KFAN's New Look


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Go to www.kfan.com and check out the new look.

Also Barreiro had coach Kill on today. He also discussed his excitment to have a College team in the loop now. Mentioned how good the Gopher game ratings are for their games.


This whole thing feels like leaving your wife for a trophy bride. Except that for years this particular trophy bride treated you like crap until he recently found out you had money.

I love how gaard says he's excited to expand their Gopher coverage. What was stopping them from providing more coverage before?

This whole thing feels like leaving your wife for a trophy bride. Except that for years this particular trophy bride treated you like crap until he recently found out you had money.

I love how gaard says he's excited to expand their Gopher coverage. What was stopping them from providing more coverage before?

To me it feels like the cool kids have been picking on you your entire life and now their like "Hey, dude you should eat lunch with us and we can go to the movies later" and you're thinking "why are they being nice to me now? I really want it to be true but feel like they are just pretending to be nice only to 'pants' me at the school dance." It happened to a...friend of mine...yeah, that's the ticket (Lovitz reference, deal with it).

I'm actually one of the few on these boards that actually enjoys most of KFAN's format yet the hypocrisy displayed on Barrerio's show today by Dan and Gaard was enough to make me vomit in my mouth. I am glad that this will force the station to focus more attention on Gopher sports now with a more positive spin...even it is a bit insincere. :(

I'll get over this whole thing, but it's going to take me a bit. Pour some drink on the curb for 'CCO, they done the U good for nearly 70 years.

I'll get over this whole thing, but it's going to take me a bit. Pour some drink on the curb for 'CCO, they done the U good for nearly 70 years.

I'm with you there. Kind of depressing to think of WCCO without the Gophers and Twins. It just feels weird.

It's amazing how quickly people here turn. I mean how many threads were here about hating KFAN. Now they get the rights to Gopher games and they are the best thing since sliced bread. It's going to take more than 1 day to convince me that they are actual supporters of the Gophers. Color me skeptical I guess.

Go to www.kfan.com and check out the new look.

Also Barreiro had coach Kill on today. He also discussed his excitment to have a College team in the loop now. Mentioned how good the Gopher game ratings are for their games.


If I'm not at a game or in front of a TV, I'll listen. But the last frickin' thing I'm going to do is click on their site. The way that KFAN and 1500 push their websites, it's important to them. So no way am I doing what those hypocritical pricks want me to do.

Yeah, it feels a bit strange for the U to be leaving 'CCO. The Gophers and WCCO have gone hand in hand for years.

But I will try to explain my stance since I am one of those hypocritical people who slammed KFAN and is happy that the U has switched over. First and foremost, more than anything, I support the Gopher football team and anything that I think is good for the Gophs, I am all on board.
Second, I still don't think PA knows a single thing about college football, I still think Danny B overplays his contrarian bit so much that it loses its luster, and I still find it odd that Guard poses as a Gopher and Iowa fan (how odd is that?). However, despite that, the Fan now has a vested interest in Gopher football. They will very likely have many more Gopher football segments and guests who know a ton about Gopher football. That is really the big deal to me, we get to hear more people talk abotu the Gophers and the mere fact that they have a vested interest, we will see more interviews with coaches/players and guests who really do bleed maroon and gold.

Yeah, it feels a bit strange for the U to be leaving 'CCO. The Gophers and WCCO have gone hand in hand for years.

But I will try to explain my stance since I am one of those hypocritical people who slammed KFAN and is happy that the U has switched over. First and foremost, more than anything, I support the Gopher football team and anything that I think is good for the Gophs, I am all on board.
Second, I still don't think PA knows a single thing about college football, I still think Danny B overplays his contrarian bit so much that it loses its luster, and I still find it odd that Guard poses as a Gopher and Iowa fan (how odd is that?). However, despite that, the Fan now has a vested interest in Gopher football. They will very likely have many more Gopher football segments and guests who know a ton about Gopher football. That is really the big deal to me, we get to hear more people talk abotu the Gophers and the mere fact that they have a vested interest, we will see more interviews with coaches/players and guests who really do bleed maroon and gold.

I am pretty much of the same line of thinking.

The most important thing to me is, if the gophers ever get to the point where they are looking good...instead of getting ignored and sarcastically made fun of by KFAN, they will be hyped to a younger demographic.

Yeah, it feels a bit strange for the U to be leaving 'CCO. The Gophers and WCCO have gone hand in hand for years.

But I will try to explain my stance since I am one of those hypocritical people who slammed KFAN and is happy that the U has switched over. First and foremost, more than anything, I support the Gopher football team and anything that I think is good for the Gophs, I am all on board.
Second, I still don't think PA knows a single thing about college football, I still think Danny B overplays his contrarian bit so much that it loses its luster, and I still find it odd that Guard poses as a Gopher and Iowa fan (how odd is that?). However, despite that, the Fan now has a vested interest in Gopher football. They will very likely have many more Gopher football segments and guests who know a ton about Gopher football. That is really the big deal to me, we get to hear more people talk abotu the Gophers and the mere fact that they have a vested interest, we will see more interviews with coaches/players and guests who really do bleed maroon and gold.

