Kill's decision to decline...


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
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I think it was the first play of the 4th quater - NH could have had 3rd and 23 on the Gopher 30 (after a personal foul) or 4th and 8 from the 15. Kill declined and went with the 4th and 8. I couldn't decide if he did it because he was confident we would stop them on 1 down with just 8 yards to go, or was he not confident, not wanting to give them 2 downs to go 23. I am not sure what I would have done if I was coaching. The only thing that matters is Coach got it right!

I think it was the first play of the 4th quater - NH could have had 3rd and 23 on the Gopher 30 (after a personal foul) or 4th and 8 from the 15. Kill declined and went with the 4th and 8. I couldn't decide if he did it because he was confident we would stop them on 1 down with just 8 yards to go, or was he not confident, not wanting to give them 2 downs to go 23. I am not sure what I would have done if I was coaching. The only thing that matters is Coach got it right!

When you have the opportunity to get them to 4th down and anything that is more than 4 or 5 yards, I take that every time.

He actually did it twice, both successfully. My guess it was a combination of having a second string QB in, having confidence in his D, and making it one play (two plays gives you double the chance of a fluke play, pass interference/other penalty, etc.)

It's always SMART to push your team to 4th down. ALWAYS--regardless of distance. Smart move, smart coach. Kick ass, Jerry.

Yeah, good points. I wonder if we are up only 3 at the time, does that change the decision? The way our pass rush was going we are close to knocking them out of FG rangeif we accept. Anyway, doesn't really matter, I just found myself wondering...

It's always SMART to push your team to 4th down. ALWAYS--regardless of distance. Smart move, smart coach. Kick ass, Jerry.

Always? I doubt very much that any coach on defense whose opponent is in the red zone would choose 4th and inches instead of taking the penalty.

Always does seem a little strong but there are so many things that can go wrong by taking the penalty. I was thinking about the same thing while at the game and I'm glad Coach Kill is a quicker processor than me otherwise we'd be in trouble. Im starting to really trust what he's doing here. I don't know if he is going to bring us to the Rose Bowl or not but it's starting to become obvious that the man knows what he's doing.

Always does seem a little strong but there are so many things that can go wrong by taking the penalty. I was thinking about the same thing while at the game and I'm glad Coach Kill is a quicker processor than me otherwise we'd be in trouble. Im starting to really trust what he's doing here. I don't know if he is going to bring us to the Rose Bowl or not but it's starting to become obvious that the man knows what he's doing.

Totally agree. Clays certainly knows how to adjust things on defense doing it now in back-to-back games. Limegrover is smart too. I believe in Kill & Co.

Ski-U-Mah and Go Gophers!

I keep hearing more and more people finally feel like this guy will be the coach to turn this ship around.

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