Kill gets first runner up for Reusse's Turkey of the Year Award (Tubby wins it)


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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from the column:

Second runner-up: Trevor Mbakwe. We're constantly assured the Gophers' sixth-year senior is really a good kid, and if it wasn't for those dang arrests and probation hearings that keep popping up every few months, the committee might totally agree.

First runner-up: Jerry Kill. Country Jer came to town so unaware of what it's like in a big-time market that he was shocked at the fallout from the $800,000 fee paid to North Carolina to cancel a home-and-home series. But, hey, Kill turned things around at Southern Illinois, so why not buy into his constant reassurance that every move is part of a masterful plan that guarantees big success, and not an expensive act of cowardice?

And here's the Turkey of the Year: Tubby Smith.

Five seasons ago, Tubby left Kentucky and hired himself as the new coach at Minnesota. He hasn't won an NCAA tournament game. And in one glorious 12-hour period this fall, star player Mbakwe was avoiding jail in Miami, while Tubby's son and assistant coach, Saul Smith, was getting a DUI in the Twin Cities. Tubby's discipline? Close to nothing.

Entering Season 6, Tubby's teams have played their best in November, not March, which isn't exactly what Minnesota was after when it proferred the big-buck contract in April 2007.

That's it, although the committee must remind Turkey Banquet goers that all of this could be canceled, if Woody Teague gets the check for 775 grand to us before the Lions finish today's loss.

Go Gophers!!

I just can't believe that the 3 biggest "Turkeys" in Minnesota sports over the past year are all Gophers given the lack of success of the Twins, Wolves, and Vikings during that same time span. No mention of Roger Goodell is strange to me considering his handling of bounty-gate, replacement refs, the Vikings stadium situation (campaigning for it and then having them play a home game in London), and the ongoing player safety charade despite increasing Thursday night games and looking for a way to go to 18 games.

I wonder if this will be Pat's last chance to give the award to Tubby? The rumors are out there that he needs a BIG season. On the other hand, how silly would this award look if Tubby beats Duke on the same day this article arrives on doorsteps?

I am probably in the minority in that I like that Reusse will go after the Gophers for poor performance, but the Twins should absolutely have a member of the top 3 this season. I also think some mention should have been made of the Vikings missing out on Luck/RGIII.

Reusse easily wins the D-Bag of the year award.

It's been pulled for release in a later edition. It was there, tho, I read it.

Stay tuned.

Bettman, the replacement refs, and the Twins are much more worthy.

Once the e-mails started coming in you knew that Patrick was going to make this year's contest as "Gopher Centric" as possible. He'll also spend the day tomorrow taking a look at Gopherhole and cackling about how he pissed everybody off.

Really can't argue with the Fatman's take. Unless your looking thru maroon colored glasses; Gopher football has been a joke for over 40 years and basketball little better. 2 B10 titles in over 80 tries for both sports. That's the definition of futility.

Really can't argue with the Fatman's take. Unless your looking thru maroon colored glasses; Gopher football has been a joke for over 40 years and basketball little better. 2 B10 titles in over 80 tries for both sports. That's the definition of futility.

I missed the "Turkey of the last 40 years" award.

Really can't argue with the Fatman's take. Unless your looking thru maroon colored glasses; Gopher football has been a joke for over 40 years and basketball little better. 2 B10 titles in over 80 tries for both sports. That's the definition of futility.

Right now, every team in Minnesota is meeting or exceeding expectations, except for one, and it isn't any program at the U.

Right now, every team in Minnesota is meeting or exceeding expectations, except for one, and it isn't any program at the U.

Yeah, all our teams are on fire; couldn't be more happy to be a Minnesota sports fan. Now, if only we can get that hockey thing figured out we'll be the envy of the country.

Clicking the link is exactly what he's aiming to do. Just ignore him into submission.

Yeah, all our teams are on fire; couldn't be more happy to be a Minnesota sports fan. Now, if only we can get that hockey thing figured out we'll be the envy of the country.
I now it's your bit, but you don't need to go out of your way to be a dick. The Vikings might not win another game, but they've already won as many games as the "experts" thought they would. Same goes for the football program. Basketball is undefeated (as they should be). Wolves are .500, where everybody thought they needed to be sans Rubio and Love. Wild are off the board, but I'm not going to rip them, as they spent a ton of money to grab the top free agents available. The Gophers are easy pickings each and every year. After one good year at Target Field (that ended in the Twins being scared poopless as the Yankees cleaned their clocks yet again), the Twins have dropped more than 95 games in back-to-back years and old Burl Ives himself doesn't get a mention in the column? The one Twin he chose to take to task was the guy they brought in to clean up the mess. The fans were promised that everything was going to change with the revenue from Target Field. That hasn't been the case. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Yeah, Tubby has had a much worse year than Lance Armstrong.

Lance Armstrong. I realize Pat wants the local angle, but this isn't even close this year. Lance by a mile.

So why are we still recognizing the lack of talent and ethic this slug has? Stop linking/reading his *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, people. He's doing it for a reaction so he can get his jollies off.

There sure are a lot of "dont' click on his link" type threads. Yet, the title of this thread implies it's nature. Methinks you are clicking the link, just like you clicked on this one. A Star Trib employee once told me the Turkey of the Year sells papers, and has an extraordinary amount of clicks.
I look forward to the Turkey of the Year article every year. Patrick always has a knack of welcoming new folks. Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Teague.

Sorry, Pat is awesome.

How do you not see that being a dick is part of the persona?

He has one million times more talent than the average ink-stained hack.

So why are we still recognizing the lack of talent and ethic this slug has? Stop linking/reading his *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, people. He's doing it for a reaction so he can get his jollies off.

Because he has a lot of talent and his ethic is based on poking fun at the foibles of sports leaders with the occasional feel good column thrown in.

He is entertaining. And maddening. And I am sure that someone, displaying great creativity, will point out that he is a man of substantial stature as well.

He kept his Twins pals off except for Ryan. What about Gardenhire? What about the 8 million dollar bust Nishioki? Still calling Teague " Woody" was pretty funny.
Quite frankly, I look forward to it every year. It kicks off a great holiday.

Funny Reusse won runner up in my local sports media Turkey of the Year. Souhan won it.

LOL - If he wanted to give it to a Gopher he might as well given it to that ex gopher who got his 15 minutes of fame in 4,000 words. The two of them seem to have the same writing style and agenda.

So why are we still recognizing the lack of talent and ethic this slug has? Stop linking/reading his *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, people. He's doing it for a reaction so he can get his jollies off.

How's not reacting working out for ya?

How's not reacting working out for ya?

What reaction? Oh, you mean the one where I replied to those that bitched and moaned about his article. Typically the same posters, too.

If you like it/him.. Good on you. But for those that don't like it, all they simply have to do is ignore the thing. It wouldn't get the hits it wants.

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