Know the Enemy: UNLV

Wow that article was bad, the writer must have started 40 sentences with "Last season". And he/she must not have been watching the news to know it gets hot here too.

He lost me when he used "away" games. Who calls 'em away games? They're called road games. Very junior-highish writing.

I liked the part about the "Grave Weakness at Long Snapper," allowing the opposition to "likely" block several kicks during the season. Also, the writer has a very liberal definition of "returning starter."

To state the obvious - this is a game the Gophers HAVE to win, and should win by a decisive margin. Which also means it could be a 'trap' game. With the heat factor thrown in, the Gophs need to get off to a fast start - bury these guys and don't let them get up.

Wow that article was bad, the writer must have started 40 sentences with "Last season". And he/she must not have been watching the news to know it gets hot here too.

I counted 48 that start either with "Last season", or "Also/thus, last season".

OK, so after living in Phoenix for 3 years and 4 summers I can say with confidence the heat will probably not be a factor that is in UNLV's favor. If the game is at 7 or 8 at night the sun will already be close to down or gone by that point. Is it still hot? Definately. However being IN the sun in the dry heat is far worse than w/o it. The fact that the air is so dry makes it much easier to breathe than when it is humid like up here. That being said it's still going to be hot, guys still need to be careful. The heat will not be a shock to the Gophers nor will it be an advantage to UNLV.

I remember in an interview (maybe on the Sports Huddle) that Kill was hoping for a hot summer to prepare them. As long as it continues into 2 a days, I think he'll get his wish.

This was a poorly written article. I was amused that he graded the schedule. It is not clear what he saying about it? If they scheduled stronger opponents would the grade go up? Or is he suggesting that scheduling weaker opponents (more winnable games) would make for a higher grade? That said one can glean some things from it including that they are inexperienced, small, and lack depth on defense. Hopefully, we can exploit this weakness and get a jump start on getting the offense going this season.

Go Gophers!

The sun will be down. It will be warm but comfortable. A non-issue. Hydration will obviously be important for the players, but it would be even if it was 80 degrees. Regardless of the temperature, it's a desert, it's dry; you need to drink more water whether it's spring, summer, fall, or winter.

If you go to the game early to tailgate, you'll be uncomfortable. When the sun goes down, the desert is pretty comfortable, even in the triple digits. Give me 105 degrees in LV over 88 in MSP any day.

Let me sumerize, lack of discipline, no QB, shakey kicking game, and a defense giving up 40 points a game. This sets up as a test for the Gophers, they are what we used to be. Hopefully we will not revert.

About 15 years ago I attended the McKesson Drug Convention in Vegas. One of the days included a golf outing sponsored by McKesson. Many pharmacists across the country attended this show and many participated in the golf outing. It was a 7:00 am shotgun start and the guy running the show made it very clear to drink plenty of water and very limited hard stuff. After 9 holes close to half of the field had given up. When we came in after 9 I went into the bathroom to wash up and there was a couple pharmacists there from Believe it or not, Iowa who were heaving there guts out. I thought, how ironic.

Better watch of their five strengths is field goal defense.....

Losing to UNLV would be a bad omen. A very bad FBS program.

It would be nearly the equivalent of losing to "Touchdown, 'Yotes."

Not gonna' happen. Kill will have them ready.

Losing to UNLV would be a bad omen. A very bad FBS program.

It would be nearly the equivalent of losing to "Touchdown, 'Yotes."

Not gonna' happen. Kill will have them ready.

I agree with this. But images of NMSU (arguably the worst FBS program) just run through my mind.

i couldn't stop laughing as i was reading this whole article. i think a junior high kid could've written this just by reading the box scores and looking at the depth chart lol. but he does provide strong analysis on the importance of the long snapper. apparently if you don't have a returning starter there you are bound to get several kicks blocked.

Someone should at least let him know about pronouns. They'd improve the flow of his article.

About 15 years ago I attended the McKesson Drug Convention in Vegas. One of the days included a golf outing sponsored by McKesson. Many pharmacists across the country attended this show and many participated in the golf outing. It was a 7:00 am shotgun start and the guy running the show made it very clear to drink plenty of water and very limited hard stuff. After 9 holes close to half of the field had given up. When we came in after 9 I went into the bathroom to wash up and there was a couple pharmacists there from Believe it or not, Iowa who were heaving there guts out. I thought, how ironic.

Heaving in what sense? 2008 Metrodome style?

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