Kill Presser must See


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Nov 20, 2008
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If you think he is not up to the task at hand, head on over to and watch a replay.

Jerry Kill is clearly a Big Ten press conference coach. So was Brewster.

If he was truly up to the task, then we would not have seen that 58-0 $h!t show last Saturday.

Quit make excuses and feeling sorry for yourself and walk the walk. Let's see some improvement.

Players grades and attitudes have nothing do with some horrific play calling and preparedness.

If he was truly up to the task, then we would not have seen that 58-0 $h!t show last Saturday.

Quit make excuses and feeling sorry for yourself and walk the walk. Let's see some improvement.

Players grades and attitudes have nothing do with some horrific play calling and preparedness.

Obviously you have never been on a team where players have bad attitudes or bad grades. If a player has bad grades, he doesn't play. The coach wants him to stay eligible so he tries to get him to focus on school work to make the grade. Some players aren't capable of picking up slack in school work and focusing on football plays at the same time, it makes it hard to prepare someone that cant do both. Same goes for someone with an attitude problem, if they think they are the "all mighty" and know everything, they don't care what the coach tells them to do because they know how to do it "better." Once again, it is pretty hard to prepare a team if players have this type of attitude. Similarly, if a player has been coached a certain way for a while, they don't necessarily pick up new methods. For example, if a defensive player was taught to tackle by leading with their helmet at a young age, it is hard to get that out of their head. Even when taught a new/better/proper way of doing something, it takes a while to get the old way out of their system. So when this team messes up on a play or a player doesn't get the ball, what ever the reason, they may get frustrated and revert back to their old ways not necessarily on purpose, but out of habit. So to sum it up, players grades and attitudes do play SOME role in preparedness and play calling, but not all.

If he was truly up to the task, then we would not have seen that 58-0 $h!t show last Saturday.

Quit make excuses and feeling sorry for yourself and walk the walk. Let's see some improvement.

Players grades and attitudes have nothing do with some horrific play calling and preparedness.

Shut up. He's not making excuses. He inherited a bad team. He's admitted he's coached poorly at times in games this year. Add that up and you get bad results. He's working to fix it but there's only so much he can do in one offseason. Bad habits aren't changed overnight. Brewster had a team full of players with bad habits. Kill is attempting to fix the problem not just put newspaper over like his predecessor.

Anything short of magic and this team was going to be terrible this year and last time I checked Kill wasn't a magician.

If he was truly up to the task, then we would not have seen that 58-0 $h!t show last Saturday.

Quit make excuses and feeling sorry for yourself and walk the walk. Let's see some improvement.

Players grades and attitudes have nothing do with some horrific play calling and preparedness.

You're 100% correct, we should be 4-0 and ranked 11th right now.... FIRE KILL!

(in other words, shutup)

Kill Will beat Wisconsin within four years. We need players.....ITS NOT the coach.

If he was truly up to the task, then we would not have seen that 58-0 $h!t show last Saturday.

There's a coach in the Big Ten that was hired in 2005. After winning his first two games and losing to Cal by 15. He then lost BT games by 47, 28, 23, 53, 17, 38, 34 and 17.

In 2007 he was in the Rose Bowl. In 2011 his team is ranked 16th in the country.

Why are people replying to Art the Troll? He had been off the board until the NMSU loss. Nothing he posts is in good faith.

Why are people replying to Art the Troll? He had been off the board until the NMSU loss. Nothing he posts is in good faith.

+1. Below is what I see everytime Art posts. It's great.

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Watching the press conference is so much more insightful than reading the highlights, lots of context and other stuff that doesn't make the bullet points.

Too bad he's not a current B1G head coach right now.

You completely wiffed on the point he was making, BTW.
No I got his point.
He's using Ron zooks 3rd place finish to justify calling him a good coach despite the fact that he lost by such wide margins in his first year.

I would argue zook is a very good recruiter and a very mediocre coach that only outperforms his talent when he has very good coordinators.

12:32 mark:

"He wasn't going to be here because he wouldn't put on a brown shirt" (best as I can recall the quote from Coach Kill".

I can only assume he was referring to the "Loafer" shirts. Any guess on the player?

I'm on Coach Kill's side, the whole way (so don't read the above as a rip), and as a matter of fact, it appears that the "brown shirts" CAN work as motivation for the right kid. Not sure if I want the "Brown Shirts" to become synonymous with the black shirts from Nebraska because of the negative connotation.

