JoePa in Outback bowl today


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Anyone notice the looks of utter confusion by Joe Paterno today? They kept showing him on camera and I was worried the guy had no idea where he was. If he comes back next year they may need to keep a leash on him so he doesn't wander off. Fantastic coach who deserves every honor, but he needs to retire...

He was still coaching on New Years Day. Joe Pa knows what is going on and still actively coaches.

Any one notice his sweater? It was standard Polo and not a Penn st sweater. Doesn't the ncaa have some regs on this?

Any one notice his sweater? It was standard Polo and not a Penn st sweater. Doesn't the ncaa have some regs on this?

I was wondering about this too. It wasn't even really the Penn State blue.

His halftime interview was incredible. He had one or two salient thoughts, but when he started meandering I was wondering if he was talking about this game or one that happened years ago.

It was awesome. Regardless of the cluelessness (if that is a word) it does add charm and entertainment. He is without a doubt good for the game.

Any one notice his sweater? It was standard Polo and not a Penn st sweater. Doesn't the ncaa have some regs on this?

These rules may not apply to him-he was probably great great grandfathered in.

I especially liked the end of the first half when JoePa was distracting the asst coach who was sending in the play so much that they ended up having to burn a timeout. JoePa looked totally confused, and the asst coach looked extremely annoyed. And then they end up running a pretty basic play that definitely did not need a timeout to set up.

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