Judd says Badger fans don't consider Minnesota a rival

I live and work in WI and the moment people learn I'm from MN and a MN fan they constantly trash talk. They usually shut up when I ask them how much PT they get

You should change your name to GophersInWisconsin. It's worked for the Iowa Gopher Guy!

What I don't understand is the "near the same level" portion of the tweet...we literally played them for the division championship on the last week of the season last year, and lost a hard-fought road game (with our star RB gimpy). It is tough to be on more similar of a level than that.

There's a difference between a 'threat' and a 'rivalry'. Wisconsin clearly (and rightly) doesn't see Minnesota as much of a threat when they look at their schedule, since Mn has been down so long. So you kind of have to flip it around. While WI might rather beat Michigan State than Minnesota, I guarantee you a loss to Minnesota would hurt far more than a loss to, say, Indiana or Illinois, even though a loss to Minnesota would be more 'understandable' at this point.

There's a difference between a 'threat' and a 'rivalry'. Wisconsin clearly (and rightly) doesn't see Minnesota as much of a threat when they look at their schedule, since Mn has been down so long. So you kind of have to flip it around. While WI might rather beat Michigan State than Minnesota, I guarantee you a loss to Minnesota would hurt far more than a loss to, say, Indiana or Illinois, even though a loss to Minnesota would be more 'understandable' at this point.

I agree with this post. When Wisconsin plays Michigan st there usually ranked close or ahead of Wisconsin. So the Badgers have something too gain by winning. When they play Minnesota in either sport there 99.9% ranked ahead of the Gophers so the Badgers only have something to lose and nothing to gain.

I think you should change your moniker to 414troll

Yep - He is definitely a troll. Like Pantherbird he starts off relatively innocuous and as time passes his true troll nature becomes very obvious.

Yep - He is definitely a troll. Like Pantherbird he starts off relatively innocuous and as time passes his true troll nature becomes very obvious.

My favorite part of 414 Trolls post was his 99.9% statistic and his "Century of dominance". Just for starters, the Axe has a 59–57–8 in favor of Minnesota.

He claims to be from Milwaukee, but I'm betting he lives in his parents basement in Cudahy.

My favorite part of 414 Trolls post was his 99.9% statistic and his "Century of dominance". Just for starters, the Axe has a 59–57–8 in favor of Minnesota.

He claims to be from Milwaukee, but I'm betting he lives in his parents basement in Cudahy.

Thanks for the laugh. We couldn't make up anything as bizarre and funny as what 414 Troll posts here.

As long as we have badger fans trolling our board in the guise of Gopher fans(414), I think we still qualify as a rival. By the way, I think OSU just scored again...

Tell that to Rhys Lloyd when he ran 50 yards to grab the Ax and chop the Badgers down a notch. This will continue to be a rivalry and the Badgers fans that say it isn't are hiding the fact that the Gophers program is on the rise and the Ax will be West of the Mississippi sooner than later.

Would someone stick a chair-leg in the eye socket of a non-rival? Enough said.

What makes a rivalry is when you look forward to playing them regardless of record.
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Judd's right on our programs not being on the same level. The Skunks need to win say 4 or 5 Nattys before I would even think of holding them in the same regard.;)

I don't consider Wiskonsin a state. It's part of that wasteland between Minnesota and Bermuda.

When I was a kid, I never looked at the packers, badger hoops, or badger football as a rivalry.

I always looked at them as fresh meat. I didn't even dislike the packers. I pitied them.

It all goes in cycles.

That it true but this has been one hell of a down cycle for Gopher hoops, Gopher football and Viking football vs Badger hoops, Badger football and Packer football. Hopefully the Gophers turn it around some day.

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