Aw...screw it. Get the right person to spin it the right way and we might have a "Brown Out" for homecoming 2012!

Unregistered User said:
12:32 mark:

"He wasn't going to be here because he wouldn't put on a brown shirt" (best as I can recall the quote from Coach Kill".

I can only assume he was referring to the "Loafer" shirts. Any guess on the player?

I'm on Coach Kill's side, the whole way (so don't read the above as a rip), and as a matter of fact, it appears that the "brown shirts" CAN work as motivation for the right kid. Not sure if I want the "Brown Shirts" to become synonymous with the black shirts from Nebraska because of the negative connotation.

Aw...screw it. Get the right person to spin it the right way and we might have a "Brown Out" for homecoming 2012!

My guess ... Andre McDonald

No I got his point.
He's using Ron zooks 3rd place finish to justify calling him a good coach despite the fact that he lost by such wide margins in his first year.

I would argue zook is a very good recruiter and a very mediocre coach that only outperforms his talent when he has very good coordinators.

I missed the part where he said Zooker was a good coach. I'd say his point was bringing light that a program CAN in fact look bad during year one of a regime and turn out fine (and make a Rose Bowl).

My guess ... Andre McDonald

I think he was referring to a player that played at Michigan on Saturday. Someone who is buying in now and didn't early on.

Best line of the whole thing "If I get my ass kicked, I get my ass kicked...excuse my language".

Hopefully this will ignite another letter to the editor...because that is just too *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing offensive.

12:32 mark:

"He wasn't going to be here because he wouldn't put on a brown shirt" (best as I can recall the quote from Coach Kill".

I can only assume he was referring to the "Loafer" shirts. Any guess on the player?

I'm on Coach Kill's side, the whole way (so don't read the above as a rip), and as a matter of fact, it appears that the "brown shirts" CAN work as motivation for the right kid. Not sure if I want the "Brown Shirts" to become synonymous with the black shirts from Nebraska because of the negative connotation.

Aw...screw it. Get the right person to spin it the right way and we might have a "Brown Out" for homecoming 2012!

"What we have on the OL, if you look at the OL, is Jimmy Gjere, who's a RS freshman, Olson is a sophmore, I wish he was RSed. They're both out, they don't play in the 2nd half. So then we put in 165 lbs LT in, Lenkiewicz, he played as hard as he could play.. he did a heck of a job. We played another kid that played in there that he, shoot, he wasn't even going to be here when I first got here because he wouldn't put on a brown shirt. And he's playing.."

Just about word for word. Not sure who.. I could run down the list of freshmen OL we have.. Bjorklund, Tommy Olson, The McAvoys, Foster Bush, Campion, Christenson are all true frosh.. Then the RS freshmen other than who coach mentioned are Epping and Ferguson. Anyone want to rewatch that disaster of a game to find out who else came in and played at OL, feel free. I'm not desperate enough to subject myself to that game again. =/

Watching the press conference is so much more insightful than reading the highlights, lots of context and other stuff that doesn't make the bullet points.

Yup, in the process of watching/listening to it now.

I could run down the list of freshmen OL we have...

Not trying to take anything away from you, but I can't assume that it would have been a frosh or RS frosh that he was talking about.

Not trying to take anything away from you, but I can't assume that it would have been a frosh or RS frosh that he was talking about.

True enough. It did sound like he was talking about young guys coming in to play, so I made the assumption.

But outside of asking coach upfront about that statement, I don't think we'll really find out who he was talking about.

maybe JewJew? he probably told kill that brown is not a fashionable color to wear at the clubs...

maybe JewJew? he probably told kill that brown is not a fashionable color to wear at the clubs...

I thought that as well prior to watching the presser. But that's absolutely not the case. Kill was talking about a current player who actually played in the game at Michigan. Probably an OL.

Just watched the entire press conference. I think Kill is going to turn this thing around but it might take years instead of games. So we gotta be patient.

12:32 mark:

"He wasn't going to be here because he wouldn't put on a brown shirt" (best as I can recall the quote from Coach Kill".

I can only assume he was referring to the "Loafer" shirts. Any guess on the player?

I'm on Coach Kill's side, the whole way (so don't read the above as a rip), and as a matter of fact, it appears that the "brown shirts" CAN work as motivation for the right kid. Not sure if I want the "Brown Shirts" to become synonymous with the black shirts from Nebraska because of the negative connotation.

Aw...screw it. Get the right person to spin it the right way and we might have a "Brown Out" for homecoming 2012!

Zac Epping.

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