Kitchen Sink


Sep 1, 2011
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With all the issues swirling around the program and the lack of real buzz or excitement, if we come out and play the same type of boring "let's keep 'er close and hope an act of God happens and we can squeak out a win" crap my head is going to explode. We ought to throw everything but the kitchen sink on the field today.

I dunno. Northwestern's defense lives on turnovers. Don't feed the kitty. If we can't get the running game going early then I'd be more inclined to start taking significant risks. For the record I'm tired of up the gut runs on every first down too. I just advocate seeing if we can move the ball the way we've been trying to all season. If the offense struggles today against a team with a poor rush defense even I a staunch defender of the program will start to wonder what's going on.

I dunno. Northwestern's defense lives on turnovers. Don't feed the kitty. If we can't get the running game going early then I'd be more inclined to start taking significant risks. For the record I'm tired of up the gut runs on every first down too. I just advocate seeing if we can move the ball the way we've been trying to all season. If the offense struggles today against a team with a poor rush defense even I a staunch defender of the program will start to wonder what's going on.
That's the tough part. The difference between a 2 yard average on those first down runs and a 3.5 yard average on those first down runs is the difference between 2 wins in conference and 6 wins in conference. You're never going to be successful if you don't practice it and try it in games. I still remember the first time Terelll Fletcher scored a rushing TD at Wisconsin. It seemed like the first such TD in two years of trying. I think they went on to beat Iowa State 7-6 that day. It was another two years before the Rose Bowl season. BA was stubborn about becoming an effective running team. It sucked trying to be patient. Any Badger fan who tells you they foresaw '93 is FOS. BA might have been canned if he'd had a 4th losing season. It's not fair to ask Gopher fans to be patient after nearly 50 years but I think it remains the best choice even if it is frustrating to watch.

Brick by brick I guess.

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