Kill Exit Interview

Seems like the reporter really tried to grill him. I understand that's the reporter's job but honestly, how else did you expect him to handle things?

Once again, he just seems like a great guy. I really hope it works out for him here. Of course, I really hoped it worked out for every coach that came before him, but Kill seems like he really cares about his players and respects the work they do for him. I think some of the returning players, if they keep an open mind, will come to appreciate how he runs things.

IMO, this is a very classy interview by a very classy guy. He has done all the right things so far since coming here. Now we just have to wait to see what he can do on the field. I have very high hopes for the guy and right now I think he will do very well here.

Best line- "Internet systems"

Coach Kill didn't want to ruin the NIU banquet with an early announcement, "but you know the Internet systems and Facebook and all that."

Seriously, could I love this guy any more?

Coach Kill didn't want to ruin the NIU banquet with an early announcement, "but you know the Internet systems and Facebook and all that."

Seriously, could I love this guy any more?

I loved that part too, especially how he finished talking about it..."I am not in that world".

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