Joining the Big Ten Would Fix Notre Dame's Playoff Problem


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per The Big Lead:

No one should be holding their breath on the Irish going against tradition and become like everyone else. They have their reasons and they’re good ones. They may outweigh the desire to win national championships in football. If they don’t, strong consideration should be given to calling an audible.

South Bend is right in the heart of the Big Ten footprint. Three of the Irish’s traditional rivals are within driving distance. The conference is in the midst of a resurgence thanks to Urban Meyer, Mark Dantonio and Jim Harbaugh. Some of the joking slights have lost their zing as the gulf between the top of the Big Ten and SEC has seemingly shrunk (at least at the top).

The timing is right for Notre Dame to finally do what many college football fans have wanted them to do.

It’s easy to see the football reasons for such a move. In addition to gaining the ability to add a conference crown to their resume, Notre Dame would get yearly matchups with Michigan, Michigan State and Ohio State. A static crossover game against Purdue would ensure the continuation of three rivalry games and provide flexibility for the nonconference schedule. Louisville could be added to even up the divisions.

Playing in the Big Ten East means a reliably strong strength of schedule, especially if Penn State finds a way to return to its former glory. Whomever emerges from this division will be playing for a surefire invite to the playoff in the conference championship every year. Escaping the gauntlet undefeated by afford the victor a spot in the final four even if they lose the title game to the Big Ten West representative.

There are off-field considerations. Notre Dame already competes in the ACC and the talent-rich states the conference covers. The ACC offers a title game with fewer traditional powers standing in the way every year. Adding a fourth power to the Big Ten East would put pressure to balance with a similar addition to the West. Luring Texas up north is a tall, perhaps impossible order.

Playing in the Big Ten would also erode and dull the unicorn’s horn. If for some reason Notre Dame was unable to compete for the conference crown for a prolonged period, it would be crushing to its public perception.

Notre Dame bleeds tradition. This would seem to be a solution that addresses a need while speaking to tradition. The university should ask itself if they’d gain more by this arrangement than they’d lose.

Go Gophers!!

As far as playoffs goes they have a losing problem.....

Other than that ND loves playing a variety of teams across conferences. It is their thing. They wouldn't be ND if they joined the Big Ten whole hog.

And if they wanted an partal Big Ten membership like they have with the ACC with the Big Ten... I'd say no.

Hey Notre Dame:


It all depends on what Notre Dame wants to do & what their goal is.

If their goal is to win a football championship, they should join a conference full time. This would most likely buck some of their traditional games, whether they joined the ACC of B10.

If their goal is about playing around the country each & every year & independence, then it's probably wise to leave any national championship aspirations.

I don't know what they should do. Some of their alumni are probably ok with not winning a title again & keeping independence as theirs. But some want it both ways & I don't know if it's possible anymore. The 2012 season was more the exception than the rule. A lot had to go right for them that year.

Joining the ACC, they would have 4 OOC games.

and a rotation of Michigan/MSU/Purdue/Northwestern

That should please the alumni.

Joining the ACC, they would have 4 OOC games.

and a rotation of Michigan/MSU/Purdue/Northwestern

That should please the alumni.

Nowhere near as lucrative as B1G membership. They could then play USC and Stanford every year and rotate the third OOC to their liking. Question for B1G is then who else to add.

Joining the ACC, they would have 4 OOC games.

and a rotation of Michigan/MSU/Purdue/Northwestern

That should please the alumni.

If they were to join the ACC, I'd see them dropping 2 of those games. Probably Stanford & the Big Ten option. They'd keep USC because of the rivalry & Navy because of the history/loyalty involved with the 2 programs, how Navy pretty much helped keep Notre Dame afloat when they were having rough times & played them.

The ND hockey move to the Big Ten was interesting for the conference. But I'd be surprised if Notre Dame ever joined the B10 for football.

ND will probably just wait until the playoof is expanded to 8 (and beyond).

They would become the fourth or fifth best team in the B1G East. I don't think their fan's egos could take that.

Most years, if Notre Dame only loses one regular season game, they would be in the playoff IMO. Joining a conference would help a little but it's not like their a group of 5 conference team. They always play a tough schedule and usually would control their own destiny.

ND had their chance to join the league, and they passed.

Screw em.

We as fans say that, but chance are pretty high that if they came to the conference & said "we want in, including football," the Big Ten would say yes.

We as fans say that, but chance are pretty high that if they came to the conference & said "we want in, including football," the Big Ten would say yes.

Full membership? No ACC halfway stuff?

If they offered that yeah I think the B1G would take them.

Didn't they sign some contract that if they join a conference for football in the next 20 years it has to be ACC? I remember something about that within the last year. Something about TV money

Full membership? No ACC halfway stuff?

If they offered that yeah I think the B1G would take them.

Yes, I read it that's the premise of the article, all in. Wouldn't see B1G entertaining anything but that, and would say yes pretty quickly.

Notre Dame will never share their TV revenue for Football with that contract with NBC. That is why even though geographically it makes sense for them to join the Big 10 conference they never will. They don't want to share the revenue from that giant TV contract, that and the contract they have with the ACC for the other sports I believe indicates if they chose to join a conference for Football they have to give the ACC first crack.

Notre Dame will never share their TV revenue for Football with that contract with NBC. That is why even though geographically it makes sense for them to join the Big 10 conference they never will. They don't want to share the revenue from that giant TV contract, that and the contract they have with the ACC for the other sports I believe indicates if they chose to join a conference for Football they have to give the ACC first crack.

As discussed in other threads, that contract is not gigantic, it's $15M/year. ND received $6.2M from the ACC last year. The 11 longtime members of B1G got $32.4M in annual distributions last year before the new TV deals. Those yearly distributions are now pegged at $50M.

Dear Notre Dame,

Congrats on being an exceptional institution of higher education. Your traditions, inflated AP rankings over the years, questionable Heisman trophy winners, and mystique are not only admirable but also impressive.

Having said that, under the current setup, you may never see the National Championship game again.

Every College Football Fan Cheering Against You

Most years, if Notre Dame only loses one regular season game, they would be in the playoff IMO. Joining a conference would help a little but it's not like their a group of 5 conference team. They always play a tough schedule and usually would control their own destiny.

Exactly. Their playoff problem is they went 8-5 and 10-3 the last two years.

Dear Notre Dame,

Congrats on being an exceptional institution of higher education. Your traditions, inflated AP rankings over the years, questionable Heisman trophy winners, and mystique are not only admirable but also impressive.

Having said that, under the current setup, you may never see the National Championship game again.

Every College Football Fan Cheering Against You


Yes, I read it that's the premise of the article, all in. Wouldn't see B1G entertaining anything but that, and would say yes pretty quickly.

Yeah that's the deal the B1G would make immediately.... and also why it won't ever happen.

I would trade Rutgers and MD to the ACC for ND and a school to be named later. :)

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