KC Star blog: Tubby Smith is a guy Missouri should not hire

While it has a valid point one can't help think the Painter flirtation has given Mizzou a big head. Not only is it seemingly a given Tubby would bolt MN for their vaunted job, but he's not good enough and they wouldn't want him. Arrogant much Kansas's little brother? When was your last Final Four again? Mizzou from Purdue was a lateral move and so is MN.

dumbest article ive seen. what it forgets to mention is that carters sister has cancer, devoe and royce were suspended and kicked off the team in royce's case, and were more kicked out the door, and iverson is one of 4 centers who we dont need all of. Also we lost 2 players to injury. Garuntee with only nolen, no devoe, walker, or iverson we beat mizzou by 10. they act like it was a tubby choke job that we went 1-10. we lost some players dude you dont just lose all your gaurds and win games easy in the B10. this isnt a 1 team conference, looking your way B12

dumbest article ive seen. what it forgets to mention is that carters sister has cancer, devoe and royce were suspended and kicked off the team in royce's case, and were more kicked out the door, and iverson is one of 4 centers who we dont need all of. Also we lost 2 players to injury. Garuntee with only nolen, no devoe, walker, or iverson we beat mizzou by 10. they act like it was a tubby choke job that we went 1-10. we lost some players dude you dont just lose all your gaurds and win games easy in the B10. this isnt a 1 team conference, looking your way B12

Insert monotone robot voice: You are right. Tubby Smith is never to blame. He is the best coach ever. He never makes mistakes. He can do no wrong.

No its deffinately tubbys fault devoe and royce were model citizens that we want representing the U. And no way should tubby have released Paul Carter. terrible person. ;)

Insert monotone robot voice: You are right. Tubby Smith is never to blame. He is the best coach ever. He never makes mistakes. He can do no wrong.

Kinda like some who like to blame everything on Tubby? There are fans on both sides of this. He doesn't deserve no blame or all the blame, he deserves some blame.

Insert monotone robot voice: You are right. Tubby Smith is never to blame. He is the best coach ever. He never makes mistakes. He can do no wrong.

I think fault and responsibility do not always have to coincide. Suppose a batallion leader critically overestimates the enemy strength and orders a tactical retreat, which screws up the whole operation for the division. Is the general at fault for the blunder made by the battalion? Perhaps not. But, he is still responsible for the failure to achieve the operational objective.

This season is a mess. But, it does not necessarily mean that every ingredient of the mess has to be Tubby's fault thoughTubby ultimately is responsible for the failed campaign.

John Calipari lost 5 players to the NBA off of last years team. He has a freshman playing point guard and two other freshmen in his top six. He has very little depth. His starting center barely played last year. Wow that type of situation would provide enough excuses to last the Gophers thru at least two seasons.

John Calipari lost 5 players to the NBA off of last years team. He has a freshman playing point guard and two other freshmen in his top six. He has very little depth. His starting center barely played last year. Wow that type of situation would provide enough excuses to last the Gophers thru at least two seasons.

You're not truly this stupid, are you?

Terrible attempt at trolling, btw.

John Calipari lost 5 players to the NBA off of last years team. He has a freshman playing point guard and two other freshmen in his top six. He has very little depth. His starting center barely played last year. Wow that type of situation would provide enough excuses to last the Gophers thru at least two seasons.

See your "argument" works if John fully believed all 5 would be staying next year, and was absolutley shocked when the "greatest day in Kentucky basketball" occured.

If he was in fact, shocked, at this occuring. Why did he sign pretty much half of the top 10 recruits last year? Pretty lucky he was recruiting all those 5 star guys when he thought he had Wall, Cousins, etc. coming back.

I wonder what would have happened had Wall transfered midseason? :rolleyes:

Dpodoll. You really took time to post such a comment. Instead of slinging mud like a child you might try learning to respect yourself. You can do better.

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