Nicely stated.

Bob I agree with you. But for some reason I hate the fact that PA will be a Gopher backer now. His show is so smug and condescending, kinda how he has acted/felt about college football. To me, PA looks at college football and especially the Goph's as a 2nd rate brand of football and is basically a nuisance to his beloved Vikings. I have a feeling that he will learn a little bit more about the U's program and come across as a long time Gopher expert and fan. In some sort of wierd way, I liked the fact that I was a loyal fan about something that holier-than-thou smug broadcasters couldn't care less about. But, I want the Gophers to be popular, successful, and on the radar and being on K-fan will certaintly help.

Bob I agree with you. But for some reason I hate the fact that PA will be a Gopher backer now. His show is so smug and condescending, kinda how he has acted/felt about college football. To me, PA looks at college football and especially the Goph's as a 2nd rate brand of football and is basically a nuisance to his beloved Vikings. I have a feeling that he will learn a little bit more about the U's program and come across as a long time Gopher expert and fan. In some sort of wierd way, I liked the fact that I was a loyal fan about something that holier-than-thou smug broadcasters couldn't care less about. But, I want the Gophers to be popular, successful, and on the radar and being on K-fan will certaintly help.

I agree with you Joe. I mean, I still have those kind of feelings as well and I am sure they will intensify if the Gophers get good and PA starts being a Gopher jock sniffer.

But all in all, I still think it's the best thing for the Gophers and I do think we will get more Gopher coverage, but I feel you on that drawback.

It seems like these talk show guys are puppets. Someone told Barriero this morning that he's to support Gopher football and away he goes, Brewster comes off more sincere than this phony.

It's amazing how quickly people here turn. I mean how many threads were here about hating KFAN. Now they get the rights to Gopher games and they are the best thing since sliced bread. It's going to take more than 1 day to convince me that they are actual supporters of the Gophers. Color me skeptical I guess.

I hope you can realize that just because people hate the unnecessary cheap shots and lack of coverage the Gophers got on KFAN doesn't mean we have to think that moving the games to that station now is a bad thing. Nobody is saying that KFAN is now great, just that moving the games to that station is a positive thing for the program.

There are more gopher fans than just those in the twin cities. Coverage of the twins isn't great and I bet alot less affiliates will carry the gophers. 100 miles from the cities and these stations are non existant.

There are more gopher fans than just those in the twin cities. Coverage of the twins isn't great and I bet alot less affiliates will carry the gophers. 100 miles from the cities and these stations are non existant.

Learfield built the Gopher Radio Network though. The outstate affiliates aren't changing.

It's a positive step for more Gopher football coverage, but ESPN1500 would have been the best place for the Gophs. Doogie (and PMac to a degree) already offer decent gameday coverage and fairly consistent updates on the beat. (Doogie has even been going the extra mile for us rubes who want to read spring practice updates. I'm currently in the Zimbabwean bush -- I never thought I would be able to read as much off-season stuff on the Gophs from credible outlets.)

KFAN pretty much ignores Gopher football, except as a punchline, since the Brewster fiasco. Much like covering the Timberwolves games ended up with KFAN talking more about the Wolves, I would only assume that KFAN will follow suit with increased Gopher football coverage aside from Saturday games.

The frustrating thing is that they don't have nearly the credibility on the college football beat as ESPN1500, KFAN is showing a news-priority only to a beat after they have an obvious business interest. (Is KFAN is going to give Gopher football the kid-gloves treatment while they try to curry favor with the suits?)

I still think it's better than WCCO though, which represents a completely different era. The area's sports station should have play-by-play of the bigger sports, so it's nice to add Gopher football to that stable.

If they were truly a sports-news leader, they would cover Gopher football because it's newsworthy, not because it can easily help their ratings on Saturdays.

(EDIT: Since people are nailing Barrerio, I actually enjoy his show a lot of the time. My issue was with the station's news coverage/credibility.)

Are you telling me "penis head" is now part of the gopher football cheerleading squad?

My name is Dan Barrerio, and I am a major tool!

KFAN is horrible. Very juneville and boorish.

Many people in outstate will tune in the gopher network affiliate just for the game. The pregame and post game (quality and ratings) is what will be intersting.

It seems like these talk show guys are puppets. Someone told Barriero this morning that he's to support Gopher football and away he goes, Brewster comes off more sincere than this phony.

Great point. I guess Barriero turned out to be correct on Brewster, but now he is proving to be just as big a phony. A lot of us on this board (including myself) insinuated that KFAN was hard on the Gophers because of their Viking loyalty, but now that it's basically been proven it is kind of troubling. I saw the UofM communications director on the news last night and the way he spoke about the younger demographic and KDWB was eerily similar to PA's monologue. These radio hosts are on a short leash, and are much more 'company men' than I am comfortable with...Clear Channel is a beast. That being said, I'm still probably going to listen more often now just because I love Gopher coverage. Apparently my morality is purely hypothetical (shrug).

Are you telling me "penis head" is now part of the gopher football cheerleading squad?

