Just saying.....

Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
My wife and I were at a huge auction yesterday in Atkin; probably 500-600 people. I always look at the relation of Gopher gear to Viking gear and then in some cases, talk to them and ask if they are "fans" or just like the clothes/colors. The comments I heard were: " We like Coach Kill, he seems like one of us" This was an older crowd, but still some youngsters in the mid-20's and early 30's.
I would say it was about even in the gear wear between the Vikings and Gophers. Usually when we attend one of these Viking gear out numbers Gopher gear about 2 to 1. Baby steps....

I've noticed even here in Fridley when we are out and about that there is arguably more Gopher gear than Viking gear. Certainly the slump the Vikings are in factors into that along with how close we are to The U. That and I don't necessarily know if they are Gopher football fans or just alums (many alums that don't follow sports, unfortunately).

But, the fact remains that I tend to see more maroon and gold than purple and gold.

I know a clothes supplier in the crosslake area. They sell 10x more Vikings clothes than Gophers clothes in this area.

One sample size, but it is what it is.

Hmm...Stopped by Mills Fleet Farm in Brainerd to look at fish locators
and the Gopher gear/stuff has almost doubled; about the same amount as what they have in Viking wear. Never seen that before.

I can't tell you the last time I went into a convenience store/liquor store here in Alex and saw anything Gophers. A banner with schedule or even a wallet size schedule(like Twins/Vikings) can't be that difficult. Are we not part of 'Gopher Nation'?

The only chance for Gopher football to become more relevant than the Vikings in this state is for 1 of 2 things to happen:

#1 The Gophers go to a Rose Bowl (and even then the Gophers need to follow it up & prove it wasn't a fluke).

#2 The Vikings leave the state.

I hope it's #1.

Most places I've been to (in Minnesota) have had more Packers gear than Gophers.

Based on Fleet Farm in Brainerd, this should be a special season.

Most places I've been to (in Minnesota) have had more Packers gear than Gophers.

Based on Fleet Farm in Brainerd, this should be a special season.

All right, My wife just came back from Kohl's with a black pair of Gopher shorts and a cool Nike Gopher t-shirt. She said they have a great selection!! So Art, I asked her about Packer gear? She said:
"What"? I said there is a guy on the Gopher Hole that says he see more Packer gear at certain outlets in Minnesota than Gopher gear.
She said: "Tell him he is delusional" !!! This comes from a compulsive shopper Art:D

I live in the Metro area. Can't really speak for outstate stores.

I have a friend of a friend who owns a couple of stores in local malls and he said he sells slightly more Packer stuff than Gopher stuff. The single most profitable "event" since he opened the stores roughly 10-12 years ago was Favre signing with the Vikings. Vikings are clearly his top seller with the Twins and Wild being about even. Gophers are next with the T-Wolves bringin' up the rear.

I've noticed even here in Fridley when we are out and about that there is arguably more Gopher gear than Viking gear. Certainly the slump the Vikings are in factors into that along with how close we are to The U. That and I don't necessarily know if they are Gopher football fans or just alums (many alums that don't follow sports, unfortunately).

But, the fact remains that I tend to see more maroon and gold than purple and gold.

Kind of apples and oranges between the two. A lot of parents of alumi wear Gopher gear in addition to the students and alumni, and a lot of people who could care less about the athletics wear the gear because they're proud of the college. And of the ones who say they are football fans, when you ask them what our record was last year tons of them would answer "not good". If you asked them when the last game they went to was they'd say they haven't made it to the Bank yet. If you asked them to name two players on the team it'd be Gray and they couldn't come up with a second. I think until the Gophers are at least relevant to the B1G title for several consecutive years, this will unfortunately be the case. But they will wear maroon and gold regardless.

However, if you wear Vikings gear, you are nearly always a fan of the team. You didn't graduate from Vikings U or play for the Vikings softball team or whatever. So you have no other reason to wear Vikings gear other than to support their football team or satisfy that uncle who insists you wear it, such as me. :)

On a side note - that was one of the things I loved about Teague - he recognizes the untapped market for Gopher support and plans to go after it. Hopefully he gets it done and all the folks wearing maroon and gold will fight to try to attend games, etc.

Most places I've been to (in Minnesota) have had more Packers gear than Gophers.

Based on Fleet Farm in Brainerd, this should be a special season.

not even close to being true. really what you are doing here is just making your usual crap up and being your usual "dick head" self. nothing changes when it comes to "art the fart", does it? more interested in making smart ass comments than adding anything of substance to virtually any discussion. that is all. later art........the fart. :rolleyes:

I live in the Metro area. Can't really speak for outstate stores.

I have a friend of a friend who owns a couple of stores in local malls and he said he sells slightly more Packer stuff than Gopher stuff. The single most profitable "event" since he opened the stores roughly 10-12 years ago was Favre signing with the Vikings. Vikings are clearly his top seller with the Twins and Wild being about even. Gophers are next with the T-Wolves bringin' up the rear.

hard to believe just about anything you "purport" on this site. just saying.

not even close to being true. really what you are doing here is just making your usual crap up and being your usually "dick head". nothing changes when it comes to art the fart, does it? more interested in making smart ass comments than even adding anything of substance to virtually any discussion. that is all. later art. :rolleyes:

What type of substance do you bring?

Superspud is very strange and seems to think he knows everything.

I guess we can't do much about it.

I live in the Metro area. Can't really speak for outstate stores.

I have a friend of a friend who owns a couple of stores in local malls and he said he sells slightly more Packer stuff than Gopher stuff. The single most profitable "event" since he opened the stores roughly 10-12 years ago was Favre signing with the Vikings. Vikings are clearly his top seller with the Twins and Wild being about even. Gophers are next with the T-Wolves bringin' up the rear.
I actually don't find this to be too far-fetched or ridiculous.

NFL rules this town and it's not even close. A lot of people where gopher stuff because there are a lot of alumni.

The Dalai Lama trumps all...the day he wears a Vikings visor, we can have an argument.

Art the fart? What are you.....7 years old? :confused:

Clarity and humor? Yeah....good one.:clap:

I went back and changed my posting while you were doing your response. You are right though my comment was not my proudest moment. But you should understand that.

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