John Wooden


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Aug 11, 2009
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I was absolutely blown away when I read this. I had no idea he was a phone call away from coming to coach at MN.

Wooden, of course, is almost synonymous with UCLA. But here's the amazing thing. At the time he was offered the UCLA job, he was also in the running to become head coach in Minnesota, which was closer to home for him. There were some complications with the Minnesota position, though, which he wanted to get straightened out first. They said they'd call by 6 p.m. with the details of his final offer. UCLA was due to call at 7.

Minnesota didn't call, so when UCLA called, Wooden said yes to his second choice.

As he hung up the phone, it rang, and it was Minnesota. A blizzard had knocked out all the phone lines, so they had been unable to get through, but now they were offering everything he had asked for.

Had I been able to terminate my agreement with UCLA in an honorable fashion, I would have done so immediately. But I had given my word just a few minutes before.

If fate had not intervened, I would never had gone to UCLA. But my dad's little set of threes served me well: "Don't whine. Don't complain. Don't make excuses."...

I believe that things are directed in some sort of way. I'm not exactly sure how. I also believe that things turn out the best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.

I love John Wooden.... thats story is so crazy can't believe Wooden could have coached the gophs

I love John Wooden.... thats story is so crazy can't believe Wooden could have coached the gophs

He liked the Big 10. He also tried to get released from his UCLA contract in 1951 to take the Purdue coaching job. UCLA would not release him.

Several years ago, a friend of mine attended a function here in town where Wooden was the speaker. My friend had an opportunity to speak with Wooden at some point during the evening. My friend asked him something to the effect of "Mr. Wooden, I've often heard the story about how you almost became the coach here at Minnesota. How true is it?"

Wooden replied, again I'm paraphrasing, "Well, have you been to Southern California in the winter? And, of course, you've been to Minnesota in the winter. Where would you rather be?"

I don't doubt that he indeed may have taken the job at the U, but John Wooden was (is) a pretty shrewd guy and there may have been more to that decision than just a snowstorm.

Wouldn't that have been something? Instead of the Wizard of Westwood, Coach could have been the Wizard of Williams?

yeah that would have been nice, i have heard that story before but i wonder what kind of talent he could of gotten

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