My name is Dan Barrerio, and I am a major tool!

I remember driving to the TC for a Thursday nite game against NU and had the fan on. Bury-um was talking Gopher football in his usual condescending manner and said he was going to take calls from Gopher fans "if there are any out there." chuckle-chuckle. What a jerk.

Now he is kissing Gopher butt!

Barriero's show is good. I like it a lot, and i don't think he's been a phony in regard to Gopher football. I don't think the station's Viking coverage has anything to do with how he feels about Gopher football. The program has been a joke for a long time, unless you count a few of the Mason years as respectable. He's treated them accordingly. Brewster rubbed him the wrong way, and in the end all of the criticisms turned out to be on the money. Brewster was a phony and a joke. All hype but no results.

Since Coach Kill has been hired he's been on with Barriero a few times and the conversations have been great. Everything he's said about Coach Kill & his program has been positive.

Most of you are way off target in your Barriero bashing.

How do you explain away his bashing of Mason when he was a coach vs his treatment of him now??

Barriero's show is good. I like it a lot, and i don't think he's been a phony in regard to Gopher football. I don't think the station's Viking coverage has anything to do with how he feels about Gopher football. The program has been a joke for a long time, unless you count a few of the Mason years as respectable. He's treated them accordingly. Brewster rubbed him the wrong way, and in the end all of the criticisms turned out to be on the money. Brewster was a phony and a joke. All hype but no results.

Since Coach Kill has been hired he's been on with Barriero a few times and the conversations have been great. Everything he's said about Coach Kill & his program has been positive.

Most of you are way off target in your Barriero bashing.[/QUOTE]

That would be your opinion.

Barriero's show is good. I like it a lot, and i don't think he's been a phony in regard to Gopher football. I don't think the station's Viking coverage has anything to do with how he feels about Gopher football. The program has been a joke for a long time, unless you count a few of the Mason years as respectable. He's treated them accordingly. Brewster rubbed him the wrong way, and in the end all of the criticisms turned out to be on the money. Brewster was a phony and a joke. All hype but no results.

Since Coach Kill has been hired he's been on with Barriero a few times and the conversations have been great. Everything he's said about Coach Kill & his program has been positive.

Most of you are way off target in your Barriero bashing.

I don't think so.

Bury-um has been the phony and a joke in his long standing attempts to paint the Gophers as being phony and a joke. Sure the Gophers have been down for decades but the constant jokes and verbal bashing was the norm for him. He thought it was funny and went out his way to ridicule and put down the team, its players and coach.

Where is the professionalism?

Now he has a new boss so its time to tow the line. Bury-um is a true chameleon, a phony and for a lack of a better term; two-faced.

Barriero's show is good. I like it a lot, and i don't think he's been a phony in regard to Gopher football. I don't think the station's Viking coverage has anything to do with how he feels about Gopher football. The program has been a joke for a long time, unless you count a few of the Mason years as respectable. He's treated them accordingly. Brewster rubbed him the wrong way, and in the end all of the criticisms turned out to be on the money. Brewster was a phony and a joke. All hype but no results.

Since Coach Kill has been hired he's been on with Barriero a few times and the conversations have been great. Everything he's said about Coach Kill & his program has been positive.

Most of you are way off target in your Barriero bashing.

"That would be your opinion." quoted by Station19

And his opinion just happens to be wrong.:)

I used to like Danny B. when it came to non-sports related topics. When it came to sports, he always relied on shtick and not substance. The shtick for The Gophers was to rip without any real knowledge behind it. So little knowledge that he ended-up saying things that weren't remotely true. When questioned or ripped, he got defensive and childish.

The rest of the on-air staff at the fan aren't even worth my time caring about anymore. The only time I really listen to sports talk is the Travis Rodgers show on 690 a.m. That guy is good.

Barriero's show is good. I like it a lot, and i don't think he's been a phony in regard to Gopher football. I don't think the station's Viking coverage has anything to do with how he feels about Gopher football. The program has been a joke for a long time, unless you count a few of the Mason years as respectable. He's treated them accordingly. Brewster rubbed him the wrong way, and in the end all of the criticisms turned out to be on the money. Brewster was a phony and a joke. All hype but no results.

Since Coach Kill has been hired he's been on with Barriero a few times and the conversations have been great. Everything he's said about Coach Kill & his program has been positive.

Most of you are way off target in your Barriero bashing.


Many people here are getting way too worked about this. Despite what's happened in the past, the undeniable fact is that KFAN now has a vested interest in promoting Gopher football. Their loyalties will lie with their money.

Another fact is that because Gopher football will become much more prominent on KFAN, the younger male demographic will get much more exposure to Gopher football than they ever have. This has been a problem with this problem for 30 years, and quite honestly (aside from winning) this KFAN move is the single best thing that could be done to help this situation.

Put aside the KFAN animosities that took shape in the past - this is a HUGE step towards Gopher football becoming more relevant in this state.

This whole thing feels like leaving your wife for a trophy bride. Except that for years this particular trophy bride treated you like crap until he recently found out you had money.


That made me chuckle.

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