doing it again.

I am very aware that Baylor is a religiously affiliated university. And I don't condone violence in any form against anyone for any reason. I also agree that if Dunn did hit her he should be punished-I wouldn't be opposed to kicking him off the team. But he is a senior and assuming that he has made good progress towards his degree in his time at Baylor, kicking out of class and preventing him from getting a degree is not going help him in the long run. Let him get his degree from a great university. Now if he no where near a degree, that's a different story.

I think you need to separate athletic punishment from academic punishment. But if thats what Baylor does with all students charged with these types of crimes, I guess that's a different story.

Meh, after he's served his time he can get his degree ... if not Baylor, then I'm sure his credits will transfer somewhere else. I'm also sure he's going to want to play basketball professionally for several years, starting next spring - no degree required for that!

Raise your hand if you were one of the homers around here who argued that Monson would turn around our program before Coach Drew did it at Baylor.

I just read that Baylor's standard university procedure is to suspend students who are facing felony charges. So Dunn will not play as long as his charges are pending, and he potentially could be academically ineligible in the spring semester if his suspension prevents him from finishing his courses in the fall semester. What he did was obviously wrong, so he should have to deal with the consequences before playing college basketball again. I say "good for Baylor," as they're doing the right thing. As I mentioned before, I'm sure he will eventually be allowed to enroll again (or else he can transfer and finish up his degree elsewhere) if graduating is truly important to him, so it is a very minimal punishment to have him suspended from school and possibly missing the basketball season while his case is still pending. Unlike the Mbakwe situation, there's no doubt who did the crime, and the witnesses shouldn't be hard to round up, so maybe it will be resolved quickly. Again, he's going to start a pro career (somewhere) soon anyway, and probably could start it already - it's not like being suspended from school at this point is going to keep him from being able to earn a living. Selfishly, I want Doug Gottlieb's Big 12 to flop, so I don't want Dunn to be eligible. Of course, the more important thing here is this should teach him a lesson that obviously he hasn't learned yet, which is it's not OK to break your GF's jaw, and it's not OK to try to cover it up after the fact by having her lie about what happened.

Just when I thought Baylor U. had high standards and wasn't just going to let him get by because he was an athlete ...

@GaryParrishCBS A panel lifted Lace Dunn's suspension from school Wednesday, a source told He'll be back in classes at Baylor tomorrow.

Hopefully they at least keep him off the basketball team until the pending felony charges are addressed.

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