just some observations


Active member
Aug 26, 2011
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This is just what I noticed today:

We can't always run our offense through Trevor in the post. It was clear in the first half that ISU was not even going to let us throw the ball into him, and I'm sure other teams are going to imitate this. Having Sampson at 100% should help negate this though.

Oto has a beautiful stroke. We need to run something to get him some shots, like what ISU was doing to us in the first half, pick and pop.

Welch didn't impress in the first half but he definitely turned it on. He played great D, stripped the ball a few times, but he's gotta learn to finish or slow it up. Too many times he would force up a shot after getting too far in. He also has a nice stroke on his shot, should do a good job being a consistent shooter.

Dre definitely has the offensive ability. The only problem I have with him is his D, but I won't complain too much about that.

EE was our most consistent player in the first half. Yes, he didn't do good playing 3 pt D, but you shouldn't rely on your center to play 3 pt D IMO. He definitely has good fundamentals all-around and has a good grasp of post offense. Also does a great job boxing out on boards. He could become a great player.

Rodney was hesitant today. He didn't play poorly but he didn't play well. I thought it was evident of his day when Oto was in at the end and not Rodney.

Overall not a great game but I'll take the W. Always improving! That's all that matters.

Oh and the color announcer was awful. Kept saying to run our offense through the guy that is double-teamed. Yes, Trevor should get touches but that is different than running the offense through him.

if you can dump it into Trevor for a touch, he would get double or tripled team, leaving a guy or two open on the opposite side. That's why the announcers talked about getting Trevor touches. It would create more/better offensive opportunities.

if you can dump it into Trevor for a touch, he would get double or tripled team, leaving a guy or two open on the opposite side. That's why the announcers talked about getting Trevor touches. It would create more/better offensive opportunities.
From what I saw he was also getting doubled just when he was on the ballside post.

This is just what I noticed today:

We can't always run our offense through Trevor in the post. It was clear in the first half that ISU was not even going to let us throw the ball into him, and I'm sure other teams are going to imitate this. Having Sampson at 100% should help negate this though.

Oto has a beautiful stroke. We need to run something to get him some shots, like what ISU was doing to us in the first half, pick and pop.

Welch didn't impress in the first half but he definitely turned it on. He played great D, stripped the ball a few times, but he's gotta learn to finish or slow it up. Too many times he would force up a shot after getting too far in. He also has a nice stroke on his shot, should do a good job being a consistent shooter.

Dre definitely has the offensive ability. The only problem I have with him is his D, but I won't complain too much about that.

EE was our most consistent player in the first half. Yes, he didn't do good playing 3 pt D, but you shouldn't rely on your center to play 3 pt D IMO. He definitely has good fundamentals all-around and has a good grasp of post offense. Also does a great job boxing out on boards. He could become a great player.

Rodney was hesitant today. He didn't play poorly but he didn't play well. I thought it was evident of his day when Oto was in at the end and not Rodney.

Overall not a great game but I'll take the W. Always improving! That's all that matters.

Oh and the color announcer was awful. Kept saying to run our offense through the guy that is double-teamed. Yes, Trevor should get touches but that is different than running the offense through him.

Great observations. I missed most of the game so these are much appreciated. I was beyond elated to check my phone and see that the Gophs pulled it out. Love the balance and like the fact that this team can win without a major offensive contribution from their best player.6-0 baby!!!

I disagree with the EE comments though. I don't see him as a player that has "great" written all over him. In fact, if he becomes a solid role player I will be happy. From what I understand, he is a great kid though. I just get nervous watching him back peddle, it looks Luke he is going to fall over every time. Poor hands at this point too and he is KIND OF soft. He has a loooooooooong way to go to become great. Just my opinion.

Andre was the guy I most looked forward to playing this season and I'm excited to see his offensive numbers in this one. His foul trouble can easily be didd as he learns what he can and cannot get away with in college

Great observations. I missed most of the game so these are much appreciated. I was beyond elated to check my phone and see that the Gophs pulled it out. Love the balance and like the fact that this team can win without a major offensive contribution from their best player.6-0 baby!!!

I disagree with the EE comments though. I don't see him as a player that has "great" written all over him. In fact, if he becomes a solid role player I will be happy. From what I understand, he is a great kid though. I just get nervous watching him back peddle, it looks Luke he is going to fall over every time. Poor hands at this point too and he is KIND OF soft. He has a loooooooooong way to go to become great. Just my opinion.

Andre was the guy I most looked forward to playing this season and I'm excited to see his offensive numbers in this one. His foul trouble can easily be didd as he learns what he can and cannot get away with in college

No offense, but your analysis of EE is off, which makes sense if you didn't watch the game. EE has improved more than any other player since the start of the season. He is very good at rebounding and takes up a lot of space in the middle. He definitely has a shot to be great by his junior or senior year. He has a lot of basketball in front of him and Tubby says he has a great work ethic. We have a bright future at Center with EE and Mo, whenever Mo gets back.

Elliason has great hands...not sure where that comment came from

I haven't been able to watch a lot of bball this year, but EE was really impressive to me. He's like a better version of Iverson (IMO). He isn't as strong, but he doesn't foul as much, plays with a ton of energy (challenging shots at the rim), has way better hands, flashes on screens, plays helpside defense.

I came way pretty impressed with him.

Wow...I'm actually stunned by these responses. He must have had a monster game today. I certainly wasn't the only one who questioned his Division I ability just a couple weeks ago. His great work ethic will maximize his talent but how much does he really have? I honestly think he lacks basic coordination, but then again, I missed todays game.

Eliason looked very good today. Gotta give the guy a chance to adjust to the college game. I'm sure he'll continue to improve throughout the season. This is why you can't write a guy off after just a couple games.

Wow...I'm actually stunned by these responses. He must have had a monster game today. I certainly wasn't the only one who questioned his Division I ability just a couple weeks ago. His great work ethic will maximize his talent but how much does he really have? I honestly think he lacks basic coordination, but then again, I missed todays game.
It's called butterflies. He was obviously nervous and now he's getting more comfortable. 6 rebounds and 5 points in 1st half, BTW great FT stroke too.

Eliason looked very good today. Gotta give the guy a chance to adjust to the college game. I'm sure he'll continue to improve throughout the season. This is why you can't write a guy off after just a couple games.

Good point. But you also can't call him a future "great" player because of a good half either. I hope Tubby gets this one right. He hasn't exact do.e a stellar job developing players.

Good point. But you also can't call him a future "great" player because of a good half either. I hope Tubby gets this one right. He hasn't exact do.e a stellar job developing players.

I don't think he's going to be "great," but he could certainly turn out to be a solid starter down the road. Kind of depends on your definition of great though I guess.

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