Kicker Visiting


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Jan 7, 2009
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Ryan Santoso, from Florida. 6'5, 270 lbs!

I did find that he has been selected to kick in the Under Armor All American game, so he must be pretty decent.

We got us a sea bass on our hand, 270 lbs jeez!

Great to hear.

I wonder if Wettstein gets a pro tryout. Before you laugh me off the board, the kid really improved his leg strength over the past couple of seasons. Accuracy and consistency are issues for him, but I was truly impressed at how strong he got from when he first saw the field. Pro ball has become so specialized that I wouldn't be surprised if he merited a tryout at a couple of pro camps (if he's interested). I don't think he'd fall into the "preferred free agent" category.

He's a big kid, but I'm surprised these days how solid these 270 pounders are compared to a 270 pounder in the 1960s. Must be the weightlifting and other training methods, because 270 pounders back in the day looked fat. When you think of great OTs from that era and find out that guys like Forrest Gregg and Grady Alderman both weighed about 250, it's pretty amazing how far training has come to be able to put weight on these guys without them looking like a shirtless Bielema (maybe that can be a new term we used around here to describe the flabolicious).

don't think 'this' kicker is going to get picked on in the locker room or gridiron too much...he will kick their butt after the ball

don't think 'this' kicker is going to get picked on in the locker room or gridiron too much...he will kick their butt after the ball

Yeah, he's not Garo Yepremian-esque.

Thanks for posting that. One of the great all-time bonehead moves in football history!

I am all thumbs when attempting to post pictures or videos, so thanks again.

In the immortal words of Garo "I keek a touchdown!"

It doesn't look like he's got a lot of speed, but those beefy drumsticks generate a lot of force

Great to hear.

I wonder if Wettstein gets a pro tryout. Before you laugh me off the board, the kid really improved his leg strength over the past couple of seasons. Accuracy and consistency are issues for him, but I was truly impressed at how strong he got from when he first saw the field. Pro ball has become so specialized that I wouldn't be surprised if he merited a tryout at a couple of pro camps (if he's interested). I don't think he'd fall into the "preferred free agent" category.

I don't see it happening. I never saw the confidence in Jordan that you want to see in a top level kicker. Leg strength, power, even accuracy for that matter, pale in comparison to having what it takes upstairs to be a successful PK. There are hundreds, hundreds of guys that have the leg strength and accuracy to kick in the NFL; and yet there aren't even 32 great kickers in the league.

I always saw Hawthorne as having more confidence and swagger than Wettstein and was disappointed he lost the job. I think the Gophers will be fine with him next year if he turns out to be the guy.

well i'll say this. if he comes here and is punting for us and someone snaps it over HIS head, then we've got some serious problems.

Seems legit--let's hope he enjoys the visit and we offer.

range, hang time, lentgh very welcome attibutes for double duty kicking/punting for 4 yrs.

Any chance he gets more hype if he performs well at the all-american game? Hoping he has a nice quiet game or we get him to commit before it :p

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