Just for fun. What you like about Northwestern...


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I'll start off. Rather than starting with Location, Location, Location! I will say I really loved dee jaying. Not saying I was/ am good at it, just that I enjoyed it. With that said, I used to love to listen to WNUR(Northwestern's student run(?) radio station). Especially when Devo was on with Rhythm Mechanics.

If you are a house music fan, you'll get it.


Ryan Field/Welsh-Ryan Arena are only 2 miles from my house, and it's really easy to get tickets to see the Gophers at both. Plus the campus is beautiful and Pat Fitzgerald is a good dude.

Good fans and usually tough physical football teams. They are the team that I would like to see the Gophers consistently beat so we can keep moving up the food chain.

they let us score. currently watching the Gophers vs NW year 2000 on Gridiron Classics. We're playing great in the first half. A punt return for a TD and a fake punt for a TD. I really think we might win this one

Good place to see a game, restrooms aside. Gotta admire how, with that very limited enrollment, they stay and compete in the Big Ten. Been a solid series for quite a few years now. Hope Gopher Fans are cheering for a victory.

Beautiful campus, Fitzgerald is a good character coach (Just stop saying Go Cats at the end of EVERY interview), and they have some very nice uniform combos!

Nothing more dangerous than a team of nerds that believes in itself

My favorite road trip. Love the area and can stay downtown.

I respect any team that keeps admissions standards high and can still field a competitive team - Stanford and NW top that list. If you have special programs to admit below average students and then cheat to keep them eligible - I don't give you much respect - Michigan and UNC top that list. In fact, I have heard many, many stories from Wisconsin on how the star players there are not required to attend class, etc. With our own troubled past (mainly in BB), we can't throw many stones. But the thing that I respect the most from the Kill era is the emphasis on putting the 'student' back in student-athlete.

Love their purple uniforms, beautiful campus and as stated earlier they have kept their high academic standards.

Scrappy. I root for them every week in B1G play...unless they're playing MN.

Mostly stuff other people have said - Fitzgerald, Wilbon, location. I really liked the team they had with Damien Anderson and Zak Kustock - the cardiac Cats or whatever.

One thing I don't like is the cat noise that plays after first downs.

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One thing I don't like is the cat noise that plays after first downs.

LOL. When I need a victory on road trips I call on jNU, but man I hate that stupid sound effect. Can't believe they still do that.

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I once had a liaison with a Nortwestern coed who seemed to be a Wildcat.

One thing I don't like is the cat noise that plays after first downs.

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I really enjoy and appreciate it. After every first down, I tell my wife as she is smiling and shaking her head that it's a tribute to her. Rawr!

Fitzgerald is a great Coach. We should be so lucky.

It's an easy and quick flight to Chicago, and (unlike crappy little Big 10 towns like iowa city, madison, and State College), there are plenty of great hotel options in downtown Chicago. From downtown, it's easy to get to the game on the train. After the game, it's always fun to go to the Big 10 bars in Wrigleyville and watch more college football. Other than that ... nothing really.

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