KSTP: Former Gopher, Viking Tyrone Carter Witnessed Crash that Killed Wayzata Officer


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per KSTP:

A former Minnesota Gophers standout and NFL veteran was one of the witnesses to the fatal crash that killed a Wayzata police officer Friday.

Tyrone Carter, an All-American defensive back for the Gophers who played for the Vikings, Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Jets and Washington Redskins in an 11-season pro career, tweeted video of the aftermath at the scene when officer Bill Mathews was struck by a vehicle driven by 54-year-old Beth Freeman after he had stopped to remove debris on Highway 12.

"You see the car, you see the windshield bashed in, I'm like, 'wow,'" Carter told KSTP. "When we first got there he wasn't alert, so they started pumping on him, started to get a pulse and you can see him move a little bit. To see that happen to him -- it was tough man, it was tough to digest."

Carter said he spoke to Freeman moments after the Crash.

"Soon as I get to her and start talking to her, she just gave me a hug," Carter said. "She was like, 'Oh my God, I can't believe it. I don't know what was he doing in the road -- all of a sudden he's right there.'

"How precious life is. One day you're here, the next day your gone."

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Says the woman who was on a controlled substance and using her phone as a distracted driver. Just sad all around. Reminds me of that Mrs. Senser deal a few years ago.

I saw the Twitter video and pulled a couple of things from it.

1) Like she said, "she looked up and all of a sudden he was there." Bingo, don't look down at your phone.
2) TC handled the situation very calmly. Not sure why he was taking video of her, but I was impressed with how he approached her, handled her, and talked to her.
3) Ironically, 2 or 3 of the tweets TC had before this one is of him filming himself while driving. Hopefully, this helps him. I am sure we are all guilty of looking at our phone while driving and it is stories like this that bring us back to the reality.

I thought of Officer Mathews again this morning as I was driving to work and there was a patrolman working a stop on the shoulder. In the name of all that's right and good, please take the driving task deadly seriously. It's the most dangerous thing any of us do every day - dangerous not just to us but to everyone else out there with us, including and especially the people who work on the highway. That's not just law enforcement but obviously also maintenance and construction workers. I worked a summer in highway maintenance when I was 18 and learned quickly to keep my head on a swivel out there. And that was long before the distractions drivers subject themselves to today.

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