Kill Expected to Attend Nebraska Game


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Nov 12, 2008
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Gophers football coach Jerry Kill, who is on medical leave to deal with his epilepsy, is expected to attend the next game against Nebraska, defensive coordinator Tracy Claeys said Sunday.

"As he improves more and more, he'll be around more and more," Claeys said of Kill, who showed up to watch the team's 20-17 win at Northwestern on Saturday. "I don't see any anticipation that all of a sudden, 'Bam!' he's back in it going full speed. There'll be a build-up to it. When the time's right, then we'll be ready to go.


Claeys said sophomore running back Rodrick Williams, who started four games this season, did not play Saturday because he had a "rough week" off the field. Offensive tackle Ben Lauer (shoulder) and cornerback Marcus Jones (ankle) got banged up Saturday.)

What an odd and unprecedented situation all the way around. It was already discussed how he did not look good in that post game locker room video that was posted but it is dangerous to speculate on things like that based off of video only so will stay away from it.

Hopefully he is sticking to what ever plan the medical professionals have put in place for him and that things truly are moving in the right direction. Don't think we will really know until the day he either comes back to work full time or steps down for health reasons.

What an odd and unprecedented situation all the way around. It was already discussed how he did not look good in that post game locker room video that was posted but it is dangerous to speculate on things like that based off of video only so will stay away from it.

Hopefully he is sticking to what ever plan the medical professionals have put in place for him and that things truly are moving in the right direction. Don't think we will really know until the day he either comes back to work full time or steps down for health reasons.

Well stated.

I am curious how a 3am wake up and subsequent 7 hr drive fits into his treatment plan, but since they wont talk about the plan, its improper to make any accusations, only point out curious occurrences.

Well stated.

I am curious how a 3am wake up and subsequent 7 hr drive fits into his treatment plan, but since they wont talk about the plan, its improper to make any accusations, only point out curious occurrences.
Plus have you ever driven through Wisconsin?? I look like hell after driving through that dump of a state every time. Maybe he was just bound up because he stopped to get some cheesecurds for the ride.

Tell Jerry we may have an extra ticket if he does not mind sitting next to my brother the Cornhusker.;)

I just don't get this. If you're going to take a leave of absence from your job because it's exacerbating serious health problems, then stay away from the stress and negative stimulation completely. If you want to be back at that job then come back to coach full time and take your chances, but this hanging around the team on road trips isn't accomplishing either, and that's not helping anyone.

I just don't get this. If you're going to take a leave of absence from your job because it's exacerbating serious health problems, then stay away from the stress and negative stimulation completely. If you want to be back at that job then come back to coach full time and take your chances, but this hanging around the team on road trips isn't accomplishing either, and that's not helping anyone.

It seemed to motivate the team last Saturday.

What I like, is Claeys on the sideline overshadowing sideline judges with his size and Kill up in the booth helping out defensive schemes, taking it a lil easier and NOT yelling at refs, over-exerting himself.
This, I think, is a potential successful way to go until Kill gets his meds in order than they can nip his epilepsy in the bud.

And when Kill returns to the sideline, I'm thinking I like Claeys staying there too, helping out with the yelling, i've never seen this defense play better than when Claey's was able to talk
with his defense face to face after every series. It was a big change.

I am curious how a 3am wake up and subsequent 7 hr drive fits into his treatment plan, but since they wont talk about the plan, its improper to make any accusations, only point out curious occurrences.

I've added this page to my get-out-of-work repertoire. I've started feigning seizures to build up to this, but soon I will tell my colleagues that I am following a plan, which I can not discuss. Once this happens, I will start showing up only when I feel like it and if anyone questions me I fall back on, "it's part of my treatment plan".

While I am not saying this is what Coach Kill is up to and I think he's going to be a solid coach for Minnesota for years to come, I would like to tip my hat to Coach Kill for giving me such a great idea.


I just don't get this. If you're going to take a leave of absence from your job because it's exacerbating serious health problems, then stay away from the stress and negative stimulation completely. If you want to be back at that job then come back to coach full time and take your chances, but this hanging around the team on road trips isn't accomplishing either, and that's not helping anyone.

Thank you Doctor.

Players didn’t know he was coming until halftime, when he walked into the middle of the Gophers locker room and gave a quick speech.

“That gave us the little edge we needed,” Gophers quarterback Philip Nelson said.

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