Jordan Murphy's attitude


Mar 25, 2014
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Nate Mason gets a lot of love for being the team leader, but I am so impressed by Jordan Murphy. Let's his play speak for himself. When he does need to talk, like a post-game interview, he is cogent and says the right things.

On the floor, I love his demeanor. Cares about his teammates. Gets on them when they mess up, calms them down when they get a bad foul call.

The epitome of this was during the Alabama game.. Immediately after the "brawl" the refs convened to talk about the Bama bench leaving their designated area. Our team's composure was terrible. McBrayer was emotional. We had just given up 7 free points in one possession (4 free throws from the technical foul calls, then the ensuing 3 pointer).

Then the refs came over to Pitino to explain the result of the "brawl" -- that Bama's entire bench was going to get ejected. Pitino walked over to the players, who were huddled up, to inform them what was about to happen. Murphy immediately starts clapping and hollering because he knew any momentum Bama had just shifted back to the Gophers. The entire team took Murphy's que, and started clapping with him.

Murphy is the MVP of this team not because he is the most talented, but because everyone of our players looks up to him as the big-brother figure. So happy to have him on our squad.

EDIT: I embedded the video so that you should see Murphy's response about 10 seconds in
EDIT 2: Not really reliable this embed

Start the video at the 12:20 mark and try to explain to me what the guy in the yellow is going to try to do? Jumps over the barrier and basically walks onto the court like he was going to hop in. What a joke.

Pitino mentioned on KFAN today that people were being ejected from the crowd. I hadn't heard that previously. Maybe the guy in the yellow jumpsuit was one of them.

I see a lot of Tim Duncan in Murphy's demeanor. The big brother feel Jordan has with this team comes off very similar to the way it was with Duncan and the Spurs for a long time. With Murph being from the San Antonio area and having similar ties to the Virgin Islands that Duncan has i'm sure he was someone he looked up to growing up. He's very low key and workmanlike in the way he plays and carries himself. He has a quiet confidence that the team has as well. Like you said he has a way with talking guys through games which is a trait in players that's hard to find.

Pitino mentioned on KFAN today that people were being ejected from the crowd. I hadn't heard that previously. Maybe the guy in the yellow jumpsuit was one of them.

There was a point in the broadcast where you could see cops in the stands.

Start the video at the 12:20 mark and try to explain to me what the guy in the yellow is going to try to do? Jumps over the barrier and basically walks onto the court like he was going to hop in. What a joke.

Probably getting a phone out to shoot video. Better angle down there.

Bet he had it in portrait mode too. Filthy amateur.

I know a guy that was at the games for the weekend, and 3 NBA scouts from 3 different teams were sitting right in front of them during the Bama game. After the game he asked one of the scouts "What did you think"? And he pointed to a sheet he had and said "I came here to watch these 2 guys" and pointed to the names of Mason and Coffey, and then added, "but I really liked that Irish guy", meaning Murphy.

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