Kill's recruiting equals 'Chinese fire drill"

Nov 20, 2008
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If you sneak over to GI and look at the visit list it is approaching Schindler's List in length. We've lost two committments over the past week (Hills and Morris) and I'm surprised at the number of kids the staff is going after that are listed "committed" Granted, some of these involve coaching changes, ( Fedora, Zook) but I don't remember Brewster and his staff going in that direction. I'm not saying that it is wrong because we know recruiting is down and dirty. Still, does this mean:
A. More kids will transfer?
B More of the current committs will be dropped?

It is like being on the Wild Toad ride at Disneyworld.

Except that Kill said publicly, now four (4) weeks ago, that about half the recruits on the Rivals and Scout commit list were inaccurate, if not dead wrong. That said, who's to say this new group isn't the real list of players that they want?

Coach Kill and his staff have been together a long time. This is not their first rodeo. I have faith they know how to do this well.

A verbal commit means nothing. Kill knows this and will find the players he needs to make this work. Besides on signing day we will lose a couple verbals too - its all a game. Go get um Kill!!

A verbal commit means nothing. Kill knows this and will find the players he needs to make this work. Besides on signing day we will lose a couple verbals too - its all a game. Go get um Kill!!

And Brewster did go after kids committed to other schools, particularly Keanon Cooper and Michael Carter.

Brewster always said he will keep recruiting a player until they tell him to stop...regardless of a verbal.

Thing to remember with Kill...he has been recruiting from an underdog stand point for his entire he is used to the late action, going after coaching changes and de-commits and late bloomers, etc. From what I can see, Kill likes to lock up the local talent early and focus his late recruiting on outstate, juco and late bloomers that might have committed below their talent level early, plus feeding off of other schools misfortunes. Personally I would love him to take a couple of kids from FCS schools that committed early and then blew up, plus a kid for IL and PSU and all he can get from TX and FL.

A verbal commitment is as good as the paper it is written on!!

If you sneak over to GI and look at the visit list it is approaching Schindler's List in length. We've lost two committments over the past week (Hills and Morris) and I'm surprised at the number of kids the staff is going after that are listed "committed" Granted, some of these involve coaching changes, ( Fedora, Zook) but I don't remember Brewster and his staff going in that direction. I'm not saying that it is wrong because we know recruiting is down and dirty. Still, does this mean:
A. More kids will transfer?
B More of the current committs will be dropped?

It is like being on the Wild Toad ride at Disneyworld.
More kids will transfer, but they still can't take more than 28 players period.
It is a merry go round, and it is clear these guys are used to recruiting from a lower ranked school and being opportunistic when opportunities arise. I think it is clear to them that some late talent is opening up, and it is also clear by experience that they need to have backups ready if they lose kids late. They will always try to have several backups for any kid they lose. Losing kids late can happen to anyone, but especially non-helmet schools. They know this drill really well, so it will be interesting to watch until NSD. As far as dropping players goes, seems like the rules are if you have not qualified, and don't predict to qualify the player is likely to be dropped, and players that have behavior/attitude issues will get dropped.
Just my impressions so far.

50PoundHead said:
And Brewster did go after kids committed to other schools, particularly Keanon Cooper and Michael Carter.

Actually there is the term "soft verbal" I here more now. I bet that is just a "I'm interested".

Actually there is the term "soft verbal" I here more now. I bet that is just a "I'm interested".
It's more of a "I'm leaning towards here, but im still gonna consider others"

Harbison is listed on rivals as committed to minnesota, but I'm his facebook friend and he says he isn't on there. So with these kids none of it is right on

Nothing is guaranteed prior to signing day which is why I try not to get too excited about any recruit because until they sign on the dotted line they could end up going somewhere else.

The recruiting sites are usually pretty close but there is no way for them to be perfect. The one thing that I have seen over the past few years is that you are more likely to lose someone you think is committed then to add some shocker recruit that was not on the radar prior to committing.

The one thing that I have seen over the past few years is that you are more likely to lose someone you think is committed then to add some shocker recruit that was not on the radar prior to committing.

Someone that wasn't on the radar at all? Yes. But I'd say you're roughly equally likely to gain a recruit as you are to lose one.

I've been saying for months now, I expect this class to have 28 kids. 25 is the max and I expect 3 to be counted back. I wouldn't get too worried about the numbers, there will be attrition.

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