Kill to coach from sidelines next year

STrib: Kill says he plans to coach from the sideline this fall

per Joe:

After missing the Oct. 5 game at Michigan because of a seizure, Kill took a two-week leave to treat his epilepsy. He coached the final seven games from the press box but returned to the sideline for the second half of the Texas Bowl loss to Syracuse.

“I’ll be on the sideline [this fall],” Kill said in response to a question from the audience. “That’s who I am, and I think that’s best for our team. However, if we need to adjust something, [the coaches have] all been together a long time.”

Kill continues to drive to work each day, in a sign that he’s been seizure free since last fall.

“I’m feeling pretty good,” he said. “I’ve lost a few pounds. I’ve been walking. [Associate Athletics Director Dan] O’Brien and a lot of people are trying to keep me in line. But the No. 1 person is me.”

Go Gophers!!

Nothing to add. Just wanted to congratulate you for beating Bleed to the punch.

hahaha yeah I did a Tiger Woods fist pump to celly

Ha! I'm off my game!

I'm glad Coach Kill is returning back to the sideline. Here's hoping we have a season where the entire focus is on the field!

Go Gophers!!

Tiger quitting golf is comparable to me quitting reffing pissing contests!!!

Speaking from experience, the sideline is one of the worst places to watch a game. If you really want to see what's happening, the press box is the place to be.

I suppose it comes down to this: Kill must feel the value of interacting with the players during the game outweighs any shortcomings of being on the sideline. And, it indicates the level of trust he must have with the coaches in the pressbox to get him the proper information to make on-field decisions.

Personally, I kind of liked having the head coach in the pressbox - made the Gophs a little different.

Does this mean Claeys goes back up in the box?

(you go to the box - you feel shame: "Slap Shot")

Speaking from experience, the sideline is one of the worst places to watch a game. If you really want to see what's happening, the press box is the place to be.

I suppose it comes down to this: Kill must feel the value of interacting with the players during the game outweighs any shortcomings of being on the sideline. And, it indicates the level of trust he must have with the coaches in the pressbox to get him the proper information to make on-field decisions.

Personally, I kind of liked having the head coach in the pressbox - made the Gophs a little different.

Does this mean Claeys goes back up in the box?

(you go to the box - you feel shame: "Slap Shot")

First off love the quote!

Secondly, I've always said I don't care if he coaches from the VIP room at the closest gentlemen's club to the stadium - as long as he can get wins, I don't care where he is.

That being said, there are a lot of people who expect the coach to be on the sidelines. And anything that doesn't go right, those people would question whether it was because Kill wasn't on the sideline. And then if they are winning they'd ask how much we really need Kill if he's not on the sidelines.

I think in the end it was more about trying to prove he's not different from all of the other coaches than what is best for the team. I can't imagine it really matters where he is. It's much more about perception.

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