Kick Penn. St. Out of the B1G


Go4 Homer
Sep 22, 2009
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Help make a resounding statement that covering up child predators/molesters will not be tolerated. Kicking them out of the conference will do little for the victims but would give them something to hang their hat on. Think of Penn. St. as that rouge/creepy family member that needs to be sent packing. If this helps prevent one more child from being molested it will be very worth it!

Help make a resounding statement that covering up child predators/molesters will not be tolerated. Kicking them out of the conference will do little for the victims but would give them something to hang their hat on. Think of Penn. St. as that rouge/creepy family member that needs to be sent packing. If this helps prevent one more child from being molested it will be very worth it!

Brilliant Idea!I still don't get why people can't understand the fact that conference membership are business decisions. They are not emotional ones. I'm not supporting the actions of previous PSU leadership. However, your demand will cause severe collateral damages. Indeed, you're not asking justice. You're asking punitive measure. I sincerely hope that you have levelheadedness to distinguish the differences between justice and punitive actions.

Furthermore, make ten threads to make noise about kicking them out of Big Ten and let them join ACC. When Gopher Ath. Dept. got less money, make sure to complain about it as well. PSU is a valuable Big Ten member. Unless you can find a economically viable replacement, it won't happen. So, please stop your saber rattling actions.

So what is monetary cost to the victims?

I don't think it is neither appropriate nor possible to measure the cost. However, PSU will pay dearly to settle the cases. Will it help the victims to somewhat recover from the ugly events? I hope so. Let's honestly talk about it. We're living in a society where you can solve many issues with money. You can't completely erase it. But money is a vital and useful tool to alleviate the pain. Otherwise, we won't have things like settlements, civil law, lawyers, etc.

Kicking Penn State out of the B1G would penalize every other member of the conference.

You need 12 teams to have a two-division setup with a Conference Championship game. Kicking out Penn State would leave the conf with 11 teams, so unless you had another team lined up in advance to take their place, there would be dire ramifications for the conference, including the potential loss of major TV and gate revenue from the Conf Championship game.

My solution - allow Penn State to remain in the B1G on probation - BUT, make them forfeit all their TV revenue from the BTN, any BCS playoff share, and National TV contract share. That would force the PSU administration to make some very hard choices, without penalizing the rest of the conference.

If the penalties are "worse than the death penalty" what good are they if the next ten years are rough? Not going to keep them for hoops. What is the status of he NBC Notre Dame deal? One of my least favorite schools, but I'm sure NBC will have second thoughts about renewing the contract and the football program could use a shot in the arm. Would be good for the conference too.

If it's about money and winning at all cost, I have no argument for you.

I agree with akgopher in that PS is a 5-alarm dumpster fire and has no value to the B1G. However, this not the reason I want them out. Even if they bring more money to the conference than anyone else, they're not worth having around. Again, let the victims know we're serious about isolating child molesters (including enablers) from society.

If the penalties are "worse than the death penalty" what good are they if the next ten years are rough? Not going to keep them for hoops. What is the status of he NBC Notre Dame deal? One of my least favorite schools, but I'm sure NBC will have second thoughts about renewing the contract and the football program could use a shot in the arm. Would be good for the conference too.

PSU will not get death penalty, not because NCAA is so much in love with PSU but because that will cause unintended and severe ramifications. Anyone remember SWC and SMU saga? I think many college presidents and NCAA regreted about that decision. Many people won't admit that. But it was one of the initial causes for college realignments. Why would NCAA, and college presidents throw gasoline on fire? To ignite another round of conference realignment?

Kicking Penn State out of the B1G would penalize every other member of the conference.

You need 12 teams to have a two-division setup with a Conference Championship game. Kicking out Penn State would leave the conf with 11 teams, so unless you had another team lined up in advance to take their place, there would be dire ramifications for the conference, including the potential loss of major TV and gate revenue from the Conf Championship game.

My solution - allow Penn State to remain in the B1G on probation - BUT, make them forfeit all their TV revenue from the BTN, any BCS playoff share, and National TV contract share. That would force the PSU administration to make some very hard choices, without penalizing the rest of the conference.

Good post, & I agree...

short ornery norwegian said:
Kicking Penn State out of the B1G would penalize every other member of the conference.

You need 12 teams to have a two-division setup with a Conference Championship game. Kicking out Penn State would leave the conf with 11 teams, so unless you had another team lined up in advance to take their place, there would be dire ramifications for the conference, including the potential loss of major TV and gate revenue from the Conf Championship game.

My solution - allow Penn State to remain in the B1G on probation - BUT, make them forfeit all their TV revenue from the BTN, any BCS playoff share, and National TV contract share. That would force the PSU administration to make some very hard choices, without penalizing the rest of the conference.

It won't happen but I'm sure they could throw just about any team into Penn State's Big Ten slot and make it work in a couple months. Special case with circumstances that would deserve swift NCAA action. Again - would love to see it happen but won't.

It won't happen but I'm sure they could throw just about any team into Penn State's Big Ten slot and make it work in a couple months. Special case that would deserve special swift circumstances. Again - would love to see it happen but won't.

And where would this mystery team come from? Would it be a team that it is not in a conference.......a team with no games scheduled?

station19 said:
And where would this mystery team come from? Would it be a team that it is not in a conference.......a team with no games scheduled?

It's the NCAA - they can easily make it happen fast. Switching schedules is not Rocket Science and due to the circumstances there would not be much push back.

really? some of you are actually entertaining this thread? what happened was of course terrible and certainly wish it had not taken place. but kicking penn state out of the big ten is not the answer here. i honestly don't know what is, but i just don't think that is it.

or if by suggesting it, you are just trying to get a rise out of people to feed a thread........i guess that is your prerogative.

really? some of you are actually entertaining this thread? what happened was of course terrible and certainly wish it had not taken place. but kicking penn state out of the big ten is not the answer here. i honestly don't know what is, but i just don't think that is it.

or if you are just trying to get a rise out of people to feed a thread by suggesting it........i guess that is your prerogative.

This is exactly why station19 and I reverted to talking about MSUA and their new school/stadium with/without beer tent.

absolutely kick them out, this is heinous, sinful behavior. Add a team up I 94?

Just need ND to get their head on straight and finally join and take Penn States place. Just makes too much sense. If only....

Kicking Penn St out would really mess the up the plans for the future Big 10 Hockey conference.

Ope3 said:
Kicking Penn St out would really mess the up the plans for the future Big 10 Hockey conference.

Not if we replaced them with a school with a hockey team.

Just 10 months ago, some Penn State supporters were dreaming about PSU leaving the Big 10 for the ACC...

There is no way the ACC would entertain having them. For that matter, I doubt the MAC or any other conference would want them. I say isolate them by kicking them out. We owe it to the victims. Kicking them out would be nothing more than a small token of acknowledgement toward the victims.

Just 10 months ago, some Penn State supporters were dreaming about PSU leaving the Big 10 for the ACC...

That was stupid even then. Not only does the Big Ten make a lot more money for its members, but the CIC has been an incredible boon for Penn State. Leaving the CIC would just be idiotic.

Despite this there are PSU fans on their Scout board discussing whether they should leave the Big Ten. Just dumb.

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