Just Some Weekend Thoughts.....Talk Me Off The Ledge


Feb 22, 2010
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Ugh, could this have gone any worse? I really don't think so. This team just can't catch a friggin break. This is a perfect example as to why I named my site what I did.

Who is going to step up on this team now? Does Tubby let Rodney and the boys just run and gun? Does he play scared like he did last year? What do we do?

Should we roll with a small line-up? Something like:


Those are our best players, why not let them run wild. Screw trying to match up with other teams, have them match up with us.


Thanks as always

My guess is that Tubby makes the wrong choice and plays scared-just like last year. Lots of Ingram and Oto at the power forward. Lots of EE and Ralph together. Both of those options are not going to be good.

Run-run-run Tubby...it's the only chance we got at this point.

I agree, I don't think he will play "small ball" either, but he really should. Who knows, maybe he learns from the fact that it didn't work AT ALL last year to play a big line-up.

We aren't the best half court team in the world but we are filled with guys that can flat out play and play fast, might as well take advantage of that. I'm not throwing in the towel on this season at all, just a little worried that it could go south quick if Tubby doesn't use the tools he has.

Now I'm not saying to keep the big guys off the court, but limit their minutes. Just because this is the B1G doesn't mean we need to play slow.

On 1500 tubby said he is thinking of the dre, Austin, welch, Rodney and Ralph lineup. I think that's playing small.

Sidefx182: If you have a spot on the ledge, you better hang on to it. It might get pretty crowded out there before this is over.

Scher215....If he did say that, that is great news in my mind. I would love to see what a lineup like that could do. Could it be a bust? Of course, but I think it would be fun to watch. I think those kids would love the style it would force them to play. We know Dre loves to get out and run, Rodney is the same way and having Austin and Welch sit outside to hit shots could be a great thing. Now, we just need to see if that lineup does play and how they do on Wed.

Figi...Good point. I'll stay here for now just in case. I could always sell it for top $ come January if need be. Did you want to make an early offer?

Scher215....If he did say that, that is great news in my mind. I would love to see what a lineup like that could do. Could it be a bust? Of course, but I think it would be fun to watch. I think those kids would love the style it would force them to play. We know Dre loves to get out and run, Rodney is the same way and having Austin and Welch sit outside to hit shots could be a great thing. Now, we just need to see if that lineup does play and how they do on Wed.

Figi...Good point. I'll stay here for now just in case. I could always sell it for top $ come January if need be. Did you want to make an early offer?

AmeliaRayno Amelia Rayno
Tubby said on 1500 that Ralph Sampson III did not workout today.

AmeliaRayno Amelia Rayno
Sounds like Tubby is wanting to go smaller now that Mbakwe is gone. Said on 1500 that small lineups won the Gophers both games in Orlando.

AmeliaRayno Amelia Rayno
Tubby also said Rodney Williams could be moved to power forward, where he "might be more comfortable" anyway.

AmeliaRayno Amelia Rayno
Tubby said on 1500ESPN that Julian Welch could be moved to starting role in the future.

On 1500 tubby said he is thinking of the dre, Austin, welch, Rodney and Ralph lineup. I think that's playing small.

This will make me more inclined to find some hope for the future if true. Might not be pretty, but playing small is the only way to go imo.

This lineups really isn't all that small from a pure height perspective. Ralph, Rodney, and Austin all have good length at the positions they will be playing.

This lineups really isn't all that small from a pure height perspective. Ralph, Rodney, and Austin all have good length at the positions they will be playing.

Very true. They are just skinny and not bangers like Trev was, but a 7-0 center, 6-7 PF, 6-4 SF, 6-2 SG, 6-0 PG isn't THAT small in most conferences, but in the Big10 more so than others.

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