Just a question


Active member
Nov 12, 2008
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If the Vikes use a blanket to keep the field warm, who gets to keep it after the 2 years? (All football fields are the same size--- so there probably would be a market for it)

Just a thought-

So we could sell it and put that money toward a practice facility?

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So we could sell it and put that money toward a practice facility?

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Not sure what the resale value on a used stadium heating blanket is but yeah I would assume that after the Vikings move out it would be up to the University to decide what to do with it assuming they go that route. Clearly the Vikes won't need it at their new place.

If you use heating coils don't you also cover the field? I would think a cover that included heating elements of some kind would be much more difficult to move around and store.

Not sure what the resale value on a used stadium heating blanket is but yeah I would assume that after the Vikings move out it would be up to the University to decide what to do with it assuming they go that route. Clearly the Vikes won't need it at their new place.

put that sucker up on ebay!

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